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Chris Corn May 20th, 2007 08:45 AM

Newbie Slide show - help setting auto crossfades
I followed the help and it was okay but for whatever reason it wont set the auto crossfade but does everything else.

Options/Preference/Edit then "Automatically overlap multiple selected media when added" and I check that off and then select the amount of seconds and to 1 second or 5 seconds. Above under "new still image length" I set to 5 or 10 seconds....BUT

It does all this fine and the overlaps are all right, but is there a way to have it default at all a basic crossfade or do I have to manually add that effect? Right now it just does the standard cut from photo to photo whereas I wanted to have all be a crossfade. Help!

Mike Kujbida May 20th, 2007 10:18 AM

If Automatic Crossfades hasn't been selected, this is what will happen to you.
It's a tool bar icon that's also found under Options - Automatic Crosssfades.
Shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+X.

Chris Corn May 20th, 2007 04:29 PM

Genius! Thanky.

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