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Old July 22nd, 2006, 11:54 PM   #31
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Originally Posted by Keith Forman
You folks certainly have the QT delivery nailed. It looked beautiful, and played smoothly, without pauses. Only beef I had with it, was the way it loaded at the extreme left of my screen. It seems as though some of it was cut off, including the volume control. When will part one be available in QT?

I'm working on it. We need to export it from Premiere and that is not easy because there is a bug in Premiere that crashes the program every time we try .I found a solution but it take about 35 hours to do it :(
As soon as it's export it I will generate the QT file for all episodes and new, cleaner WMV file as well.
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Old July 23rd, 2006, 12:04 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by Jeff Sayre
Currently, you have width="600" and height="400". I assume you encoded the QT file with these dimensions. However, for properly displaying the controller, the QT viewing frame requires that you add an extra 16 pixels to the height. Therefore, your values should be width="600" and height="416".
Hey Jeff.
Actually the files are at 1/2 the 720p resolution so it's 640x360. So the 400 pixels include a generous area for the controller, actually too much but I didn't have the time to look up exactly how much it was so I just padded it a bit. The 600 width was a typo, thank you for catching it, it's now fixed.
And yes, I made a centered table, good suggestion.
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Old July 23rd, 2006, 12:15 AM   #33
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Thank you Scott, glad you liked it.
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Old July 23rd, 2006, 09:26 AM   #34
2nd Unit TV
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Originally Posted by Scott Harper
I thought Eps 5 (part 2) with Jody totally rocked! He's a very interesting guy and well spoken. The cut aways to Jamie were well timed and the "creative choice" section where you wiped to the different "Film Looks" were slick and impressive. Hell of a job guys! You've raised the bar again. Keep it up. My only complaint is that Jamie may want to rethink his wardrobe..LOL. How long did the doctor tell him he had to wear that shirt?
I've been on him about that but jamies...well...unique! As are all the folks in the industry. Jaime's argument is that this is the way gaffers and grips, the real backbone of the industry dress on shoots. Perhaps with some m ore of your comments...all of you...we can change his wardrobe. Actually Jaime just sort of fell into the gig. He's actually being replaced with Isabells for Season 2. How's that striuke ya?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Jonathan Ames is offline  
Old July 23rd, 2006, 09:31 AM   #35
2nd Unit TV
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Posts: 509
Originally Posted by Paolo Ciccone
Hi Chris.

Yes, we considered Flash and it is attractive but... we want to delver for the iPod and that basically means creaing a Qt file. At that point Flash becomes a 3rd format that I rather not spport at this point.
Regarding the tests, yes, I tried on a short clip and then on the whole timeline. Short clip good, timeline => crash :(
Paolo and I are discussing this issue though. I have a meeting with Adobe's Director of Marketing tomorrow to see how we want to approach this issue. We're moving to Macromedia Dreamweaver for content creation (yes, we're employing most if not all of your recommendations on the site's look and feel as I said we would!) and we'll see what happens with Flash. Personally I really like it.
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Old July 23rd, 2006, 09:32 AM   #36
2nd Unit TV
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Posts: 509
Originally Posted by Cole McDonald
any updates on a quicktime version of part 1 of the Mr. Eldred piece? I don't want to watch part 2 before seeing part 1...unless I have no choice.
Paolo, will you please respond to this issue?
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Old July 23rd, 2006, 09:50 AM   #37
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I learned something new about filters, does Tiffen make a mayonnaise filter? I prefer Vaseline or just plain old finger prints smudged on my lens. Sometimes, I just keep the lens cap on. Shooting in Indiana, it helps make everything look better!

But seriously, Episode 5 was very good. Jody seems like a great guy--extremely knowledgeable, easy going, and friendly. So far, this is my favorite episode. I learned some important tips. The outdoor segment was especially informative to me. It helped refresh in my mind techniques that I know but sometimes just get sloppy about doing (or rather, not doing).

I have one comment about the audio. When inside, it seemed to me that Jody's audio was lower than Jaimes. In fact, Jaime's audio seemed to be riding a little high. I assume that was due to mixing in production and not post. It is probably not noticeable to most people, but I thought I would bring it up just in case. However, when the shooting moved outside, the audio level jumped very noticeably--this was more of a post issue, I assume.

Paolo, great job on editing and the QT encode was very good!
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Old July 23rd, 2006, 09:56 AM   #38
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I was posting a reply to another thread on this forum, regarding fx1 and 35mm adapters, and than I realized that a member of this forum that I was recommending has descriptions on his compression methods for quicktime.

Basically, he uses Sorenson 3.

Still worth checking out the quality by checking it out.


I also notice that he's now got windows media available for the clips as well. He uses Windows Media Encoder 9 at 600 kbits.

I think the quality of the WM9 is pretty good or comparable to quicktime.
John Kang is offline  
Old July 23rd, 2006, 10:18 AM   #39
Capt. Quirk
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I'd like to have a one of Jody's points clarified- the Dibi net goes behind the lens? Won't this interfere with contacts, or create pressure on the mount?
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Old July 23rd, 2006, 10:19 AM   #40
Capt. Quirk
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I'd like one of Jody's points clarified- the Dibi net goes behind the lens? Won't this interfere with contacts, or create pressure on the mount?
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Old July 23rd, 2006, 10:57 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by Jonathan Ames
Paolo, will you please respond to this issue?
Yes it's in here
As soon as I have the export finsihed I'll re-compose the footage in FCP and export it in QT. It might take a week.
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Old July 23rd, 2006, 11:00 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Keith Forman
I'd like to have a one of Jody's points clarified- the Dibi net goes behind the lens? Won't this interfere with contacts, or create pressure on the mount?
There are mounts that allow you to stretch a net and snap it behind the lens. Some high-end lenses like the Cooke have a net mount built-in.
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Old July 23rd, 2006, 11:04 AM   #43
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Hey Jeff.
The audio actually changed from inside to outside. Also, because of the higher noise (the jet pilot didn't get the memo) Jody was talking louder. I'll pay more attention to those issues, thank you for pointing them out.
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Old July 23rd, 2006, 11:11 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by John Kang
Basically, he uses Sorenson 3.

I think the quality of the WM9 is pretty good or comparable to quicktime.
I did some test with Sor3 and size/quality ratio is not as good as H.264, compresion time is also pretty much the same.
regarding WMV, yes, the quality can be similar but the fact is that Windows Media is Windows-only. That means, Microsoft doesn't make a player norr it provides tyechnical support for WMV on Macintosh. On the other hand QuickTime is supported officially by Apple and both the Windows and Macintosh version are kept at the same level. Also, a good group of user, not movie people, have QT installed for one reason or the other. The iPod has been the vehicle for this. If you have an iPod you have QuickTime. "Lost","24", "The Daily show", "Desp. Housewives" and dozens others are distributed in QuickTime H.264. If it's good enough for them it's good enough for our little show.
Having said so, we will distribute both QuickTime and WMV files in order to make life easier for our viewers. "2nd Unit" doesn't have any agenda to promote a codec or another but we are human and we have limited time :)
We will have, soon I hope, all the episodes on both formats at the quality level that you are seeing for Episode 5.

Take care.
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Old July 23rd, 2006, 11:35 AM   #45
Capt. Quirk
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Originally Posted by Paolo Ciccone
There are mounts that allow you to stretch a net and snap it behind the lens. Some high-end lenses like the Cooke have a net mount built-in.
Will there be issues using the net with the HD100 specificly? Keeping in mind, me and high end lenses are out of the question.
K. Forman is offline  

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