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Stuart Campbell April 3rd, 2007 09:48 AM

loss of sync on captured 24p footage using Cineform Connect
I've just captured 20 mins or so of footage shot in 24p and all the sound is early by a second or so! Footage is fine in camera! Any ideas?

I'm using Vegas 7.0d and the latest version of Cineform Connect HD.

I use the Cineform AVI file. I'd check the original m2t file but I don't save those when capturing.


Robb Swiatek April 3rd, 2007 09:57 AM

I'm sure any of the veteran experts here can give you more help but have you made sure you're using the 24p template in Vegas?

Stuart Campbell April 3rd, 2007 10:49 AM

yes I have. There is only one default setting for PAL HDV 24p. Thanks anyway though.

Stuart Campbell April 3rd, 2007 01:51 PM

I seem to have located the problem, in case anyone out there is interested. The answer may be leading onto a different subject group however......can this be cross posted please Mr Moderator?

CineForm recommends that the Split Scene feature remains ON as there can occasionally be bad data in the MPEG stream from the camera or tape deck that will be cut out of the capture by this feature. Turning this feature off will cause bad data to remain in the captured mpeg, and can cause failure or synch problems when converting to CineForm HD format.

I captured the footage again with scene detect on, and it seems to have cured the problem. However...what's the point of including the feature in the first place if you can't use it!!!!! I find scene detect a pain in the backside!

Furthermore, when capturing with Scene detect ON, I find that the capture stops now and then, assuming the stuff I want captured has finished!

EVEN MORE INFURIATING is that all the time codes logged by the PA on the shoot are now useless, as each scene detected creates it's own timecode!

James Binder June 7th, 2007 09:49 AM

I’m having the exact same issue. I have the scene detection set to off. Going to try what you suggested above. Anyone else run into this? Doesn’t makes sense to me either why this option would be included if it is not usable! Or maybe it’s just my system…. Humm…

James Binder June 7th, 2007 11:25 AM

Well, I tried checking the option/box for scene detection. It didn’t work. I still have one long file, but with HORRIBLE pixilation /stuttering for half of the captured file. I’m assuming that rather than split the file as it should have, it didn’t which sent the following video and audio haywire…

So far I am having NO LUCK using Cineform/HD Link (NEO) to capture HDV. The audio is out of sync for at least some portion of my captured video!!

John L. Miller June 7th, 2007 12:44 PM

I used the trial of Neo HDV HDlink last week and had no capture problems at all. I set the preferences to keep only the converted intermediate files. No need to keep the original files. The quality of the captured converted intermediate is as good as the original and smaller. What are your other preferences set to in HDlink? Is the sync out on the timeline or after you render the file? J

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