Multicam in CS4 - Re-editing at
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Old June 15th, 2009, 08:02 AM   #1
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Posts: 51
Multicam in CS4 - Re-editing

I've been using CS3 for a while and I'm was considering upgrading to CS4. I downloaded the trial and installed on my laptop to do some editing while on the road. I know that CS4 projects are not backwards compatible, but I just exported the edited sequence to a movie and then brought that back into CS3 on my main PC for final editing (chapters, DVD export,Encore, etc.) I was editing a two-camera shoot of a dance recital.

I noticed a big difference between CS3 and CS4 and multicam editing. In CS3, I could do the multi-cam edit and if I didn't like there results, I could go back and re-edit. In the multicam monitor, if I don't select any camera for recording and just hit play (spacebar), it will just replay the edit. But once I select a camera for recording, it will start over-writing the multicam sequence with the new edit.

With CS4, it seems I can't do a re-edit. I can start recording with a camera but when it hits an edit point on the sequence, it selects the new camera. The only way I could figure out how to re-edit is to close the multicam monitor window, delete from the sequence the edits, fill the gap with the default camera again, then re-edit. I got lazy and before I went to edit a dance, I would save the project. If I didn't like the results and wanted to re-edit, I closed and reopened the project.

Am I missing something with CS4 and the multi-camera editing? If not, I think this is a pretty big step back from CS3 (that's why I think I'm missing something).
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