Extremely Slow rendering time in 24p timeline at DVinfo.net
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Old February 28th, 2008, 07:35 PM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: London, Ontario Canada
Posts: 22
Extremely Slow rendering time in 24p timeline

I've made a DV - 24p wide screen project and I've pre-rendered the whole project.
When I go to export my movie to a 24p advanced DV avi file it takes 4-6 hours to render. This is way longer than normal, when I make a 29.97 project it would take 20 minutes to render out to a final file.
The project is 40 minutes with fully pre rendered all green timeline. Is this a 24p bug? Am I rendering out to the wrong type of file? Since its all pre-rendered I cant see why this would take any longer than forty minutes and with most projects I've found it takes half as long as the timeline.

Does anyone have any ideas what this would be? I was hoping if anything for slightly faster render times due to less frames to render. Is this a CS3 bug by any chance?
Vince DAmbrosio is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 29th, 2008, 08:23 AM   #2
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: North Conway, NH
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The first question that leaps to my mind is are you using the same DV codec to export as you used in the project? I ran into a similar problem year ago on a Sony PC that apparently had a Sony DV codec in addition to a MSFT DV codec, which created problems. Check to see what codecs are on your system. I suspect that you can unintstall any "extra" DV codecs.

Secondly, double check your output settings to make sure that they are the same as your project, even down to the audio properties.

That said, it could be some bizarro bug. Heaven knows there are few in there.
Tripp Woelfel is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 29th, 2008, 08:43 AM   #3
New Boot
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: London, Ontario Canada
Posts: 22
The only Dv codec I have is the microsoft one, I did have a cineform trial on there, which I uninstalled, but the cinfform presets are still there in export settings. I also have have the cineform neo player installed.

My project settings and export setting are the exact same, I going to uninstall neo player to see if thats helps but I doubt it.

Any other suggestions?

Vince DAmbrosio is offline   Reply

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