nano3D Wins Best of show at IBC at
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Old September 29th, 2010, 10:19 AM   #1
Convergent Design
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nano3D Wins Best of show at IBC

"The editorial teams behind TVBEurope and The IBC Daily have collaborated to choose the best new product innovations at IBC and the Convergent nano3D Recorder has won “A Best of IBC Awards”.

nano3D is a stereoscopic recorder/player which creates independent left/right eye files. Built on the nanoflash, nano3D is the world's smallest, lowest-power, lightest-weight, 3D recorder available today. nano3D records very high quality video at data-rates up to 280Mbps 4:2:2 in I-Frame mode, ideal for 3D post production which often requires rotate, crop and resize operations. Additionally, nano3D includes side-by-side and line-by-line combining in live and playback modes.

Here's a link to the video on nano3D (from IBC):

nano3D will soon be enhanced (via an upcoming firmware release) with anaglyph, 50/50 overlay combing and alignment guides (6% grid lines). These features may eliminate the need to purchase 3D monitors for judging the 3D effect during field production.

nano3D is currently shipping.
Mike Schell
Convergent Design
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Old September 29th, 2010, 03:04 PM   #2
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Toronto, ON, Canada
Posts: 3,637
Congrats Mike. They made the right choice.

You forgot to mention that it also has HDMI1.4 compatible output!

How soon will the product ship?
Tim Dashwood
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Old September 30th, 2010, 10:04 AM   #3
Inner Circle
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Bracknell, Berkshire, UK
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The Nano3D really is a ground breaking product. A plain vanilla 2D NanoFlash is good, but there is nothing else quite like the Nano3D. It made my life so simple at IBC where I was doing daily 3D video blogs for Sony. I was able to shoot 3D with my rig and a pair of EX camcorders feeding the Nano3D. I used the built in combiner function to record a single clip that contained a side by side stereo stream. I could then edit this single stream, in effect a 2D clip on my laptop using Tim's stereoscopic tool box for anaglyph monitoring and directly upload the edit to YouTube without the need to do any further post work. With side by side becoming a default standard for low end 3D delivery the ability to work this way greatly simplifies the whole production process. Throw in a Matrox MXO for the encoding stage and your all set to go.

The last few months have seen a total revolution of the range of useful 3D production tools. Guys like Convergent Design, Blackmagic and Tim have made stereoscopic production so much easier and more affordable.

The majority of the hurdles that used to block the path to low cost S3D have been worked around or simply pushed aside. On-Set monitoring was until just a few weeks ago a major stumbling block, but with the Nano3D's anaglyph mode even that has been addressed. I'm completely staggered by the amount of features that have been added to the NanoFlash since it's launch.
Alister Chapman, Film-Maker/Stormchaser My XDCAM site and blog.
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