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Old September 2nd, 2005, 01:44 PM   #1486
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how are you able to use premiere pro to capture from the GR-HD1/JYHD camera?>
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Old September 3rd, 2005, 08:11 AM   #1487
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Looking to black out part of the picture.
Interesting, if true. And interesting anyway.
Hugh DiMauro is offline  
Old September 3rd, 2005, 10:56 AM   #1488
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You can't adjust your length with the transition applied. When you right click are you selecting "speed/duration"? All you have to do is hold the arrow over the cut point and a little symble will pop up. Just drag over and that will adjust your clip length. You will need to reapply the transition though, but that is just drag and drop so it should not be a big deal.
Jesse Parsh is offline  
Old September 3rd, 2005, 01:25 PM   #1489
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You can use the Ripple Edit tool.
Keyboard shortcut "B"
That will work with the transition applied also.
Trond Saetre is offline  
Old September 3rd, 2005, 03:25 PM   #1490
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Sounds to me that you're crafting a montage of still photos. To do this quickly, set your still duration for the amount of frames you would like in the preferences section. Then, import 'em all into a bin. Add them to the timeline. Here's where it gets quick: Set the transition you want as the default transition. If you are really crafty you can assign one of the F buttons as a custom keyboard shortcut for "default transition".

Now you only need to smash away at 2 buttons to add a thousand transitions in about 2 minutes. Hit your page down key followed by your shortcut key to apply the transition. Repeat. Be sure your target track that contains the stills is selected.

Also, you can try "automate to timeline" after you have set your favorite transition as default. This way Premiere will dump an entire bin into the timeline at the set still duration with the default transition. Real quick!
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Old September 4th, 2005, 03:48 AM   #1491
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Why do stills and titles in Premiere darken the image?

Has anyone noticed that when you take a frame from your source video and make it a still for "freeze frame" effects, or if you superimpose titles on your video, that it darkens the image for the duration of the title/still?

Why does it do that and is there any way around that?
Ronald Lee is offline  
Old September 4th, 2005, 12:51 PM   #1492
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Rendering Question

Is it normal for Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 to re-render already rendered segments from other sequences when you nest those pre-rendered sequences into your final sequnce timeline?
Interesting, if true. And interesting anyway.
Hugh DiMauro is offline  
Old September 4th, 2005, 02:20 PM   #1493
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Trouble with Premiere Elements


I captured analog video with ADS DVD Express onto Pinnacle Studio Plus.Saved to Disk, then tried to load it into Premiere Elements.... but when loading media it just locks. I tried naming the captured video... .mov / .wmv / .avi / MPEG-1 / MPEG-2 / MPEG-3 / MPEG -4 but to no avail will it load into Premiere Elements.
I have wasted at least 10 to 12 hours over the weekend.

The captured video plays great through WINDOWS MEDIA .... any help please....put me out of misery....


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Old September 4th, 2005, 04:18 PM   #1494
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I had the same problem a while back with some mpegs in Adobe that had been captured in one of the Pinacles. I could play them in windows media or real player just fine but every time I loaded Elements it froze the program. If I remember correctly after trying many things I just rebooted the computer and I can load them fine now. I think a program hadn't closed properly and was causing the error. Did you try rebooting?
Chris Colin Swanson is offline  
Old September 4th, 2005, 04:23 PM   #1495
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Premiere Elements

Hi Chris

Thanks for answering, Yes I rebooted and Shut down computer several time.. The Captured Video is about 35 minutes if that helps.

Thanks again

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Old September 4th, 2005, 08:36 PM   #1496
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Yes. And just to let you know, you don't have to render those segments before you nest them. You can just leave them unrendered, nest them in the main sequence, and then only render the main sequence. Of course, if you open up one of those nested sequences they would still show the red bar, as they were only rendered in the main sequence. However, it is a way to save time if you don't need each child sequence rendered for export on it's own.
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Old September 4th, 2005, 08:38 PM   #1497
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I haven't noticed that in my editing.
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Old September 5th, 2005, 02:06 PM   #1498
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Audio problem in Timeline mode

I copied a DVD onto my hard drive.
I was able to use the ‘add media’ in Premiere Elements (vers. 1.0) to recognize the file. The file is an mpeg movie.
When I view the mpeg in the monitor window as a ‘clip’ the file is great – good video & audio.
However when I view the file in ‘timeline’ there is no sound.

At first, the video was too fast, but was perfect after rending.
I’ve read many of the previous posts that seem similar. Unlike some of those solutions suggesting disconnecting a camcorder unit, there is no camcorder or dv camcorder attached.
I’ve checked that the sound is enabled, increased the gain, and checked the source audio format (48000 hz -bit – stereo), and the conform audio format (48000 hz – 32 bit floating point – stereo).
I’ve also unlinked the video and audio, then added the audio to the timeline just to hear if any audio comes through – and it doesn’t.
When checking the audio meter, no sound registers at all.
The strange thing is that when I play the ‘clip’ in the monitor window, the file plays perfectly.
What am I missing?
Ed Resuello is offline  
Old September 5th, 2005, 02:06 PM   #1499
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Problems with Effects on 24PA Widescreen in Premier Pro 1.5

Hello, I'm currently having have an issue with 24PA footage in Widescreen (From Panasonic 24p), where anytime I apply ANY effect, slow down the footage, or use exported Filmstrips in the timeline, that they completely lose Widescreen and become 4:3 in the final exported product. All the unaltered footage remains in widescreen but when you get to an altered segment it immedietely drops down. I've tried exporting the Filmstrip in all different ratios, I cannot make a difference, and I can't find any settings that will alter the aspect ratio when I alter the duration of a clip, nor can I find any settings that would alter the ratio on an effect. Is this common? I'm actually quite new to 24P and Widescreen so I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Or is this possible a bug? I have not upgraded to the 1.5.2 or whatever the patch was yet since I heard it has a greater system demands than I currently have.
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Old September 6th, 2005, 06:12 AM   #1500
RED Code Chef
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Hi Ed. Most editing programs (I'm pretty sure that includes Premiere) cannot
read AC3 (dolby digital) encoded audio. They can only create it. It can also
be they are not seeing the audio stream (if it isn't AC3) due to the way the
elementary streams get muxed into the same file.

Look (Google for example) for a tool called bbTools. This allows you te de-mux
the .VOB file into its elementary streams. You will get a video file (.m2v) and
an audio file (can be AC3, dts or PCM for example). If the audio is PCM (or WAV)
you can load that up into Premiere. If it is AC3 or dts you will need to decode
it first. Let us know how far you get.

Rob Lohman,
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