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Old September 15th, 2005, 09:19 PM   #1546
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I believe people use After Effects for that. I don't know of any such plugins.
Steven Gotz
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Old September 15th, 2005, 09:42 PM   #1547
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currently, the only way that i know of to do that is to export the file as an avi and then compress it with another program, like sorenson squeeze.

just a note on sorenson squeeze 4, it imbeds incorrect metadata on the video length, so if you're are going to use some form of a scroll bar, it won't work properly - they won't correct this bug until atleast version 5.0, however this isn't an issue with version 2.0

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Old September 15th, 2005, 10:45 PM   #1548
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Yep. I figured you would have figured it out or changed 3 years later.
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Old September 15th, 2005, 11:29 PM   #1549
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vignetting in premiere pro 1.5 hep

i'v done it before i just cant rember how...
how do i make a round vignette around the scene

i figured it out thanx
go into
video effects
Saturnin Kondratiew is offline  
Old September 16th, 2005, 08:49 AM   #1550
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similar, though just the opposite:
when i play through the "clip" (not timeline) mode, i hear the audio, but when using the timeline mode, no audio. in fact, no audio waves or any sound.
if you figure this one out, please post.
Ed Resuello is offline  
Old September 16th, 2005, 10:15 AM   #1551
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Greg, I experienced similar symptoms yesterday, with audio being audible only when I moved the CTI with the mouse, not when I played. I realised I had my XL2 hooked up via 1394 for doing tape capture earlier. Once I yanked out the 1394 cable, the audio would play as usual.

My situation/circumstances may be different from yours, so your mileage may vary!

Good Luck! Let us know how it goes.

Ajai Thirumalai is offline  
Old September 16th, 2005, 01:08 PM   #1552
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Find setting to always play audio on local hardware

I can't remember where this setting is, but I found it, and eliminated the same problem your having.
Dick Mays is offline  
Old September 18th, 2005, 12:54 PM   #1553
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Anybody? I still need to find a good stabilizer plugin for PPro. Any suggestion is more than welcomed.

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Old September 18th, 2005, 04:30 PM   #1554
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Premiere Pro 1.5 Shutdown Question

This may seem silly but here goes:

I notice that when I shut down PPro 1.5 after an editing session, everything stays exactly as I had left it when I open the program again at a later time. Wherever I left the timeline curser at shutdown is exactly where I find it when I re-open the program. The last sequence I worked on is the first sequence to show. I think that is fabulous. However, one thing I've noticed is that if I had left a trimmed clip in the source monitor (left monitor) at shutdown, it isn't there when I re-open the program. Is that normal? The reason I ask is that I never noticed if that happened before but I noticed it recently after freshly re-installing PPro 1.5 on my hard drive.

May I ask my fellow PPro 1.5 users a favor? Can a few of you chaps open the program, place any clip in the source view monitor (the left or trimmer monitor if you will), save, shut down the program then re-open to see of the clip is still there? I want to see if I re-installed incorrectly or if I have a problem. My reasoning is that if the clip wrongfully disappears in the source monitor at shutdown, what else important might disappear?

Interesting, if true. And interesting anyway.
Hugh DiMauro is offline  
Old September 18th, 2005, 05:39 PM   #1555
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Originally Posted by Hugh DiMauro
May I ask my fellow PPro 1.5 users a favor? Can a few of you chaps open the program, place any clip in the source view monitor (the left or trimmer monitor if you will), save, shut down the program then re-open to see of the clip is still there? I want to see if I re-installed incorrectly or if I have a problem. My reasoning is that if the clip wrongfully disappears in the source monitor at shutdown, what else important might disappear?


I did as you requested and mine did the same thing. The clip where the timelime marker is resting comes up in the monitor window. Sounds right to me!

Chapter one, line one. The BH.
Mike Teutsch is offline  
Old September 18th, 2005, 06:33 PM   #1556
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Thanks a million, Mike!

Anybody else have the same thing happen?
Interesting, if true. And interesting anyway.
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Old September 18th, 2005, 09:17 PM   #1557
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Real-time preview render with Magic Bullet?

Hi all,

I'm a little stumped on preview render speeds in Premiere Pro 1.5. I'm new to Premiere.

When I use Vegas and apply a Magic Bullet film effect to a video clip, I can resize the preview window to a small size, say 25%, and set the preview quality to draft mode. The resulting preview render occurs in real-time. It's pixelated heavily, but that's ok -- it means I can apply a number of video effects and still play them back in real time to get an idea of what they look like.

However, in Premiere Pro 1.5 I'm having trouble getting the same performance. When I apply a Magic Bullet film effect to a video clip, set the preview monitor to 25% size, and force the preview quality to draft or leave it on auto, it still plays back quite slow and choppy. Eventually it catches up and renders to memory most of the frames and plays back smoother, but in Vegas it plays back smooth and real-time right from the start.

I have noticed that the preview window in Premiere, even when at 25% and draft quality, still is not pixelated like my small draft window in Vegas. As if Premiere just isn't going low-resolution enough to render in real time.

Anyone have any tips?

Adam Woodworth
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Old September 18th, 2005, 11:38 PM   #1558
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Using Premiere audio in Audition

Hi all..
Aahh, my mouth still waters at the amount of useful info contained in these forums.
I wonder if anyone can help me with the following;
I capture audio (using my PD170 and stock mic) to Premiere (most recent version, or next to) and can interact with the audio fine.

However, when I import the file in Audition, it plays it as some clicking shrieking, white distorted noise..

Now I know that I have done this once. But now cannot seem to find what might have changed. I simply cannot play music in Audition, that I have captured from Premiere.
Why is this so!?
Please help!

Many thanks.
Anthony Milic is offline  
Old September 19th, 2005, 06:12 AM   #1559
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PPro always close all clips in the Soure Window when you close a project. So there is nothing wrong with your computer or PPro.

Roger Averdahl is offline  
Old September 19th, 2005, 06:21 AM   #1560
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Thank you both for taking the time to assist me!
Interesting, if true. And interesting anyway.
Hugh DiMauro is offline  
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