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Old June 24th, 2015, 12:40 AM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Posts: 18
3D converter

Here is the program I wrote for batch conversion between some stereo formats. Among other possibilities, it can be used for batch encoding side-by-side mp4 deinterlaced files from splitted interlaced avi files, making time-lapses from pictures or video, etc. The program has some very interesting features as well which are important for me and I believe some of you might find them useful as well. The program with some accompanied files in zip form (3D_Converter_V098.zip) can be downloaded here:

dsc.ijs.si - /damir.vrancic/down_3d/Software/

Don't forget to read pdf file (inside zipped file) which shortly explains some of the program options. When I find time, I'll try to make short tutorials as well.
You can get some of my 3D videos as well (in Full side-by-side or squeezed form) by going to parent directory and then into sub-directory "Movies".

I am posting this message on several forums related to 3D.

Cheers, Damir
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Old July 7th, 2015, 10:37 AM   #2
New Boot
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Posts: 18
Re: 3D converter

There is a new version of 3D converter available (3D_Converter_V099.zip), which is available at the same site as given above.
The changes are the following:

V0.99 (from V0.98)

- Added Reverse L-R option (which shuffles left and right video at the output stage)
- Blur option is added when defining output resolution. Useful when reducing output resolution (Moirre).
- Added save and load layout settings (all settings on the screen can be saved or loaded by the user)
Damir Vrancic is offline   Reply

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