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Alf Pryor May 24th, 2007 03:03 PM

Quick Question about Sony DVD Architect
Ok I have a problem with the size of my video in DVD architect. For some reason it's not playing my video full screen. Instead there is a crop of about an inch on either side and a half inch on top and bottom. I've set the video to 1.2 aspect ratio but it seems shrunk. Is there a way for me to stretch it back out to full screen? It's the correct ratio just small. Anyway a quick response would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Sean Seah May 26th, 2007 10:19 AM

I think u did not check the "Stretch video" option when u rendered from Vegas. U r to check that option in Vegas when rendering to mpeg 2 for DVDA4. Hope this helps..

Brian Berg April 30th, 2009 07:32 AM

Alf, Did you ever figure it out? I'm having the same issue. I'm thinking it's a Vegas issue more than DAR. If I render to mp2 it's fine, but if I render to .avi it's shrunk.

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