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Old June 13th, 2002, 02:12 PM   #121
Join Date: Nov 2001
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If I understand you correctly, here's one way you could do it. First off, of course, capture all of the individual frames you want by "Export Frame" with premiere -- or whatever method you use. Lets say that you have 7 frames from your VX2000 footage that you want to scroll across the screen. Make 2 groups of 4 frames each. The two groups will consist of Group 1: frames 1, 2, 3, 4 Group 2: frames 4, 5, 6, and 7. For the two groups join the frames into one long image of the 4 frames, making a line. Start the group image 1 at the beginning of the first frame and have it end when image (frame 4) is in the middle of the screen. Then, begin Group 2 with its first frame (image, frame 4) in the middle of the screen moving at the same rate as Group 1. This method breaks up the long strand of a gigantic image into parts. The trick is, is making everything look. Not sure if this is more efficient or not.

Another way to do it, is to alternate between V1A and V2 (the superimpose track). Have the first frame scroll across in the V1A track, then time the V2 frame to cross at the same rate as the V1A but seamlessly right behind it. Then, alternate back. This might work. It should look good if the captured frames you have are fullscreen. Also, make sure your the opacity of the superimpose track is consistant and at 100%. Hope this suggestions help . . .


Kyle "Doc" Mitchell
Kyle "Doc" Mitchell is offline  
Old June 14th, 2002, 05:17 AM   #122
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It is well up for it apart from the firewire ports and graphics card (possibly). Avid is very fussy about these two components. Check there website for ones that work. I use a Matrox G400 Dual Head and a pyro DV card and it works.

I'e forget premier and go for Avid if you are serious about editing.

Old June 14th, 2002, 09:54 AM   #123
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Try making a targa sequence with you footage.
then bring them into photoshop and make a 480x???? document
and place your singled out frames one by one next to each other.

Then in either Premeire or After Effects you can scroll this image.
and then you can make another in which you can seem up consecutively
with each Photoshop image one after the other.
Adam Lawrence
eatdrink Media
Las Vegas NV
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Old June 14th, 2002, 12:20 PM   #124
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Frame Capture in Premier

When I capture a frame of DV using Premier 6.0 the resulting BMP picture is slightly horizonally "squashed". I've been unable to compensate for this in my photo editor software.

Has anyone any tips on how to "un-squash" those BMPs?

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Old June 14th, 2002, 02:39 PM   #125
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I second the endorsement - go for the Avid XDV v3. Solid and completely transportable with any Avid system. We've been using ours for about 5 months with no problems at all. Be sure to install W2K Pro 2.
Ozzie Alfonso
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Old June 15th, 2002, 10:26 AM   #126
RED Code Chef
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Which camera are you shooting with? Do you shoot in widescreen
(16:9) mode or not? Are you in PAL or NTSC, what resolution are
you exporting those bitmaps in? Premiere tends to default to
640x480 for a bitmap which is *not* the correct size! It either
needs to be 720x480 (NTSC) or 720x576 (PAL).

Rob Lohman,
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Old June 15th, 2002, 11:18 PM   #127
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Thanks for the respones guys (or gals.) I'll look into using AE once i actually get some footage ;) However I should've mentioned that what I'm thinking of doing would be taking images from a 5-10 minute scene, not just a couple of frames. So I guess that limits some of my options.

thanks again,
papabryd is offline  
Old June 16th, 2002, 10:00 AM   #128
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well, every package has its limits to file sizes before it starts to crash (at least on windows) if you've got a ton of frames it may be best to, as Kyle stated, break those up in to smaller subgroups and just time them to take off, one after the other.
Casey Visco
Glidecam Industries, Inc.

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Old June 18th, 2002, 12:35 PM   #129
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If you haven't already found a solution:

The problem may be in your computer's energy saver features. (On Desktop: Right Click, Properties, ENERGY...) Turn these settings, Monitor/Harddisk/Screensaver off. Because they use resources when switching from ACTIVE mode to ENERGY saver mode, I have noticed a speed-bump while transferring back to my XL1S.
Derrick Begin is offline  
Old June 18th, 2002, 05:08 PM   #130
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Would be nice if you could borrow another DV camera...maybe non Canon type to see if you have the same problem> oops. re-read the post and see that you had already done this. Mabey rent a Cannon camera for a day before you send yours off ?

Another quick thing you can do to see if possibly a setting in Premiere is causing it ( can sometimes become corrupt, causing all kinds of wierd issues) is go into where your EXE for Premiere is located will find a file called Pre60.prm ???? Delete it (with Premiere closed. Then restart, this will clear and reset Premiere settings to their default.
Old June 18th, 2002, 05:51 PM   #131
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One thing to check I am sure you are using the second drive for the video storage. Make sure you don't have any CD-ROM drives on this IDE chain. CD-ROM drives run at 33 Mghz not 66 not 100 or 133. So if you buy a high speed drive and place a CD-ROM on the same chain you just busted the speed down to 33 Mghz.

IDE goes at the speed of the slowest device.

As a side note I don't have this problem Canon XL1s. However this was the first time I have ever outputed anything to my XL1s. I purchased a cheap JVC CyberCam $299 for uploading my video.

Big James
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Old June 18th, 2002, 10:20 PM   #132
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Trouble with Playback with Premiere

We're running Premiere 6.0 on the following system:
PIII 750 (desktop cpu in a laptop), 128 RAM, 9.0 G IDE HD, Adaptec FireConnect OHCI 1394 CardBus

We've had no trouble controlling the camera with device control and capturing clips, with minimal to no dropped frames.

However, when we try to playback clips (either from the timeline, or the bins) it's as jerky as web streaming with a slow modem. We checked the actual clips and played them back using QuickTime (outside of Premiere) and they seem to play fine.

We read one post that had to do with "de-interlacing" (changing render settings from 'lower field' to 'no field') but we weren't exactly sure where and how to do this. Also, we haven't rendered any clips so we're not sure if this advice applies.

Any thoughts on what the problem might be?

Old June 18th, 2002, 11:14 PM   #133
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Premiere + XL1 + Win2k Pro + Pyro DV = BOOM!

Ok... here's the deal. I use a ADSTech Pyro Basic DV OCHI Firewire card and Windows 2000 Pro. While my computer was in the shop I needed to edit so I took the firewire card and my camera (XL1) to my friend's house who also has Windows 2000 Pro and Premiere 6. I popped in the card, booted the system and viola I was editing without having to d/l anything. Now I get my computer back, pop in the card, computer recognizes the card, but not my camera. It knows the card is there but when I plug in the camera it tries to install it as a new DV devices, now I tried installing it the way windows wants and it doesn't work. Also tried not installing it as a new dv device and it still won't work. I can't capture or dump!! It's like the camera needs a driver... but why would it be so different on two computers that are practically identical??? I've tried all these different patches and updates with no success.... please help cuz I'm going on vacation tomorrow (WED 6/19) and want to dump some stuff to show to some people but I can't unless I get this to work!!!

My video card is an ATI All-In-Wonder and the message Premiere tells me is, "The DV device is unavailable for Device Control"
Old June 19th, 2002, 01:36 AM   #134
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Premiere 6 rendering

I'm sure this is something really simple, but I am apprently triggering it and have no idea what I am doing to cause this.

Let's say I have a timeline with 6 shots. Let's say that in between each shot rather than cutting, I am doing a simple dissolve.

Why is it that sometimes I can change/modify the dissolve effect, tell it to "render work area" and it does a real quick render of just that effect, while on other days it would render all 5 effects, even though I maybe only changed the last one?

Thanks in advance. It's got to be something simple. :)
Bradley Miller is offline  
Old June 19th, 2002, 06:00 AM   #135
Capt. Quirk
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I guess I need more details about how you have things set up. Or more coffee... morning bites.

How long are the shots, how are they arranged in the A and B track, or are you using single track? For example: In track A, I have five short clips, in track B I have one long clip. I can move any individual clip in A track, and only have to re-render that clip. If I move the long clip, all of the clips above it would now be affected, and have to be re-rendered.

You can also preview transitions and effects by holding the alt key while scrubbing, without having to render the preview.
I hope any of this helps.
K. Forman is offline  
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