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Old October 5th, 2005, 11:11 AM   #1621
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Thank you for the replies. My computer meets or exceeds the system requirements. It have 1gb DDR ram, 1.8ghz processor, 781mhz front side bus, and 131gb of hard disk space. The hardrive is a 300gb Maxtor one-touch and it is 7200 rpm. It is connected via usb 2.0, which I believe has a speed around 480 mbps. Fortunately, when I export the video to tape, it says "render audio before export?", and I do. From there it works fine. However, it is still a big anoyance because it makes it difficult to tell if the narration and music are in the right places.


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Old October 5th, 2005, 12:06 PM   #1622
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don't know if it's relevant, but some people believe that you should always put a black leader onto the beginning of the dvd, at least 3 seconds long? do it within premiere, then have premiere do the encoding to mpeg2... make it all one long clip, you should then be able to import the mpeg2 to your dvd encoding app and assign chapter breaks to it there.
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Old October 5th, 2005, 12:45 PM   #1623
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Need RAID Advice w/ PPro 105

Need an honest, down to earth assessment from seasoned PPro 1.5 users concerning Premierer Pro 1.5 and a RAID 0 setup.

Question #1: Is the speed increase with RAID 0 worth the chance of losing everything if a hard drive crashes? I am using five, internal 250 gig hard drives for data only. Should I just use the scratch disk feature in Premiere Pro 1.5 and use a separate hard drive for vidcaps/audcaps vid previews/audpreviews conformed audio?

Question #2: If I decide to use RAID 0, how does that affect the way I set up scratch disks?
Interesting, if true. And interesting anyway.
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Old October 5th, 2005, 01:20 PM   #1624
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RE Question #1: No, in my opinion. The more hard drives you throw into a RAID 0, the greater the odds of a failure. At one time I had a RAID 0 setup for video editing, and lost files when one of the drives went south (since the data is striped across two or more hard drives, you lose everything when one fails). Since then I've stayed away from RAID 0. DV doesn't need the speed increase. I'm not sure that HDV does, either.

Of course, you should really have a backup solution in place for your video projects, regardless of whether or not you are using RAID 0. I finally implemented one myself (it took me long enough!).

RE Question #2: Your OS will see the RAIDed drives as a single hard drive, so there won't be anything special you will need to do in Premiere Pro.
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Old October 5th, 2005, 02:17 PM   #1625
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Thank you, Christopher, for this response and the one from the Editing on the PC thread.
Interesting, if true. And interesting anyway.
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Old October 6th, 2005, 07:10 AM   #1626
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Thanks, I will give it a try.

What is currently the best software for authoring and burning, for a reasonable price? Somethiíng that works well with Premiere?

Cheers Petr
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Old October 6th, 2005, 09:21 AM   #1627
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I actually use RAID 0 and non-raid. All SATA of course.

Anyways, my original raw footage is on a 500GB Hitachi SATA II drive. My export scratch disks, and previews on a RAID 0 two 250GB Sata Drives. While my audio conforms on a a Single 80GB 10K Sata Drive.

So in this case, I have never had a problem and if they raid goes south, all is not lost as the original footage is on the non-raid. For me it's a huge difference in rendering because of the RAID 0 vs. Rendering to a non-raid scratch disk.

Pent D 3.2Ghz
2GB DDR2-667
OS Drive: 2x74GB Raptors (Raid 0)
Media: 500GB Hitachi SATA II
Render/Export: 2x250GB (RAID 0)
Audio Drive: 80GB 10K SATA drive (Audition and Premiere Use)
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Old October 6th, 2005, 09:23 AM   #1628
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Originally Posted by Shaughan Flynn
I am curious - In using Premiere, is it possible to select a section of a frame and add an effect just to the selected region (i.e. blown out sky in otherwise well exposed scene)? Or is this only done in After Effects?


You would be much happier doing it in AE and Keyframing the mask along the motion..:)
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Old October 6th, 2005, 09:24 AM   #1629
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My 3 systems have 3 different types..

Matrox P650 AGP
GeForce 6800 PCI-E
GeForce GTX-7800 PCI-E (It doubles as my gaming system..) :)
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Old October 6th, 2005, 09:26 AM   #1630
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Originally Posted by Kevin Janisch
Well, the problem I'm experiencing is rather consistent. On short audio clips, say 1-2 minutes, the audio files update after tweaking in Audition (using edit original after render and replace). But when I work on a 20min clip in audition and do the save as, and go back into Premiere, I can see that the file is conforming, but after it is done, the audio clip is still the same. I waited for 5 minutes but still the old unmodified clip. If I save the project and close it and reopen it, the new audio file is present. Any ideas?

Save problem I have run into as a recent.. I found that if you have the options to perform a mandatory flush upon savings it would occur with me.. The other workaround, is once its conformed delete it from the timeline and put the Audition created file now over in your project list in it's place.. That has never failed me yet..

Although, after it conforms I have also selected edit original again and then just closed audition after it opened and the new one appeared in the timeline.
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Old October 6th, 2005, 09:33 AM   #1631
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Originally Posted by Adam Woodworth
Hi all,

I'm a little stumped on preview render speeds in Premiere Pro 1.5. I'm new to Premiere.

When I use Vegas and apply a Magic Bullet film effect to a video clip, I can resize the preview window to a small size, say 25%, and set the preview quality to draft mode. The resulting preview render occurs in real-time. It's pixelated heavily, but that's ok -- it means I can apply a number of video effects and still play them back in real time to get an idea of what they look like.

However, in Premiere Pro 1.5 I'm having trouble getting the same performance. When I apply a Magic Bullet film effect to a video clip, set the preview monitor to 25% size, and force the preview quality to draft or leave it on auto, it still plays back quite slow and choppy. Eventually it catches up and renders to memory most of the frames and plays back smoother, but in Vegas it plays back smooth and real-time right from the start.

I have noticed that the preview window in Premiere, even when at 25% and draft quality, still is not pixelated like my small draft window in Vegas. As if Premiere just isn't going low-resolution enough to render in real time.

Anyone have any tips?

Adam Woodworth
I have some magic bullet stuff, and well You just have to render it.. When I first got it, I thought this is cool and worth the wait.. However, after several projects I find you don't tend to use them that much because of the render speed.

Avid allows you to do draft as well. However, with Premeire it's not possible or at least I haven't figured it out and am stuck with you have to render the Magic Bullet effects before they are barable to watch..:)

Your other option is use After Effects with MB and then set you render to Draft and that works much better..:)
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Old October 6th, 2005, 10:08 AM   #1632
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Originally Posted by Ajai Thirumalai
Is there a way to capture video clips in chronological order, when they are sprinkled across many tapes? This happens when I want to minize the number of tapes I use, and the scenes(clips) are of varying duration, that I can't afford to lose due to a tape change during a scene.

I use an XL2 and Premiere Pro, use scene detect during capture, and can sort out the clips using the timestamp when they are all in one tape, but not many.

E.g., If my tapes are labelled A, B, C, and my clips in chronological order are 1,2 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 8, 9, and are recorded onto the tapes as


can I get back to my original sequence of clips 1 through 9, which I can then proceed to edit?

Or do I have to keep track of what I did and unravel the clip sequence manually? I think the XL2 can put on a "time of day/date stamp" but am not sure how to go about this if at all possible.

Any advice is welcome!

I don't know if I follow you correctly. But you can log in and out points on your tapes and name them whatever you want.. Then pop the tape in and batch capture and sit back while it captures them as individual clips..
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Old October 6th, 2005, 10:10 AM   #1633
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Trapcode's is much better than the one in AE anyways, in my opinion.. I use it all the time..
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Old October 6th, 2005, 10:12 AM   #1634
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I have noticed after dropping 4 or more audio effects you need to render it for them to sound as you planned. For example, I dropped a reverb as effect 4 and didn't notice the reverb effect until I rendered.. But it could have been a fluke..

Anyways, Audition is what I use for any of that anyways..
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Old October 6th, 2005, 02:03 PM   #1635
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i use nero for burning the finished dvd... and reeldvd for simple authoring, it's been largely bulletproof and very compatible... it's too old to recommend these days, tho... once you create the mpeg2 and it's associated ac3 audio file, try downloading the 30-day trial of dvd lab pro... spend time reading their forum first, so you'll know what you are getting into.

in this day and age, you should be capable of creating good web video, and you absolutely must be able to create quality dvd's... the latter means that you'll need to understand the basic workflow: 1)edit the video 2)create a dvd-compatible mpeg2 file 3)create a dolby ac3 audio file 4)create a dvd menu 5)import all of the above into a dvd authoring application, where you'll set the chapter breaks to match the menu you created.

for the last couple of years, the trend has been to mish-mash it all into one application, which results in a situation where newbies don't understand what encoding is, what is required to do it right, where it's being done, what app is actually doing it, etc... but you can also get tremendous value for the $$ with some do-it-all packages.
Dan Euritt is offline  
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