And there's another thing. People often take existing customer opinions into account when deciding about purchase. They can see on various fora that product X isn't quite as excellent as they thought. Voicing negative criticism is good way to make people aware of product downsides.
I write for a nationwide electronics magazine, so I know precisely that reviewers cannot possibly simulate all conditions buyers will use products in. Reviews cannot go very deep, because there is simply not enough time.
If I was smart enough to check out Matrox' support forum, I would never buy their RTX2. Their forum is brimming with people having all kinds of problems, and I have MANY of them too. If all users would simply stay quiet about products' downsides, nothing would ever get fixed.
And last of all, I cannot simply switch to something else. I made an investment into Adobe product and I don't have time nor finance to move over. I will buy a Mac with FCS later, and will continue to use Premiere for shorter projects, because I really love some of its editing capabilities. But I won't keep criticism for myself. As you may have seen on this and another fora, I try to be quite helpful, not only complain.