Adobe Premiere Pro 7.0 Released - Decisions, Decisions! at
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Old July 7th, 2003, 02:04 AM   #1
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Adobe Premiere Pro 7.0 Released - Decisions, Decisions!

Well, Adobe has now come out with their next version of Premiere. It is called "Adobe Premiere Pro" and it looks great! It has tons of new functions, including color correction, 5.1 surround sound, advanced timeline features, and so sooooooo much more. Now I have a problem. This new version of Premiere looks good, but what do you think? I am going to buy a new NLE within the next month or so. Should I buy this new Adobe Premiere Pro or should I go with Avid Xpress DV like I was planning? I am so confused now! Thanks alot for your help. I would love to hear you opinions and thoughts about the newly released Premiere. (I think it starts shipping in August). Thanks for your opinions, thoughts, first impressions, and help!

More detailed info at the Adobe site:

PS - I currently use Adobe Premiere 6.0
Scott Silverman
Shining Star Digital Video Productions
Bay Area, CA
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Old July 7th, 2003, 05:29 AM   #2
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Woah didn't know it was being released this early. Usually Adobe starts advertising months in advance to big releases. Wait- and didn't they JUST release 6.5 not too long ago! Darn maybe Vegas DID put the burner under their butts!
Looking at the screenshots and features they DEFINITLY have taken many cues from Vegas. I'm curious as to how it ultimately stacks up against Vegas. Even if it matchs it, heck even if it BEATS it.....and still is unstable like every other Premiere release- it's not worth the $700. I'll stick with my Vegas+DVD.
Time will tell I suppose. Anyone that picks it up- please let us know how it is!
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Old July 7th, 2003, 05:45 AM   #3
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Also in the digital video collection standard version they have added adobe audition (for sound editing) and encore but have taken out photoshop and illustrator. In the professional version of the collection they include the professional version of after effects and include photoshop, but still no illustrator. They are priced from adobe $799 and $1499 respectively and the professional version is only available direct from adobe.

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Old July 7th, 2003, 08:45 AM   #4
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Hmm I have to wonder how good Adobe Audition is going to be. Mind you I'm comparing the whole Adobe NLE suites to Sonic Foundry's. Sonic Foundry has Sound Force- which I'd have to think would blow away Audition beings they are a company that specializes in audio.
I dunno I'm just a bit disgruntled- I don't want to get excited about new Adobe product right as I'm currently making the swtich from Premiere 6 to Sonic Foundry's Vegas 4, DVD Architech, and Sound Forge. I can't afford both. I'm actually hoping Premiere Pro turns out like all other Premiere releases and is horribly unstable- at least that way I can rest assured my money is/was well spent.

UPDATE: Oh yeah I forgot- all Audition is, is Cool Edit Pro. I almost forgot Adobe bought that. I'll stick with Sound Forge and Noise Reduction 2.0. ;)
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Old July 7th, 2003, 09:24 AM   #5
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forget it if its cool edit...
Soundforge has been the industry standard (alongside pro tools) as the godfather of all audio editors...
I been using it for about 7 years now, and i know it works marvelously....
when vegas 1 first came out, noone knew anythign about it, but then they all cought on with vegas 4...
one thing to remember is that it took THIS long (V7) for Adobe to make any real significant changes to Premiere... from what i recall, there havent been many major improvements or breakthrus since before v5... which is quite sad when you consider its been on the market for so long...

oen good thing about P7, is that its compatible with HW like matrox and canopus... and i guess with that kind of support it will stil have a strong following and rightly so, but it wont take too long (hopefully) for SF to score a deal with a HW manufacturer...

either way, choose whatever NLE works best for you...

IMO it still seems a lil overbloated compared to the smooth fast operational flow of Vegas...

Best to give it a try and see what happens.. :)

in the end, the more choises WE have the more productive WE can be...
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Old July 7th, 2003, 10:17 AM   #6
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Yeah I'll probably download a trial of Premiere Pro just to keep and open mind and give it a shot- although it'll take nothing less than a miracle for them to have created a product that can eclipse Vegas. And even then, like I said, theres the issue of stability.

If SF (or Sony for that matter now...) scored a deal with a HW manufacturer I'd be the first on the list to pick one up. Lets just hope unlike Pinnacles DV500, it doesn't introduce any hardware related software instability!
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Old July 7th, 2003, 01:27 PM   #7
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As a long time Premiere user I tried VV4. Without any substitute for virtual clips VV4 is pretty limiting to me. In many ways Premiere 6 already surpasses VV4 and is not harder to use (at least for me).

The feature I like most about VV4, transitions on all tracks, will be available in Premiere Pro. We'll see how easily it does crossfades, another nice feature if VV4. SOFO needs to work on VV4's asset management, it's horrible.

I'm really looking forward to the tabbed timelines. Something I've wanted for a while now. VV4 holds no interest of mine at this point.
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Old July 7th, 2003, 01:46 PM   #8
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I'm thrilled to bits that you and others are happy with VV. AP works for me. Why can't you leave it at that?
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Old July 7th, 2003, 02:07 PM   #9
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It seems that the pendulum is swinging the other way now! I have always been a Premiere fan, and seem to be in good company. For the first time though, Adobe is letting me down, as Premiere Pro (PP?) doesn't seem to run in anything but XP. I hope this is just a typo, and they will have support for 2K users.
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Old July 7th, 2003, 02:32 PM   #10
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<<<-- Originally posted by Nigel Moore : I'm thrilled to bits that you and others are happy with VV. AP works for me. Why can't you leave it at that? -->>>

No, nooo I didn't mean it that way. It's hard to convey the temperature of your coorespondence in written the written form. I was simply making a statement that meant nothing more than, "you don't know what your missing". I figured you never tried VV so honestly didn't know how it compared.
Take it from me I'm a long time Premiere user and when I first heard all these people ranting about Vegas I thought they were exaggerating...after all Vegas is one of the smaller NLEs out there. I'm sorry if you took it the wrong way, rather...I'm sorry the way I worded it. I didn't mean to come across the way it did.
Btw, what are your personal reasons for not trying Vegas?

Craig, virtua clips are one of the particular things that actually made my Premiere buggy. Granted I'm running Premiere with Hardware support of Pinnacles DV500 so it's really hard to tell if it's hardware or software related. Whenever I tried to work with virtual clips Premiere never played them properly and/or would crash.
I'm pretty new to Vegas but I'm pretty sure it has options that are similar (and less limiting) than virtual clips. You can duplicate full tracks with all it's edits and adjustments. If you go back and change the original track you duplicated it from it wont change your duplicated track- unlike with virtual clips.
VV4 IS harder to use- at first. You are used to the Premiere workflow just like me and was a fish out of water at first when working in Vegas. Once you take the time to learn the workflow it'll make sense and you'll prefer least all the people I know that have taken the time to learn Vegas prefer it's workflow over Premiere.
I could be wrong but I honestly can't think of one thing Premiere can do that Vegas can't do, if not better. On the other hand I can list plenty of things Vegas can do that Premiere couldn't even attempt.
The onset of Premiere Pro may change things but the best case scenario is it is on par with Vegas. Then again I haven't heard if Premiere Pro supports 24p and High-Definition.

*Oh and I DID think of something Premiere can do that Vegas can't- FLMs. I actually do like FLMs- though they become quite combersome if longer than a few seconds...even on a fast computer.*
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Old July 7th, 2003, 02:58 PM   #11
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I do not understand all the fuss about Vegas vs. Premiere. Why does it matter? It's become like Mac vs. PC. Just use what's best for you and leave it at that. It seems like a lot of "Vegas Converts" around here are bitterly resentful of Premiere, and are already trashing the new release before they've even tried it. That's amazing.

I for one love Premiere and it does everything I need it to do. I doesn't crash, and works beautifully with the my Canopus DV Storm. And now, Premiere is set to be even more tightly integrated with AE so that is a major bonus I'm looking forward to.

I've tried Vegas and I personally don't like the interface, but I'm not going to go on a public bashing spree of the software. I know a lot of people enjoy that program and if it works for them then more power to ya! ;)
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Old July 7th, 2003, 03:43 PM   #12
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I agree. Who cares if it works. Having said that I dont see many Vegas users moving over to Premiere but many going from Premiere to Vegas.
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Old July 7th, 2003, 05:27 PM   #13
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Does anyone use Avid Xpress DV? I am going to buy that or Premiere Pro, and I would like some user experiences with the program. Thanks for your input, I appriciate it!
Scott Silverman
Shining Star Digital Video Productions
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Old July 7th, 2003, 05:42 PM   #14
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Yes, I too would love to hear opinions regarding Avid Express DV vs Premiere Pro (or Premiere), as I have an opportunity to upgrade from 6.0 in a few weeks.
Mark Moore
Sugar Free Productions
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Old July 7th, 2003, 06:03 PM   #15
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VV4 does not have virtual clips nor does it have anything to substitute for them. I confirmed this in the SOFO forum. One could say that virtual clips don't make Premiere buggy if, like VV4, you can't use them. The only bug I found in virtual clips is that they can flip field order.

Premiere 6 and 6.5 have been absolutely stable for me and I've run them on at least 6 different boxes. If I were you, Glen, I'd blame the Pinnacle card. I, too, had a DV500 and it was horrible. With Premiere my philosophy is only the cheapest OHCI card and it's served me well.

There are many things Premiere does that VV4 cannot do. You can find a list of them on the VV4 forum at Sonic Foundry. My favorite peeves are the bad asset management and lack of storyboard. How do you export a bin in VV4? No one at SOFO seemed to know yet I do it all the time in Premiere.

The whole purpose of a virtual clip is that when you update it it updates the copy in the main timeline. Doh!

I also never said VV4 was hard to use. What I said was Premiere was not harder. Personally I liked VV4 but it is lacking in features I need and it offers nothing compelling to me over Premiere. Now that Premiere 7 has added a fulltime vectorscope/waveform display, improved color correction (though I use Video Finesse) and transitions on all tracks, I see all VV4's advantages gone. That opinion is based solely on the features I use, of course. I approached VV4 with an open mind and even bought it. I may yet switch to VV5.

I do agree that the VV4 vs. Premiere subject seems personal and comes mostly from Vegas users. It shouldn't surprise anyone that more users convert to Vegas than the other way around. Premiere is much older, more mature, and has a lot more users to lose.
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