October 2000: Due to be updated soon. New additions are being prepared as more camcorder-specific web pages and sites are appearing on the net. For now, here are some "heavy hitters."
The XL1 Watchdog Back in late 1997, I got the idea to slap together a few pages of XL1 info while I was learning about this new camcorder, because I wanted my friends to be able to find it all in one place. That's how this whole thing got started. Now it's up to almost 100 pages and you can check it out at www.dvinfo.net/xl1.htm.
The VX-1000 Resource Group Scott Bethel, near Portland, Oregon created this website which has been badly needed for quite some time. In addition to an online discussion forum, his site boasts a comprehensive list of links to other VX-1000 pages across the internet. The location is abruptedge.virtualave.net/.
Using the TRV-900 John Beale, from the San Francisco Bay area, has a couple of pages about the Sony TRV-900. Along with sample images taken with its print-to-floppy feature, there is a nice FAQ as well. John's pages are at bealecorner.com/trv900/index.html.
The AG-EZ30 Unofficial Page Enrique Avalle of Montevideo, Uraguay, has done a great job in putting together an information center for the Panasonic AG-EZ30 camcorder. Like all websites, Enrique's is constantly "under construction," but he is off to a very good start. It's found at geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/3749/pananews.html.
Son of Watchdog GL1 Pages The popularity of the Canon GL1 prompted me to throw together a few pages about the XL1's little brother. Be sure to check out the links to all the other GL1 sites in the Resources section. See www.dvinfo.net/sonof/watchdog.htm.