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Old November 1st, 2005, 05:11 PM   #1771
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not a fix for your problem, but you are aware that re-rendering mpeg2 like that will ruin the quality, right?

mainconcept has an mpeg plugin that is supposed to not re-render, but it's pricey... are your project framerate settings the same as the vob was encoded at?
Dan Euritt is offline  
Old November 1st, 2005, 05:45 PM   #1772
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Yeah I am aware that vobs are mpeg and re-rendering can be ugly. I actually had to name the extensions .mpeg in order to get them to work in premiere. I was just trying to tie them together and output to .avi so I can use later. I told premiere to not recompress, or leave as is, but that didn't seem to work...

The project and code settings are the same as I burned the DVD str8 from premiere using the same project template. Scratching my head on this one...
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Old November 1st, 2005, 06:22 PM   #1773
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Hi Ben,

I don't have an answer for you but I'd definitely be interested in one. I use an XL2, PPro 1.5 and a DVStorm 2 and would love to edit in 24p.

Let me know if you find anything out and I'll do the same.


Matthew Ebenezer is offline  
Old November 2nd, 2005, 02:16 PM   #1774
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VirtualDub and DVD2AVI will both reconvert mpg/VOB to AVI. As previously mentioned, not nearly the quality of the original AVI. Of the two mentioned, I think VirtualDub does a better job.
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Old November 2nd, 2005, 03:02 PM   #1775
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taking it to avi and then to mpeg2 again is re-rendering the footage twice... that is a worst case scenario.

i would encode the vob straight off of the premiere timeline into the final mpeg2, see if it makes a quality difference... leave out the avi intermediate step.
Dan Euritt is offline  
Old November 2nd, 2005, 03:15 PM   #1776
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Actually, the answer was to add a small amount of yellow to the white text and change it to sans serif. Now it looks stellar!

Thanks for all of the responses here!
B-Scene Films
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Old November 2nd, 2005, 03:18 PM   #1777
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Capturing second audio channel

Hello there,
My question is quite simple. Can Adobe Premiere Pro 7 capture two different audio input channels ?
I have an on board mic connected and also a tie clip mic connected to audio 2 on the side of the handle of my Canon xl1s. I set the camera to 12 bit stereo 1 + 2 and I can toggle between the two audio settings and they both register on the lcd display. The first attempt reviewing the capture, only recorded the on board mic ? Any help will be appreciated. I hope I dont have to go to an external program like scenalyzer just to record two audio channels. That sounds crazy !
Chris J Martin is offline  
Old November 2nd, 2005, 04:34 PM   #1778
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hmmm. I am trying to get a useable avi for later use. As later I will take that avi and make wmv, rm, mov, and mpg clips out of portions of the whole. I'll try going str8 to mpeg from the timeline, maybe that will at least solve the out of sequence and time sync issues.

Thanks for the help thus far.
Marco Wagner is offline  
Old November 2nd, 2005, 07:21 PM   #1779
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Originally Posted by Chris J Martin
Hello there,
My question is quite simple. Can Adobe Premiere Pro 7 capture two different audio input channels ?
I have an on board mic connected and also a tie clip mic connected to audio 2 on the side of the handle of my Canon xl1s. I set the camera to 12 bit stereo 1 + 2 and I can toggle between the two audio settings and they both register on the lcd display. The first attempt reviewing the capture, only recorded the on board mic ? Any help will be appreciated. I hope I dont have to go to an external program like scenalyzer just to record two audio channels. That sounds crazy !
You mean Premiere Pro 1.0, right? Either way it is the same in 1.5, it can only capture one mic source at a time. Scenalyzer Live is the way I capture from my XL-1 or VX2100, it is a great DV capture/organizer/backup app anyway. If you want to only use Premiere, I think you have to capture your footage twice to get the audio from both mic sources, and change the camera settings to the audio source you want to capture. You should make an feature request through if you are outraged at this limitation. I have to use Scenalyer Live anyway to make XL-1 footage's video/audio stay in sync during capturing (a known issue), but I have grown to depend on this app for all my DV capture and DV video backup which is a lot in my case.
Jim Gunn is offline  
Old November 2nd, 2005, 10:57 PM   #1780
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Failed Video Frame???

Newbie here. I have finished working on a project in Premiere Pro 1.5 and am attempting to export it to mpeg2 (still VERY new at this) for playback on dvd. Its 30 mins of movie.

In any case, I continue to get this error:

"Adobe Premiere Pro Failed to Return a Video Frame. Cancelling the Operation"

This happens at approx 17% of the rendering process. What the heck am I doing wrong? How can I fix this? How do I determine where the failed frame is exactly? And what do I do once I find it?

Sorry for the list of questions.

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Old November 3rd, 2005, 12:30 AM   #1781
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Filters within Premier to compensate look for XL2

I recently shot a few weddings and I used a Canon ZR90 as my b-cam to capture some cut away shots while I was zooming in or changing my shot composition with the a-cam. Well obviously, the 1ccd chip camcorder is a whole lot different in comparision to the XL2. I've messed with the color correction and brightness/contrast filters within Premiere. Are there any filters or plug-ins I can download "hopefully for free" that would help with this issue of getting the b-cam look as close to the a-cam look as possible?

Thank you for your time and thoughts.

Josh Woll
JW Productions
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Old November 3rd, 2005, 07:03 AM   #1782
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Thanks for the straight answer Jim. If I was to go with scenalyzer what is the procedure ? Do I capture everything with it then import to adobe. I have just downloaded this so am looking to get my dual audio into premiere. The strain is showing, yes it is pro 1.0 !
Thanks again
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Old November 3rd, 2005, 08:34 AM   #1783
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Output Problems - Size and Quality

I have ripped some of my video off of a DVD burned by a real-time DVD recorder. The 16 minute file is about 220MB, but it has about 40 seconds of dead space in the beginning that I have to get rid of.

I put the video on the timeline, got rid of the initial 40 seconds and exported the movie as an AVI file with the same Codec used in the source file (MS MPG 4 V1).

My problem is that the resulting video file is 50% larger (350MB) and the quality is horrible. There is streaking on the motion grahpics that make it truly unwatchable.

I am really confused as to how the same codec with the same data can produce such wildly different outputs.

Any ideas?

Anyone know how I could just chop the first 40 seconds off the file and leave the rest the same?

Thanks in advance.
Barry Gribble
Integral Arts, IMDB
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Old November 3rd, 2005, 11:58 AM   #1784
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Premiere Pro 1.5 – 3D flip transition parameter

The ‘Flip’ 3D transition has a default background colo[u]r of mid gray. By double clicking on the transition, it is possible to set this to background to another color. Rather than having to reset every transition individually, is there a way to change the default color used by Flip?


Ken E. Williams is offline  
Old November 3rd, 2005, 02:15 PM   #1785
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Premiere capturing only 10 seconds of HDV

I've been using my 2.66Ghz laptop to attempt capture of HDV video from my FX1 with Premiere. I am only getting about ten second captures maximum, with only 8 seconds or so of clean video/audio. After ten seconds or so, the clip cuts off no matter how long I've been capturing. That is, a two-minute capture will act as if it has captured the full 2 minutes, but the captured file will only be ten seconds long with a/v dropouts, pixelation and noise during the last few seconds of the clip. Some of my captures are only maxing out at 4 or 5 seconds regardless of how long I actually captured.

The clean part of the capture looks great and plays back in realtime. I have 512MB of RAM on this computer. It almost seems that the capture is just filling up memory and cutting off when it is full rather than writing it to the hard drive on the fly. I could upgrade the memory to 2GB, but would this just increase my captures to ~40 seconds?

When the video plays back in Premiere's preview window before the capture is started, the video and audio is jerky and there is a long lag between what is playing on the camera and what is playing in the capture preview window. When the capture starts the preview window goes blank (as expected).

I was skeptical that this computer would handle HD and I am planning on purchasing a new dedicated editing PC, but if I can get this to work then I might be able to hold off on dropping $1k on a new computer for a while.
Dan Robinson is offline  
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