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#1 |
Regular Crew
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Busy Times for 2nd Unit
JL- First, congrats on the move. You guys and your work deserve it. Second and the most important part. I saw your re-cut. If you meant to teach me a lesson, it worked. Your friend Paolo I understand is an FCP user and you turned what you did over to him with Adobe Premiere and asked him to recut your "lousy attempt at editing". When you and I first met, you played down your talent, your role and just about every other thing about yourself and said, "I'm just a producer trying to make good shows that make a difference in peoples lives." I'll never forget that. It was at HD Expo. I have to tell you Jonathan, what you and Paolo are doing, what you stand for is everything this industry should be. The second version that Paolo did took into consideration every recommendation people on this forum made and I for one appreciate it. Your version wasn't that bad but you'll never berlieve that so all I can say is what Paolo did is simply amazing. I for one will be back every week to see what your guests have to say. Thanks Jonathan and Paolo and if no one else says it, let me. You guys are a class act. And if Paolo can make that much of a change the first time out with Adobe Premiere, I'm sold. You probably did more to sell Adobe in one week than all their magazine ads did in a year. You're a class act guys.
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#2 |
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Location: Santa Cruz, CA
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Thank you Joyce, much appreciated. You know, once and editor, always an editor :)
FCP and Premiere have their own strength and weaknesses, the programs are pretty similar and I like that they standardized some of the keystrokes. I particularly appreciated some of the audio effects of Premiere, particularly the ability to fill one channel with the other channel (Fill Right/Left) and to conver tto Mono without having to use an external program. Thanks again. |
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#3 |
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Sound Mixing Credit
I made an omission in the credits for Episode 1 and 2. Sound for the George Spiro Dibie videos should have been credited to Tip McPartland. Tip, I'll rectify this asap, I had it in the card but I didn't save it before exporting the video. Just a dumb editing mistake.
I apologize for that. |
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#4 |
2nd Unit TV
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 509
We have scheduled Paolo for a whoopin' Tuesday from 0900 - 0930. Tickets go on sale Monday!
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#5 |
2nd Unit TV
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Posts: 509
Week 3 to Expolre Polarization, Warming and HDTV Filters
I just received the video piece from VMS, Joyce, Kathy and Company's company who took it on themselves to produce an entire episode for us. These are people of DVInfo who have struck out on their own and are starting with a Rolodex comprised of 13 years or so of working at Warners and two good clients. They did it because 4th of July weekend is a long one and we did not want to interrupt anyone's family time with a regular shoot. But they insisted that it was a good idea to keep the shows debuting on schedule and I reluctantly agreed with them. From Saturday to today they shot, edited and delivered the first cut of the show on Polarizing filters, HDTV filters and Warmking filters typically called 812s. This is a credit where credit is due site and I wanted to make special note of their efforts and thank them for the hard work it took to put this together. It'll be debuting Wednesday at 8:00pm as usual and I'm pretty certain Paolo's nailing down the QT files and I'll be handling the fully downloadable ones. Next up is the i-Pods so please be sure and take a look at Wednesday's show on Polartization. I guarantee you one thing, you'll come away with a mucg clearer understanding of filters in general and polarization specifically that you'll be able to use to help get more out of your camera. So again, thanks to VMS for their work this week.
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#6 |
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Man, I can't look away for a day or two and you come up with another episode. Very cool, can't wait to see it.
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#7 |
2nd Unit TV
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Posts: 509
Lessons in Family
I received this message via e-mail and thought it important enough to post. It's from a long-time DVInfo member and serves to illustrate just what a family Chris Hurd has built here and what we're all about. I've omitted his or her name until he or she contacts me and says it's OK to post that but the importance lies not in who sent the message but in the feelings it conveys. Add another member to the family of 2nd Unit.
Hi Jonathan, I noticed that you used one of my postings from DVInfo on your web page. To be honest, at first I felt like a bit of an [*##*@$#] much the same way I felt the day after rereading my post to you. I know honesty is what you want and I felt, minus a few harsh words, that is what I gave you. The truth is I want your show to be a success and it is with this wish that I would like to offer to help, if you want it. I am Location Managing a TV Movie for Marvista in Vancouver, currently, and was wondering if you would like me to shoot some interviews with our Lighting Dept. and some B-Roll of their set-ups for you to use on your show? I shot their EPK on the last show I did for them and they were real happy with it- especially cause I did it for free, which I'd be happy to do for you. If you are interested send me a list of the kinds of things you would want me to shoot and maybe some questions you'd like asked. If not, no offense taken and perhaps another time in the future. It's people like this that serve to keep me in this business because anyone who knows the entertainment industry knows that, for some weird and messed-up reason, it seems to thrive on destroying people and their repitations, most times just for fun. So to this person I say welcome aboard and I know everyone else working with us joins me. We should be geting some great, candid stuff from "Mr. or Mrs. Smith" in the near future and I thank him or her wholeheartedly for his or her candor and time in thinking about us and what we're doing here and in writing to me. Time is short on a show, believe me, and the mere fact he or she took the time to write never ceases to humble me. |
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#8 |
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Episode 2 QuickTime movie online
Hi all.
We finally managed to finish a first round of tests and compression settings for QuickTime and we have Episode 2 online. Just go to the page, a new link is available that delivers a high-quality QuickTime, H.264 video. As with much of 2nd Unit, this is pretty much esperimental so, please, let us know if you have any problems in playing this file, so that we can improve the show. For this file you'll need QuickTime 7.x. If you have the current version of iTunes installed, Windows or Mac, you're all set. |
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#9 |
2nd Unit TV
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Posts: 509
Emmy Nomination For Friends
One of our friends, and earliest supporters, Rodney Charters, gas been nominated for an Emmy this morning for Outstanding Cinematography in 24. How great is that? Rodney will be on the show later this month when he returns from Toronto and his current shoot doing Kiefer Sutherlands Rock Band video.
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#10 | |
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#11 |
2nd Unit TV
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David Tatersol and Team
Next up in the 2nd Unit schedule is David Tatersall and his team from Con Air and Star Wars. We're shoting that show this coming Wednesday at 2 and we're looking for assistants so anyone interested in working the shoot, please PM me and we'll work you in. I mean, hiow often do you get to work with a legend so let me know who wants to shoot this and I'll make arrangements. Again, it's set for Wednesday at 2 in Hollywood. 2nd unit is all about bringing shows to those who can't make it to Hollywood but also it's about introducing indeendent filmmakers to the giants of our industry by allowing them to work with people like Tatersol and company. I look forward to your responses.
Last edited by Jonathan Ames; July 16th, 2006 at 10:19 AM. |
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#12 |
2nd Unit TV
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 509
New Sponsor Joins the 2nd Unit Foal; Tiffen
Long time filter manufacturer Tiffen has just notified us that they'll be joining 2nd Unit as a full sponsor of the show. Why is this important? Two things. One, Ira Tiffen wrote the book on filtration...so much so that the Cinematographer's Bible, the "American Cinematographer Manual" carries a full chapter on filtration written by Ira which shows the depth of this company's and this individual's knowledge and commitment to quality optics; simply stated, Ira wrote the book on filtration and everyone turns to it. We certainly did well before they became a sponsor. Second, the company is fair. If you recall, in Episode 3 we did a piece on filters that said, "Filtration is a personal choice and you don't need to select Tiffen as your choice. They're simply ours." Letting us use their filters, review them very, very publicly and allowing us to be honest about the results all shows the honesty and integrity that permeates the company. They said, "Here are our filters. Use them, abuse them, return them and let us and the world know what you think." Now that's professionalism.
2nd Unit is committed to educating the filmmaking public on filmmaking. The selection of tools is completely up to the viewer but you can't pick the right hammer so to speak for the job if you don't know as much about the hammer and the job as possible. That's our job; to explain the issues that are filmmaking and the tools that are available to help you get the job done and let you make the decision. Our decision to move to Sony and Mac as an example is our personal decision and we'll be reporting on all the reasons why. Whether you move to or select Sony and Mac is up to you like it is with Tiffen but, through 2nd Unit and people like Jody Eldred, at least you'll know what the Sony 350 and 330 and the Power Book Pro are all about. So that's it. Exciting news that a company with Tiffen's standing would elect to sponsor our show. We're raising our sodas right now around here in a toast. At 5:01 it'll be a beer or something! |
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#13 |
2nd Unit TV
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 509
"24" 's Rodney Charters Loves 2nd Unit
Usually I don't post things like this because so many DPs, directors and the like in Hollywood view 2nd Unit weekly but Rodney Charters, well, he's different. A wonderful person I had the priovilege of meeting through a guy by the name of Taylor Wigton a few months ago, Rodney and I have become good friends since that first meeting in Canada... to the point that if it's crap he'll say so without fear of offending me. Rodney's a good one for not pulling punches and that's exactly why I'm posting this. We must be doing something right! And for those of you who think working a show is all glamour, check out the fact he's working 'till 3:30 and 4:30 IN THE MORNING on "24"!!! That's insane but that's the business.
From: rodneyxxxi@xxx.com Subject: Re: Re: Date: August 14, 2006 8:29:33 AM PDT To: jlames@bluelinecinema.tv Jonathan Hi we all went off immediately after I emailed you and yes we did make it to the Grove but I did not get to your email until monday morning. We were thrown off the train an hour early 3:30am instead of 4:30am on saturday and today will be much scambllng to decide how to proceed. Next week on saturday is the Creative Emmy's with a Kodak bash on Friday which I am trying to get to. I have watched more of the interviews online. They look great and are stuffed with useful information even for me. great work getting this thing going. cheers |
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#14 |
2nd Unit TV
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2nd Unit Shooting at Sunset and Vine
2nd Unit will be shooting at Birns and Sawyer tomorow, Friday, August 18th from 9:30 to about 6. The show's topic is the Tiffen Steadicam and will include noted pro operator Peter Abraham whose class on the unit is scheduled for this Saturday and Sunday, August 19 and 20. If you're in the Hollywood area around Sunset and Vine, stop in and say hello to the crew and see why Birns and Sawyer has been Hollywood's leading equipment supplier for more than half a century. We'll be at their brand new building at 6381 De Longpre Avenue which is one block South of Sunset and one block West of Vine.
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#15 |
2nd Unit TV
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Posts: 509
The Prarie Dog's Companion
I was recently asked for some advice which isn't new but this young filmmaker really has his stuff together. He asked for help, not for a handout and that's rare (except here on these forums where I truly get 4 times the e-mail than we do the postings because of "personal matters" they want to know about). Everyone who's read this one wants me to post my response and so I will because it's the story of all of us. I hope you all get something out of it like I do this forum.
Dear xxx: That's the spirit...the spirit of a true entrepreneur filmmaker. You MUST remember those convictions and keep them close through your journey. I don't want to sound like some old swami but I've been in this business along time and I have to tell you the overnight success doesn't happen. You must stay working and let the results speak for themselves but you need to toot you own horn, with a towel stuffed in the end, every once in awhile. I want you to get a mental picture of a prairie dog hunkered down in his hole working, working, editing, working, work-work-work. And very once in a while, he whips out a bugle, stuffs a towel in the end, pops his head up out of his hole, blows an alert and quick, ducks back dow. Then he pops his head back up out of the hole and looks around to see if anyone notices. I want you to take a moment and get that mental picture because your idea of getting a PR firm and they do all the tooting and you do all the working worries me. You have to do both. Always. And don't let some PR firm define you alone. Get big, get a firm if you want but own your destiny. But before that happens, you have to work, refine, work, refine, light, shoot, scrap, re-light, shoot, re-scrap and always keep popping your head up, blowing your quick tune to see if someone notices and then get back to work...even when you see someone turn around and notice you. Chances are someone will. Then they'll walk over, look down the hole, see you typing away on a script and say, "Hey, look what I found!!! It's a script-writing, movie-shooting, prairie dog. Don't kill it. Let's put it on stage. People will pay to see this thing!" And then you're off. It sounds silly but I'm deadly serious. Stop smiling, think about it seriously for a minute. OK, no go back to smiling because it's funny and you remember funny things and I want you to remember it. Just think of yourself as that little prairie dog. And unless your uncle or father heads a major studio, we're all prairie dogs throughout our career. The only thing that changes is that the holes get bigger and the light gets better. And we better keep on thinking of ourselves that way and producing or pretty soon, we'll be of no entertainment value to the farmer who found us because if we ever lose value to that farmer, it's wham!..back out the door we go to dig out own new hole. And then what happens? The answer is, "Start typing." You're in a new hole and you need a new script! |
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