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Old May 7th, 2002, 03:26 AM   #91
RED Code Chef
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I can imagine that it must overwhelm you. I had that too at
first. It is very powerfull stuff though. I can do allmost anything
I want. As for matting, the better tools get better results,
especially with non-perfect footage. I think DV can be used
for matting (although I haven't tried yet). It mostly depends
on lighting. As for money, ofcourse it is better to try before
you buy and/or invest into a cheaper product. I highly doubt
that the VV mpeg2 encoder is very good. A high quality mpeg2
encoder can cost quite much because it still is a programming
"art" to make a good one. But try the VV demo before you
buy and see if you like the mpeg2 encoding.

If you want to know more about mpeg2 encoding or anything
else you know where to find me (here).

Rob Lohman,
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Old May 7th, 2002, 08:55 AM   #92
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Jerky footage on playback - with P6

Mentioned a while back was this strange phenomenon of 'jerky' footage, even though there were no dropped frames, and no possible explanation.

After getting to know about fields (Upper fields/ lower fields/ No fields) in my post headed 'Fields (not the ones in the country)!!!' on the DV message board, Plus playing around a little bit with Premiere 6, I came across this solution:

Captured footage with normal movie mode needs to be de-interlaced to 'No fields', in order for the footage not to jerk when the camera has the slightest of moves on play back via fire wire.

To do this set the rendering settings to 'No fields' and then right click the footage go up to video options, then field settings and select de-interlace. WARNING: footage needs to be rendered!!!

This does not matter if you have captured in Movie Mode.

Hope this helps,

Ed Smith
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Old May 9th, 2002, 09:59 AM   #93
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Real Video in Premiere?

Is there any way to take real video and convert it to mpeg, or avi format? Or can you take real video into Adobe premiere?
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Old May 9th, 2002, 03:35 PM   #94
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Low Quality Capture on Premiere?

Ok, this is probably a really stupid question one way or another, but is there a way to capture lower quality footage to Premeire, make all your edits, and then recapture at a higher quality in order to save disk space? The reason I ask is because I learned NLE on Avid and just recently picked up Premeire but cant figure out if you can or not. Again, I realize this is probably a stupid question, but I appreciate the help.
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Old May 9th, 2002, 04:15 PM   #95
Obstreperous Rex
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Trent, it's not a stupid question at all. But let me ask you this: instead of jumping through hoops like this for multiple capture passes, why not just add a drive or two to your system?

DV is compressed at a 5:1 ratio and requires about 13gb of disk space per hour of material. You can get 40gb drives for *dirt cheap* these days, and they'll hold three hours apiece. Or, get a pair of 80gb drives for six hours of DV each. I think those are dirt-cheap also. Hope this helps,

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Old May 13th, 2002, 02:34 AM   #96
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This is very difficult or even impossible to do. Why? Well, this has
to do (primarely) with content control. Real (and also Quicktime
and Windows media) do not want you to:

a) download those files (most of the time)
b) convert them to another format.

So software for this is not available (at least not in the
commercial industry, it might be in the hack world though).

So basically you cannot convert it (to answer your question, no,
you cannot load it into Premiere)

Rob Lohman,
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Old May 13th, 2002, 02:38 AM   #97
RED Code Chef
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I agree with Chris here. This approach has more advantages:

- Less wear and tear on your drives heads
- Consumer timecode can sometimes fail (if you've not striped
your tape or have other timecode gaps your second pass will
- Extra backup of your source (both on tape and harddisk now)
- When you've cut your footage your immediately done

The resolution of full PAL/NTSC isn't that large either, and those
files are very manageable on a decent system....

Rob Lohman,
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Old May 22nd, 2002, 10:42 PM   #98
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Getting a New pc for Premiere and Avid dv 3 is it good enough????

I just ordered the Gateway 700xl with these specs:

2.53 gigahertz with a new faster bus speed
1.2 gig rdram
120 gig hard drive with 8mb buffer
I also purchased a extra 120 gb western digital hd with 8 mb buffer.
128mb nvidia gforce 4600 ti
18 inch lcd monitor
soundblaster audigy with 1394
2 extra 1394 ports
4 usb2 ports
2 1.1 usb ports
winxp (will change to windows 2000 pro service pack 2)
all this was 3000
I checked dell they wanted 4500!

Is this ok for editing well. I am a film school student and need to edit without jitters and crappy output. I need clean and fast editing.
Thanks in Advance for your help

I am thinking of buying a xl1s or gl1
Old May 30th, 2002, 10:19 PM   #99
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widescreen with Premiere

Hi All,

I am interested in shooting with the 16:9 guides on then takeing the video into premiere to give it a widescreen composition...but I am confussed as how to achieve the crop.

I understand that you can use a Matte or a transform...can someone walk me though that?
Jay Reilly
Oceanside, CA
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Old May 31st, 2002, 03:13 AM   #100
RED Code Chef
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Personally I use After Effects for that because I can move the
footage up and down as well. In an older thread I talked about
this and someone replied with a posibility in Premiere as well.
Try to use the forum's search feature to find that thread.

Let me know if you can't find it.

Rob Lohman,
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Old May 31st, 2002, 06:20 AM   #101
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When you shoot 4:3 with 16:9 guidelines then you wan't to mask of the upper and lower part of your footage.

I believe that crop (in premiere terms is wrong). Instead (if I remember this right), use the "clip" filter available in the effects window (or what it's called). There you simply chose how much to mask of (12,5 upper and 12,5 bottom for standard 16:9).

When you crop in Premiere, you basicly make your footage anamorphic -vertical or horisontal. Use this when you will output your movie to a 16:9 television set. It's like the in camera 16:9 electronic anamorphic mode. But if you want to shot anamorphic, you're better of with the in camera anamorphic, due to the convert-before-compression. In post the video is already compressed. A post production anamorphic is degrading the quality more.

When we speak about 16:9 in Adobe after effects, then, 16:9 anamorphic to 16:9 letterbox is the case. Not clip. Of course you can do the clip effect here to. But it's easier in Premiere.

I recommend you to go with clip in Premiere if you shoot 4:3 with 16:9 guide. But if you wan't to leave a "better" posibillity for 16:9 television I'd shoot in-camera anamorphic and use After effects after edit, to compress to letterbox, and also leaving a version anamorphic too.

Rob Lohman wrote that the abillity of moving fotage up and down is a good thing. Keep this in mind if you go 4:3 with 16:9 guide, as if you sometime cut someones head on the frame with a guide line, you can always re-compose this clip by moving it upp or down a little bit in After effects, as you have 12,5 % image over and 12,5 % under the 16:9 guidelines.

Hope this helps,

Good luck to you,


Old May 31st, 2002, 12:49 PM   #102
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Priemere 6.0 Manual

Does anybody know were i can get this from? I ruined mine and cannot read it, so i was wondering if you can download it from any sites. Really need help, in the middle of post!!

Old May 31st, 2002, 01:24 PM   #103
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I think has most Adobe manuals on sale (probably around $25-$30). The only download information I could find is off the adobe website; however, it is a press material info thing.

Still, feel free to ask questions about how to do things with premiere. Some people have been using it for quite some time, and that is what this forum is for!


Kyle "Doc" Mitchell
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Old May 31st, 2002, 02:14 PM   #104
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thanks man, i'm still looking for the free download.
Old June 4th, 2002, 12:38 AM   #105
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I am having the same exact problem. I have a XL1, I use Premiere, my system consists of a dual PIII 1 gig-tyan board-2 40 gig maxtor 7200 rpm-western digital firewre card. I have tried everything and I mean everything, different OS's (98 SE, Win 2k), Different Firewire cards (Western Digital, Pinnacle), Different Software (Premiere, Avid ExpressDV2). I have spent a lot of money and time trying to fix this issue. I'm not sure what to do at this point. If anyone has a clue let me know please!
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