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Dale Nicholson May 8th, 2006 10:53 AM

Looking for Taiyo Yuden TYGO2 dvd-r's
Q) What reputable online site sells Taiyo Yuden TYGO2 dvd-r's? I believe Shop4tech is out of them.


Robert Ballew May 8th, 2006 11:15 AM


I get mine through Polyline. Have been trading with them for several years and have found them to be great people to work with.


Aanarav Sareen May 11th, 2006 09:43 AM

Rima.com Been using them for a looong time. Great quality, great customer service.

Bill Porter May 11th, 2006 04:17 PM

Why the interest in that particular brand of DVD?

Mike Oveson May 11th, 2006 04:45 PM

Good question. I've heard that it's a rather reliable brand and it's compatible with most players. I've never tried them myself though. Those of you who have used them, why DO you use them?

Robert Ballew May 11th, 2006 04:57 PM

Mike, Bill,
Hands down, the TYs are the highest quality grade of burnable disc you can get. Out of several hundred I have used, I have had a 100% successful burn rate and none returned as unplayable. Only a couple of times have I heard that they would not play in some player, but played in the family's other player. That is possibly due to the -R+R issue of several years ago. I would never go back to retail store bought discs as the frustration and lack of confidence just isn't worth it.


Dale Nicholson May 12th, 2006 09:57 AM

Yep. That's the research I came up with by asking those in the professional community; the Ty brand is Among the top, if not at the top.

Mike Oveson May 12th, 2006 02:18 PM

Forgive my ignorance, but do these cost much more than your average consumer disc? I'm having trouble with some Memorex ones and I'd rather get away from them.

Mike Kujbida May 12th, 2006 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Mike Oveson
Forgive my ignorance, but do these cost much more than your average consumer disc? I'm having trouble with some Memorex ones and I'd rather get away from them.

I stopped using Memorex a long time ago because of quality problems.
I'm currently using Verbatim (I can't get Taiyo Yudens locally) and am quite happy with that brand.
As far as cost, go to Rima (mentioned here) and you'll see 100 pks. of Taiyo Yuden for $32 and up.
BTW, download DVD Identifier from http://dvd.identifier.cdfreaks.com/ and see who really makes your DVDs.

Dan Euritt May 12th, 2006 06:18 PM

the manufacturer code on the dvd can and has been faked before... so you need to get your taiyo-yuden from a reputable establishment.

i have been using www.supermediastore.com for awhile now, i'd like to believe that they sell only real taiyo-yuden :-/

i buy 8x ty in stacks of 100, and burn 'em at 12x with nero, on an old pioneer burner... it's a good price/performance ratio... sold well over 1,000 of 'em like that, no returns yet.

ty costs more at polyline, but they do have great customer service, and their dvd cases are shipped in double-boxes, so they don't get smashed... a lot of places do not double-box the cases that they sell.

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