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Sony HVR-A1 and HDR-HC Series
Sony's latest single-CMOS additions to their HDV camcorder line.

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Old February 12th, 2006, 07:08 AM   #16
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Glad you got Pinnacle working. I'm using the latest beta and still can't write to tape in HDV. However, even if I could, my PC isn't up to editing .m2v on the timeline - it jerks and stutters (although it's not too bad if I use the m2t in Vegas Media Studio Pro). Maybe if I upgraded to a dual core Athlon, which is possible with my mobo, it would be better in this respect. Are you Intel or Athlon based?

If your PC is up to it, I can't see that using an intermediate like Cineform would be of any help if colour rendition wasn't an issue. Just carry on and edit natively.

By the way, doesn't Premiere Pro 2 come with the Cineform codec anyway? I was toying with the idea of getting it but won't if the codec isn't included as I would need to render to intermediate. Of course, it wouldn't be the real time encoding that Cineform Aspect would do though.
Premiere Pro 2. Sony HC1E cam.
Athlon 64 4000+. 2gig Corsair RAM. ATI X800 Pro AGP graphics card. 2X SATA drives dedicated to video as RAID 0
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Old February 12th, 2006, 04:57 PM   #17
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Cineform In Adobe PP 2.0- and Pinnacle Studio

Originally Posted by Graham Wright
Glad you got Pinnacle working. I'm using the latest beta and still can't write to tape in HDV. However, even if I could, my PC isn't up to editing .m2v on the timeline - it jerks and stutters (although it's not too bad if I use the m2t in Vegas Media Studio Pro). Maybe if I upgraded to a dual core Athlon, which is possible with my mobo, it would be better in this respect. Are you Intel or Athlon based?

If your PC is up to it, I can't see that using an intermediate like Cineform would be of any help if colour rendition wasn't an issue. Just carry on and edit natively.

By the way, doesn't Premiere Pro 2 come with the Cineform codec anyway? I was toying with the idea of getting it but won't if the codec isn't included as I would need to render to intermediate. Of course, it wouldn't be the real time encoding that Cineform Aspect would do though.
I m running the 3800+ Dual Core AMD chip. I bought it on a combo deal at Fry's (big retailer here) for about $ 279.00. Had to revamp my who system because it had only PCI express, and needed DDR ram. I also added a $250 gig hard drive, and moved my 160 as my primary drive. With all that, big brother Microsoft said when I tried to reinstall the same XP program, that I had a new system, and needed new OS disk or serial number.

I am currently working with HD Aspect with my PP 2.0. Frankly, I am beginning to wonder what you pay $ 500 for. They say using their Transitions and video effects gives near real time editing capability, but that is only in the preview. You can actually see the effects of using the regular adobe effects and transitions by scrubbing anyway. And, when you have to actually render back to tape, or to mt2, or any other format, the render takes so long in the HDV mode. I see absolutely no benefit to Cineform in that respect.

Cineform Aspect also did not appear to have it own real time keying effect, so, unless I missed it, there seems to be now benefit there either.

Pinnacle Studio seems to render back to the tape and the .mt2 much faster, if you get it running right. I think this is because Pinnacle only actually rerenders the parts of the file that have been edited and some hou just appends the unedited portions. It also back round renders as you edit, which may create some problems with slower systems. I think this is part of the benefit of the Liquid engine it has. I rendered a 3 minute edit with 3 transitions for tape back to my FX1 and it took less than 10 minutes, including actual recording.

I tried a similar edit in PP 2.0 using both the m2t direct edit, and also using Cineform. The render for a 1 min 40 sec clip was over 25 minutes, as I recall. This surprised me quite a bit. I do have a 256 mgbyte PCI express video card, that PP 2.0 by some accounts is supposed to utilize, but that render seemed awful slow. One thing that is obvious is that it is rerendering the entire sequence.

By the way, the Cineform codec comes with PP 1.51, but not with 2.0. However, when my Aspect trial runs out, I have been led to believe that the codec will still be there, but I will lose all of the real time benefits of Aspect.
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old February 12th, 2006, 11:26 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Chris Barcellos
However, when my Aspect trial runs out, I have been led to believe that the codec will still be there, but I will lose all of the real time benefits of Aspect.
Interesting that. I've just copied the Cineform codec from my Vegas Media Studio director to the Premiere Pro 2 (demo version I downloaded last night) codec directory. Now, the codec comes up as an option on export. So it seems it's possible to have Premiere Pro 2 a la 1.5.1

The demo has very few presets for projects but I think this is because it has no HDV capture option. Can you assure me that the full version of Preimere Pro 2 has project presets for a 1080 50i project for frame size 1440x1080, or did you have to adust the project settings yourself.
Premiere Pro 2. Sony HC1E cam.
Athlon 64 4000+. 2gig Corsair RAM. ATI X800 Pro AGP graphics card. 2X SATA drives dedicated to video as RAID 0
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Old February 13th, 2006, 04:12 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Graham Wright
Interesting that.

The demo has very few presets for projects but I think this is because it has no HDV capture option. Can you assure me that the full version of Preimere Pro 2 has project presets for 1080 50i project for frame size 1440x1080, or did you have to adust the project settings yourself.
Yes, under Adobe HDV preset options are HDV 1080I 25 (sONY 50),HDV 1080I 60 (sONY 60), AND HDV 720p 30
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old February 13th, 2006, 06:01 AM   #20
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Hi Chaz

Have you thought of Edius from Canopus. I use this with my JVC HD 100 and it works great!

You can download a 30 day full feature trial here:

Hope this helps

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Old February 15th, 2006, 12:35 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Chris Barcellos
when my Aspect trial runs out, I have been led to believe that the codec will still be there, but I will lose all of the real time benefits of Aspect.
If the codec will still be there when the trial runs out, does that mean the cineform project presets will remain in Premiere?
Premiere Pro 2. Sony HC1E cam.
Athlon 64 4000+. 2gig Corsair RAM. ATI X800 Pro AGP graphics card. 2X SATA drives dedicated to video as RAID 0
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Old February 15th, 2006, 01:12 PM   #22
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First the codec is still there. Second, if you open a previous CFHD project, a message will inform you that the project will open in VFW (video for windows) mode. If you try to render to CFHD (for HD export), the render will not proceed until you enter a key. Since I have v1.5 of PPro, I am still able to render to a "cineform avi" (assuming that it's the version that came bundled with PPro 1.5).

Not sure about 2.0. Also, I could not import/reuse any rendered CFHD media -the app locks up. I'm still evaluating this and have started a thread with an issue on the v4 codec in the cineform forum (probably where this thread should be heading -so I'll end here).
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Old February 15th, 2006, 01:45 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Graham Wright
If the codec will still be there when the trial runs out, does that mean the cineform project presets will remain in Premiere?

Because I only had one day left, I uninsalled Aspect 4.0. It looks like the codec will remain for players. Also, if you have Premeire Pro 1.51 on system already, the codec is part of that capture system. But it does not remain as preset on 2.0. so it looks like I SHOULD BE ABLE TO CAPTURE IN 1.51 AND EDIT IT ON 2.0.

I will check it out further.
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old February 15th, 2006, 02:18 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Chris Barcellos

Because I only had one day left, I uninsalled Aspect 4.0. It looks like the codec will remain for players. Also, if you have Premeire Pro 1.51 on system already, the codec is part of that capture system. But it does not remain as preset on 2.0. so it looks like I SHOULD BE ABLE TO CAPTURE IN 1.51 AND EDIT IT ON 2.0.

I will check it out further.

Follow up. I was able to capture in cineform format with PP 1.51. I imported captured files to 2.0 . And I was even able to render those file with transitions to a Cineform encoded file. (under export to movie, I was able to select the Cineform Codec)
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old February 15th, 2006, 02:32 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Chris Barcellos
Follow up. I was able to capture in cineform format with PP 1.51. I imported captured files to 2.0 . And I was even able to render those file with transitions to a Cineform encoded file. (under export to movie, I was able to select the Cineform Codec)

Further comment: It looks like some audio problems are popping up with using the Cineform cdec to render. I had sound off, so I didn't notice this at first.
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old February 16th, 2006, 09:47 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Chaz Kempter
I have an hdr-hc1 and a new computer. This may not be the place to post this question but here goes. I am having trouble finding a free trial version of ANY program that allows you to capture in HD. PP and Vegas don;t let me capture HD and that is really what I would like to try. Any one found a trial version that lets you capture HD?

Is my reply invisible!?

I think it is realy uncool when someone tries to help with a request and gets completely ignored. Especially when the reply seems to answer the question.

A simple "Tried it, didn't like it. Or don't like Canopus..anything!" would have been fine and how much of your time would it have taken?


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Old February 18th, 2006, 03:01 PM   #27
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Hello Tony.
I haven't followed this thread for a while (Been shooting alot and haven't tried much editing yet) so I will try your sugesstion and get back to you Thanks!
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Old February 19th, 2006, 01:19 AM   #28
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Quick Clarification On Connect HD / Vegas


I wasn't sure from your previous posts. Did you actually try capturing with Connect HD's capture utility which is totally separate from Vegas? The output from the Connect HD process is an AVI which can be processed in Vegas and rendered as AVI without an MPEG dependency. Does the Vegas demo not even allow you to import HD content in AVI form?
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Old February 19th, 2006, 10:01 AM   #29
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I couldn't get it to work... but then again it very well could be me, not the program constraints.
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