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Old October 26th, 2005, 09:02 PM   #1726
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This calls for Director...

If you have director, export as an mov file that fits the disk and build a quick score.
If no director, then use the media encoder and export at a reasonable compression as a wmv file. Let media player play it.
If you have a video cd program this will easily fit at 4 minutes.
Since this is for broad distribution, why not a dvd?
Jimmy McKenzie is offline  
Old October 26th, 2005, 09:44 PM   #1727
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try exporting it at 320 X 240 and maybe drop the audio settings to 32khz. That you give you a smaller file size. Let us know how it goes.
ChorizoSmells Video
Barrio Tamatsukuri, Osaka, JAPAN
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Old October 26th, 2005, 09:56 PM   #1728
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Originally Posted by Rik Sanchez
try exporting it at 320 X 240 and maybe drop the audio settings to 32khz. That you give you a smaller file size. Let us know how it goes.
i have been using the 32khz....
i've tryed quick time, windows media, microsoft avi, avi dv.. etc etc

its to quick of notice for dvd. he needs like 50 copies...
Patrick Smith is offline  
Old October 26th, 2005, 10:03 PM   #1729
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What export setting are you using now? What size are you exporting it at?
ChorizoSmells Video
Barrio Tamatsukuri, Osaka, JAPAN
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Old October 26th, 2005, 10:36 PM   #1730
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Periodic a/v freezing during export to tape

I'm having a problem that I thought someone here might have encountered before.

I'm trying to export full-screen DV AVI video from the computer back to MiniDV tape via Firewire. I'm using Premiere Pro 1.5 on WinXP and exporting to a TRV900 MiniDV cam. At random intervals, anywhere from every few minutes to a few seconds, the video and audio freezes up momentarily during export, as if another program is running in the background and hogging CPU.

The strange thing about this is that I have been doing this for all of three years with no problems, and now all of a sudden I'm seeing this freezing issue.

Here are the puzzling details:

- The problem happens on BOTH of my computers, 2.4Ghz laptop and 1.2Ghz desktop.

- No new software has been installed on either machine.

- Premiere is only using 35% of the CPU during the export when the freezing happens.

- Premiere is set to 'play back video on DV hardware only', not on the desktop.

- I notice the problem happens more with video of lightning strikes (rapidly alternating bright/dark frames) and video with a lot of fast motion, but it happens with all video from time to time.

- The problem happens both when recording to a MiniDV tape or doing a 'pass through' to a VCR.

Thanks for any info anyone can provide!
Dan Robinson is offline  
Old October 26th, 2005, 11:24 PM   #1731
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Movie Maker

If you are using Windows XP it comes with a free program called Movie Maker. Try using the codecs there to export your movie. it's a very good encoding although a bit of a quality loss but barrebale for your situation.

We MD people gotta stick together :)
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Old October 27th, 2005, 03:24 AM   #1732
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H264 Codec vs Sorenson - Brighter Footage?


I am using premiere pro to render out a movie. However there is a significant brightness difference between encoding with H264 and Sorenson? The H264 is always noticibly brighter than the Sorenson version. The Sorenson version looks correct!

Has anyone else experienced such strange behaviour?


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Old October 27th, 2005, 06:32 AM   #1733
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Yup, I have. In addition to the great difficulty with QT bit rate settings that many others have noted, when I did test renders, QT files came out substantially brighter and with less color saturation than WMV or AVI -- and the aspect ratio settings also seemed squirrelly. Sorry, I can't remember if Sorenson did the same thing, but if so that would hint that it is a problem with the interaction of QT and Adobe Media Encoder.

I've never been interested in QT, but since so many folks on DVinfo do use it I gave the free version of QT7 a try. I wonder if we pony up the $30 for the Pro version if the rendering process will be better, either within Adobe Media Encoder or a stand-alone rendering engine (eg output uncompressed AVI out of PPro to use as a source for QT7 rendering)?
Pete Bauer
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Old October 27th, 2005, 11:01 AM   #1734
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Optical detection isn't available in version 1.0, and it's not listed among the new features of 1.5. Someone with version 1.5, correct me if I'm wrong.

Personally, I use Scenalyzer for capturing. It's hassle free and includes optical detection. Also, you can split scenes in Scenalyzer.
John Bennett is offline  
Old October 27th, 2005, 03:16 PM   #1735
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i have not noticed any gamma issues with the nero h.264 encoder, but ymmv... at $60 vs. $30(?) for qt pro, your money would be much better spent with the nero package, if you really want to do h.264.
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Old October 27th, 2005, 06:50 PM   #1736
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does premiere always need to conform?

Is this required? I have around 60gb + worth of footage to bring in and its conforming every single clip, its ridiculously lagging my computer when premiere is on. Is this a necessary thing to do? How do i turn it off, if possible..
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Old October 27th, 2005, 07:30 PM   #1737
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not to mention, its eating up over 28 gb of diskspace!!! please help
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Old October 27th, 2005, 07:52 PM   #1738
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You can't turn it off. Here's a little more info in an existing thread:

There is also a FAQ on the Adobe PPro support forum:

You have to register (free, real time) to access it, but I believe that in addition to a daily dose of DVinfo, everyone who has licensed software ought to be cruising the vendor's support pages every now and then for upgrades, tips, and troubleshooting.

The delay has never been much of a bother me. But there's been quite a few who do complain about the conforming delay, so hopefully Adobe will address it in the next release.
Pete Bauer
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Old October 27th, 2005, 09:12 PM   #1739
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weird... for me it's the exact opposite. AVI comes out washed out, while quicktime comes out correctly (with the exception of H264, which comes out wsahed out as well)
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Old October 27th, 2005, 10:08 PM   #1740
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that really bites that you can't turn it off.. its even worse for me because im wasting all this time "conforming" when my true audio is imported from a HIMD... Instead i'm sittin here with hours worth of conforming to do, as i have 20 hours worth of tape... Ridiculous...
Spike Spiegel is offline  
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