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Mike Scotchinson March 23rd, 2007 05:07 PM

Pulldown Removal in Vegas?
I was able to remove the pulldown in AE7, but Vegas 7d doesn't seem to be removing it, and you can only manually remove it on AVI clips (the option is grey-ed out for m2t files). The release notes for 7d state that they added 1080 24p support for the V1, which is 24p in 60i with pulldown as well, so what gives? Do they have a different cadence or something? Is there another workaround other than AE7?

Also, I don't have the camera, I am basing this off of Larry's raw m2t.

Barlow Elton March 23rd, 2007 05:13 PM

It sounds to me like Vegas can't do this on the fly because as an m2t it's in an interframe format, which requires more processing power to complete the chore. It might do it if converted to CineForm, but I'd be surprised if it can do it with native m2t.

Fergus Anderson March 23rd, 2007 05:16 PM

does anyone know how vegas will handle the PAL 25p version?

Mike Horrigan March 23rd, 2007 05:26 PM

Mike, can you walk me through how to import the footage and remove the pulldown in AE?
Including the composition settings?

I would be very interested in learning how to do this.



Bruce Allen March 23rd, 2007 05:54 PM

I'm not Mike but I did the same thing...

My method for pulldown removal:
1. Convert .m2t to quicktime (MPEG Streamclip) - for the test footage I used PNG at best quality (lossless)
2. Drag quicktime into AE.
3. bring up the "interpret footage" menu for the quicktime clip
4. Choose "Upper Field First" field order
5. Hit "Guess 3:2 pulldown"

Note: sometimes AE will guess wrong - eg if your first frames are all black, it might get confused. But not often.

A quick question - can Cinema Tools do this automatically? It seems like it can... Otherwise I'm going to have to write an After Effects script to automate this...

Bruce Allen

Mike Horrigan March 23rd, 2007 07:12 PM

Is the footage 24P after step 5? Do I have to export it?

Also, when you first convert it, do you use 1920 x 1080 (HDTV 1080i)?

Thanks again,


Peter J Alessandria March 23rd, 2007 09:58 PM

Hmmmm, I was kinda depending on Vegas to handle 1080 24P files from the HV20 (mine's on order). Very interested to know how this progresses...

Fergus Anderson March 24th, 2007 03:04 AM

Im sure it will be addressed in the next update from Sony

Mike Scotchinson March 25th, 2007 02:42 AM

My AE method is pretty much the same as Bruce's. I was, however, able to drop the m2t directly in to the project and guess the pulldown, but I couldn't achieve anything close to smooth playback even with the quality set to quarter; and don't even get me started on rendering time.

Ugh, I hate that Sony bought out Sonic Foundry! I bet they'll never add 24p support for 3rd party cameras! They probably made the V1 pulldown proprietary like all of their other stuff! I think I'll scour the V1 boards to get a hold of some raw 24p footage and see how Vegas reacts to that.

Thanks guys

Peter J Alessandria March 25th, 2007 10:03 AM

Could it be related to the native capture resolution for the HV20 v. the Sony V1U? The HV20 is 1920X1080, the V1U is only 960X1080 - the V1 pixel shifts or something to get full resolution.

Chris Hurd March 25th, 2007 12:38 PM

Moved from Canon HV10/20 to What Happens in Vegas...

Austin Meyers March 25th, 2007 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Bruce Allen (Post 647077)
A quick question - can Cinema Tools do this automatically? It seems like it can... Otherwise I'm going to have to write an After Effects script to automate this...

cinema tools doesn't figure the cadence out automatically, you've got to do it all by hand.

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