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Mike Tesh April 8th, 2006 10:10 AM

Dragging, grabbing and trimming
I've been editing with vegas for years, but sometimes when I do things in life I get into a rut and continue to do them even though I know there has to be a better way. Such has been the case with editing.

When I cut I do everything on the timeline. I usually drag my raw footage all the way over the the right somewhere, leaving space at the beginning of the timeline for assembly. Then just cut out clips from the raw footage and drag them back to the beginning (left) to assemble. But sometimes my raw footage ends up way down on the timeline to the right and I'm dragging forever to get back to the beginning. It's such a waste of time. Is there a quicker way to get that footage back to the beginning?

Select events to end
This option only seems to work for one track of video, how do I get it to work with all of them?

Last but not least, I've never used the trimmer, can't figure out how to get the video out of it once it's in there.

Jim Ohair April 8th, 2006 11:02 AM

The trimmer is helpful if you have a lot of video to slog through.
Right click clip then open in trimmer.
In the trimmer you set the in and out points with i and o. Then
drag to timeline with the mouse. I know there's a way to key it to the timeline
but this is how I do it. I hope this helps.

Bill Porter April 8th, 2006 11:16 AM

I've had that same problem but I tend to group my footage and move the groups around to eliminate this. (Groups such as 'best B-roll,' 'second-best B-roll,' 'indoors stuff,' etc)

However, you can move everything back from way out in right field, by doing a ripple I believe. It may move it too close but you could always put it on a separate track to avoid this. One of the experts should pipe up here.

Graham Bernard April 8th, 2006 11:42 AM

Just a tip: I just Scrub in Trimmer and Drag the section onto the T/L - DONE! I don't make In and Out points - just takes too long for me. If I wanna keep THAT SCRUB I make a SUB clip.


Josh Bass April 8th, 2006 11:50 AM

How do you make the subclips? I never figured it out. Also, does the i and o really work? I thought Vegas didn't do that. They don't seem to "stick" if you mark them; they disappear as soon as you click anywhere else.

Edward Troxel April 8th, 2006 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Mike Tesh
Select events to end
This option only seems to work for one track of video, how do I get it to work with all of them?

The easiest way to do this is via a script. A script can easily select "everything after the cursor", for example.

Graham Bernard April 8th, 2006 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Josh Bass
How do you make the subclips? I never figured it out. Also, does the i and o really work? I thought Vegas didn't do that. They don't seem to "stick" if you mark them; they disappear as soon as you click anywhere else.

While U have the area SCRUBBED just right click and the POP up menu gives you the option to "Subclip" - DONE! VOILA!


Josh Bass April 8th, 2006 03:41 PM

Okay, but then where do those subclips go? how do you access them again?

Graham Bernard April 8th, 2006 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Josh Bass
Okay, but then where do those subclips go? how do you access them again?

No idea! My guess is that they are a version of a Region. But in all honesty I don't know. However, it works and has worked for me in my workflow ever since they came out - whenever that was?

And they are created in the Project Pool and accessed there too! They are quite consistently a "clip" in as much as when you drag them longer on the T/L they just repeat - that's a good thing.


Mike Kujbida April 8th, 2006 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Josh Bass
Okay, but then where do those subclips go? how do you access them again?

Graham is correct in that they are created and accessed from the media pool.

Another way to create them is to mark ('M' key) in and out points. Then double-click in the area between these markers and click the "Create Sublclip" icon which is at the top right of the Trimmer.

Keep in mind that a subclip is a "virtual" clip (i.e. you're only creating in/out pointers to the original clip) and it can't be saved and recalled in a different project. To do this, you'll have to render the clip out and give it a name that makes sense. BTW, this is something you should do when creating the subclip in the first place to keep you better organized. Otherwise it simply adds "- subclip 1" to the original filename.


Edward Troxel April 8th, 2006 04:15 PM

Subclips can also be created directly on the timeline. Just split on both sides of the sections, right-click the section, and you can create a sub-clip.

Josh Bass April 8th, 2006 05:18 PM

Okay. So they're just added to the media pool, then? That's what I meant. I tried to use that feature once and got confused.

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