Best Practices for nesting sequences in and between projects in CS4 dvinfo wiki at
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Old July 23rd, 2009, 06:52 PM   #1
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Best Practices for nesting sequences in and between projects in CS4 dvinfo wiki

OK - some reasonably serious PP NLE questions. I am a newbie to CS4, and want to learn and share what I have learned. I will ask questions, offer my own solutions, and ask for better ones.

2) Let's say I have a 60 second portion of Sequence#1 in one of my projects that I want to use in multiple sequences or projects.
between sequences
- solution #1 - create a new sequence Sequence#2, place sequence#1 in it, then trim. - place sequence#2 into sequence #3 (or any other sequences where I want that clip). ** fine enough. but if I change sequence #1, sequence#2 changes. - oops.
- solution #2 - duplicate sequence#1 to sequence#4. create sequence#5 and place #4 in it, trim sequence#5, place sequence#5 in any sequence I want, etc. ** this keeps the current edit of sequence #1 intact, even if I later re-edit sequence#1. This seems a bit messy (lots of sequences). Is there a more beautiful method?
- solution#3 - export sequence #1, or Sequence #to after effects composition, then import into any project I want. **Are there any disadvantages to using AE to edit all my fancy animated transitions, then use PP to put them all together?

2) How do I bring sequences from one project into sequences for another project? Not the whole project, just a sequence from a project?
- solution#1 - Replace it with an AE composition, then import into any project I want. Do further editing of the clip in AE, with different variations I can import into various projects...
Mark Michael Lewis Integrating Prosperity, Pleasure, Purpose.
CS5, win7x64, i7-2600, evga x58 16g, Asus z68, Sony HC1

Last edited by Mark Lewis; July 23rd, 2009 at 06:55 PM. Reason: wrong order of sentences orig, add one thought
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Old August 21st, 2009, 02:29 PM   #2
Regular Crew
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: San Francisco, California
Posts: 35
DUH - import the PP project, and in CS4, choose the individual sequence.

I will say, the more I use/learn PPcs4, the happier I get...
Mark Michael Lewis Integrating Prosperity, Pleasure, Purpose.
CS5, win7x64, i7-2600, evga x58 16g, Asus z68, Sony HC1
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