a couple things I absoutely hate about CS4 at DVinfo.net
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Old June 12th, 2009, 08:37 AM   #1
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a couple things I absoutely hate about CS4

I have been using CS3 for last year or so.
Recent upgrade to CS4 has been so much pain: new encoder, exporting bitmap, assigning source video, multiple choice on time track has been annoying me so much...
New encoder has been such a pain because I can't deinterlace option whenever I want. I still haven't found how to export the clip to deinterlaced h.264 from 60i footage directly (without exporting it to progressive avi then to h.264). Also I have to re-assign the render area at the encoder. I don't export the whole thing very often, so I have to always cancel the encoder to check back since I can'd do it with export setting window. When I try to export to screenshot (from source window), the export setting doesn't tell me exactly what time code that I am exporting... it shows in and out point, but what's the time code???
assigning source video option seems another copycat of Final Cut. I really like the old way. Click the track to select it. I know the purpose of selecting multiple tracks to put the same effect on multiple tracks, but I haven't found it very useful yet since almost one track is to be appeared on screen. It also annoys me that page up and down button only works with the track that has been selected. So I have to click on every tracks to move around and de-click so that the effect doesn't affect all the tracks...
Am I am only the one with all these frustration? I am sure there are some upgrades that are helpful, but I haven't seen a single pros on CS4 but 4 crucial cons on my workflow..
I want to change back to CS3, but I already started 4 brand new project with CS4 and kind of too late to start it all over... headaches... ouch..
Hopefully I will get used these tiresome elements, but I see myself changing back to CS4 in a couple weeks...
Any recommendations or advice on my complains?
Always appreciate all the help that I am getting from everyone here.
Have a great weekend, everyone!

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Old June 12th, 2009, 09:55 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by J.J. Kim View Post
new encoder
Its wonderful, at last we have the ability to queue up renders.

Originally Posted by J.J. Kim View Post
exporting bitmap
The free upgrade to 4.1 makes exporting still images much easier since AME* dont have to be involved.

Originally Posted by J.J. Kim View Post
New encoder has been such a pain because I can't deinterlace option whenever I want.
In the Export Setings Dialog, change the Field Order to Progressive to get progressive output *to* any format *from* any interlaced media.

Originally Posted by J.J. Kim View Post
...so I have to always cancel the encoder to check back since I can'd do it with export setting window.
Dont cancel AME, cancel the Export Settings Dialog *before* you hit OK and not when you have clicked Start Queue in AME*. Or, assign a keyboard shortcut to Set Work Area In Point and Set Work Area Out Point and set the in and out points *prior* to exporting. By doing this you will have 100% control of what you export and dont have to cancel things to double check.

Originally Posted by J.J. Kim View Post
It also annoys me that page up and down button only works with the track that has been selected. So I have to click on every tracks to move around and de-click so that the effect doesn't affect all the tracks...
I solve that by assigning keyboard shortcuts to Toggle All Target Video Off, Toggle All Target Video On, Toggle All Target Audio Off and Toggle All Target Audio Off. Or, Shift+click on one untargeted track to make them all targeted if you prefer the mouse. Two clicks to make all video and audio tracks targeted and thus having the page up/down to work as desired.

* = Adobe Media Encoder
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Old June 14th, 2009, 01:25 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Roger Averdahl View Post

The free upgrade to 4.1 makes exporting still images much easier since AME* dont have to be involved.
Would you mind sharing how to do that? I installed the update, but still can't find any command to that without AME.

thank you!

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Old June 14th, 2009, 03:31 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by J.J. Kim View Post
Would you mind sharing how to do that? I installed the update, but still can't find any command to that without AME.
1. Find the frame you want to export on the Timeline
2. Press Ctrl+M (Or go to File > Export > Media)
3. In the Export Settings dialog, change Format to Windows Bitmap
4. Uncheck Export As Sequence
5. Click on OK
6. In the Export Frame dialog, give the file a name and click on Save

Once you have done this you only have to do steps 1, 2, 5 and 6 for each still.

Yes, it is still cumbersome but AME will not launch or be involved so you dont have to manually start the Queue and wait for the Project to load, etc, etc. Once you have unchecked Export As Sequence it wont comeback unless you export lets say MPEG2-DVD.
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Old June 15th, 2009, 07:12 AM   #5
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So Roger, are you liking CS4 better than CS3?

I am considering upgrading.
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Old June 15th, 2009, 08:13 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Brian Barkley View Post
So Roger, are you liking CS4 better than CS3?
I like CS4 much better than CS3. :)

What do i like:
  • The stand alone Adobe Media Encoder that enables you to render out lets say five Timelines in *one* go. In older versions of Pr one could only export one at a time.
  • The ability to have Timelines with different settings. In CS3 you create lets say a PAL DV Project and *all* Timelines in are PAL DV which can be limiting. In CS4 you create a Project and then create a Timeline which lets you create one PAL DV Timeline, one HDV Timeline, one AVCHD 720p50 Timeline, one XDCAM EX Timeline, etc, etc.
  • Dynamic Link from Pr CS4 > Encore. This lets you send a Timeline to Encore for DVD or blu-ray authoring. When you change anything in Pr the same Timeline updates directly in Encore. This is a fast an efficient way to burn DVD's or Blu-ray discs.
  • Better downscaling of HD footage to SD. If you buy Production Premium you will get Dynamic Link from Pr to After Effects. And since After Effects do the downscaling even better i export all my HD content via a Dynamic Link from Pr to Ae.
  • Media Browser is a new panel in the interface that makes importing smoother, especially for file based cameras.
  • Many small workflow improvements that saves time, such as the ability to search for effects in the Effects panel without even touching the mouse.
  • OMF export

Things that i dont like:
  • Third party support is not ready yet eventhoug CS4 was released eight (8) months ago. The CineForm codec is unusable in CS4. No good and actually usable driver for Blackmagic Design products. I dont know the status for Matrox and AJA products, but last i heard they had problems as well. Waiting for upgrades that may or may not take care of those problems are really frustrating.
  • Exporting stills is still cumbersome. The free CS4.1 upgrade made it sooo much better but it is not as smooth as it is in CSx. I do rarely export stills, so it is almost a non-issue for me but for others it has been a pain.

The best thing you can do is to download a Trial version of Pr CS4 and see how you like it: Download Adobe Premiere Pro CS4
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