Timeline Playback Issues ? at DVinfo.net
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Old August 3rd, 2009, 12:31 AM   #1
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Timeline Playback Issues ?

I have a 23 minute project in PPr CS3. It has stills, titles, color correction and of course transitions. It is all HDV tape captured using Cineform Prospect.
Now when I open this project when ever I try to play a section of the sequence, it just jumps to the end of the entire timeline sequence. If I use the JKL keys I get the same thing with 1 exception; as long as I am not on the last fram at the end of the time line, I can use the J key and it will play (in reverse of course) normally. Try playing forward anywhere within the sequence, and it just jumps to the last frame.
Has anyone else had this problem? any fixes for it?
Thanks - PK
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Old August 3rd, 2009, 11:10 AM   #2
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Usually this means there's a corrupt frame somewhere. One workaround that sometimes works is to create a new project and import the old one into it. Not foolproof but sometimes helps.
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Old August 4th, 2009, 05:04 AM   #3
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I'd make sure you have the latest Cineform... if so you may have to put the footage
back through HD link...
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Old August 4th, 2009, 09:19 AM   #4
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You've probably tried this, but you might duplicate the timeline so as to create a new one.

Your present timeline might be corrupted.
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Old August 4th, 2009, 11:48 AM   #5
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Thanks Adam, Ray and Brian

Thanks everyone for your input. A corrupt frame? How or what corrupts it?
I am using the older version of Cineform Prospect (3.4? - last winter's version). That is the version I used to capture and edit with. I have not installed the new version because I thought it would be best to stick with the version used to capture the source video. When this project was complete I was going to install the upgrade.

I did the video editing, color correction, transitions and all was working fine. It wasn't until after I was adding titles, and a still photo montage with transitions, that I had this problem. The Media encoder still renders the complete file out normally to a .M2v video file.

Brian, how do you duplicate the timeline, other then the obvious select all the cllips and copy/paste? Is there an easier way? Thanks - PK
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Old August 4th, 2009, 12:04 PM   #6
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In the Project panel, right click on the current timeline icon. Then left on Duplicate. You will now have 2 timelines, both being identical, but with 2 different names. Hopefully the new one WILL NOT be corrupted like the old one.
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Old August 4th, 2009, 12:32 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Brian Barkley View Post
In the Project panel, right click on the current timeline icon. Then left on Duplicate. You will now have 2 timelines, both being identical, but with 2 different names. Hopefully the new one WILL NOT be corrupted like the old one.
Thank you Brian, I'll give that a try. I deleted all the titles to my photo montage. Without the titles it plays just fine, so I copied that to a new project. At least that allows me something to use for syncing music to it. I'll give you idea a try, as it would be nice to have the titles in there as well, but not absolutely necessary for syncing the music. Thanks again for your help. Have a Great Day - Paul
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Old August 6th, 2009, 08:53 PM   #8
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Paul... what version of Permiere are you using.... now that you have told us that you are
using an older version of Cineform I'm wondering if you are also using CS3... There was
an issue with Cineform and CS3 when CS3 first came out... and that issue is exactly what
you are seeing... you need to update your Cineform... in fact, it may be too late for you
because Cineform put a drop dead date on updating older versions and now will charge you
for the update if you are too late... but they are letting folks update to the last best known
version before they switched to the one they are now selling.... I'd get the update....
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Old August 6th, 2009, 10:09 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Ray Bell View Post
Paul... what version of Permiere are you using.... now that you have told us that you are
using an older version of Cineform I'm wondering if you are also using CS3... There was
an issue with Cineform and CS3 when CS3 first came out... and that issue is exactly what
you are seeing... you need to update your Cineform... in fact, it may be too late for you
because Cineform put a drop dead date on updating older versions and now will charge you
for the update if you are too late... but they are letting folks update to the last best known
version before they switched to the one they are now selling.... I'd get the update....
Ray, I am using Cineform 3.40B, it looks like I downloaded it a year ago (8/11/08) with PPro CS3. I do have the newer versions of CF downloaded, I just never installed them (if it ain't broke don't fix it). I paid for the upgrade to version 4, but I was concerned that upgrading in the middle of a project might mess things up a bit.

I can get normal playback by toggling the track output off on the title track (Video 3 -with all my titles). I've been able to set the background music by using this method of playack. A little more tweaking of some titles and a couple of "pan & scan" shots, and I should be done with this one over the weekend. Then I'll upgrade my Cineform Prospect. Which version are you using?

A strange thing I'm noticing all of a sudden today - white spots in the black areas when playback is paused. It doesn't seem to be there during playback, and rendered output (with the titles included) seems fine.

I also have CS4 sitting in the box still. I had PPro 1.5 and purchased CS3 about a year ago when they were selling it with the free upgrade to CS4. It sounds like a lot of people are having problems with CS4, Have you tried, or are you using CS4?
Thanks Ray again for your help - Paul Kepen.
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