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Old February 8th, 2002, 07:30 AM   #16
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Use this command a the command prompt in Win2k

convert (drive letter): /fs:ntfs

then sit back and enjoy the ride
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Old February 8th, 2002, 01:03 PM   #17
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If I am correct there should be no drop in frame, no matter what frame rate. As far as I could work out it could be your hardware (what system are you running? Anything running in the background?).

Then again I could be barking up the wrong tree!!!

Hope this helps,

Ed Smith
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Old February 9th, 2002, 02:03 PM   #18
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Could someone explain what NTFS is and do I need to worry about that in Windows ME? I use Premiere and I also have problems exporting. I always thought that it was because I do not have enough memory (250 meg DDR ram).
Old February 9th, 2002, 07:10 PM   #19
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NTFS is a file system used by NT/2000. It's more secure and stable than the FAT system and dosen't have file size limitations. At least not that I've found yet. ME dosen't use NTFS so you can't use it.

Your exporting problem is more than likely a configuration problem. You have sufficient RAM. What processor and hard drive are you using. Maybe your transfer speed is not high enough.
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Old February 10th, 2002, 11:31 AM   #20
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Thanks for the help, I have an Athlon 1.3 and my video hard drive is a 30 gig IBM deskstar and I use a Canopus Raptor card. Don't know exactly the model of my hardrive. When I watch a rendered video in Premier, I occassionally get "glitches" which I assume are dropped frames. It doesn't happen often, but it happens enough that when I am exporting a finished movie back to minidv, i'll get a "glitch" in the video and have to start all over exporting. It is to the point that I defragment my drive, and I export 5 to 10 minute blocks of video to my minidv rather than try to export a whole 30 minute to hour video at a time and risk getting a glitch somewhere in the process. Does this make sense? I do make sure that I don't have anything running in the background like anti-virus software or other such things.
Old February 10th, 2002, 02:27 PM   #21
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I think I have the same problem as you, I exported a whole 1hour video back onto DV tape to XL1, it looked fine when it was recording to the camera (through the viewfinder), but when I played it back on my monitor it would jerk (skip a couple of frames - quite regularly). Another strange phenomenon was that, occasionally it would suddenly speed up for no reason and so had to start the whole exporting process again.

I'm running Windows XPpro, Intel celeron 450MHz, 384mb RAM, 2gig, 12gig and 60gig hardrive, using Premiere 6. And again have nothing running in the background (screensavers etc).

Anybody else with any help for this problem?

All the best,

Ed Smith

*Hopefully this has not been sent twice*

Last edited by Ed Smith; February 10th, 2002 at 03:04 PM.
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Old February 10th, 2002, 02:46 PM   #22
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ajpate611, what version of Premiere are you using? I have a Windows 2000 box with a Pentium 3 800mhz processor and 1 gig of ram. I also use the Canopus Raptor card and have not experienced any dropped frames. I am using Premiere 6.
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Old February 10th, 2002, 05:38 PM   #23
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I'm using Premier ... is it 5.1c or 5.5c .... not at my computer so I can't remember, it's the one just before they released 6.0. Not sure if I have the same problem as Ed, I can see mine "drop a frame or two" in the viewfinder. basically when I'm watching the video as it is exporting back to my XL-1, both on the monitor TV and the viewfinder I suddenly see the blue background just for a split second and then the video will continue and a little later I'll see the "blue screen" glitch again on both the viewfinder and the TV I have hooked up to monitor the video. For those who are familiar with the Raptor, it comes with software that tests your hard drive, both read and write, and my hard drive tests good for speed. I'm stumped and have decided to live with exporting my movies in short chunks. Although very frustrating.
Old February 10th, 2002, 07:40 PM   #24
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The only thing I can think of is that you need to render or flatten your video and audio. If you have too many effects going on at once it may get overwhelmed and it won't be able to send out the data. Ignore that "realtime rendering" sticker on the Raptor box. Render anyway.

This, of course, is just a guess.
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Old February 10th, 2002, 07:59 PM   #25
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Yeah I agree with Joe. Always render before exporting. I use a DV500, which is in the same catagory as the Raptor. It's supposedly real time but I always render before exporting.
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Old February 11th, 2002, 04:36 AM   #26
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Would you please tell me HOW you can actually use the Raptor card with Premiere for "realtime" playback? I've yet to figure out how to make that work and Canopus has been less than helpful. I'm probably missing something real easy here. :)
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Old February 11th, 2002, 08:39 AM   #27
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Your 'Blue Screen' problem is probably due to the video tracks not butting up against each other when there is a cut, i.e. there is a small gap.


Zoom down to 1 or 12 frames where you have a cut, if there is a space just move the video across to fill the gap.

Hope this helps,

Ed Smith
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Old February 11th, 2002, 01:41 PM   #28
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Ed, I thought of that but I noticed that the "blue screen" or "dropped frames" occur at different places each time I try to export a large file. I even have this problem when I export a 10 minute video rendered in premier to an .avi to later convert to mpeg on tmpgenc.

Brad, I'm not sure if this is the answer to your question, but, I found that to use premier with my raptor card, I actually have to have my "deck" or xl-1 connected and turned on in vcr mode the entire time I am editing. If I turn off my xl-1 while editing in premier, I have lots of problems.
Old February 15th, 2002, 05:45 AM   #29
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Importing Premiere projects in After Effects


I hope someone can assist me with the problem I'm
having. Basically I am doing the following:

I am making a short, edit it with Premiere 6.01. When
I am done editting I import the project into After Effects
(5.5) todo color correction, letterboxing and some other

The problem that I'm having is that After Effects
does not takes fades into account. When using the
fadeline on the video footage AE just seems to ignore
that. When I do an addittive dissolve or a cross dissolve
from an empty track to my video track it creates a fade
in Premiere as well, but not in After Effects.

Does anyone know of a way todo this without resorting
to manual labor in After Effects?

Thanks very much!

Rob Lohman,
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Old February 23rd, 2002, 10:12 PM   #30
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Playback problems on Adobe Premiere

I have been using Adobe Premiere for some time now. I can edit just fine, minus a few lags from my computer. The problem I have is when I go to export my timeline to tape. It will not play through. It will usually play for a few minutes and then "hiccup" leaving a jump cut on my tape. I have tried everything and nothing seems to work. No matter how small or large the project it will NEVER play to tape smoothly. I need help, this is my business!

I have a P4, 512MB RAM, and an 80gig-7200RPM firewire drive. It seems to me that my system is fine.
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