Helpful Articles: In and Around the Canon XL H1

This is the biggest section of the XL H1 Watchdog, and perhaps the most important. These articles differ from the owner's reports in that they focus on certain specific topics rather than evaluate the camera and its features. Most will be authored by contributors, the initial ones have been written by the Watchdog, and others will be collaborative in nature. We can all look forward to this section expanding a great deal as the camera is explored over time. If you're touring the website in full, then just start at the top of the page and work down.

Canon XL H1 Image Sensors, DSP and Frame Rates

Canon Announces 6X HD Zoom Lens for the XL H1 Camcorder

XL H1 Case Studies

John Dunn Shoots The Watchmaker with the Canon XL H1

Affordable Digital HDTV That Looks Like Film

Scott Billups Tests Canon’s XL H1 for Motion-Picture Production

See also...

The XL H1 Skinny
A preliminary overview of Canon's new XL H1 HD camcorder. A quick look at features, menu system, pricing, new XL HD lens and much more.

The XL H1 Watchdog's Message Board

Thrown together by Chris Hurd

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