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Glen Elliott February 24th, 2006 10:20 AM

Dave thanks for the contribution.

What about converting your 60i footage to 24p in post. I recently completed a piece where the talking heads didn't quite match the rest of the (slow motion) footage. I'm assuming because the interpolation that occurs when you slow clips down cause it to take ona slightly less polished look. Anytime it would cut to a talking head (w/o slo motion) it stood out like a sore thumb.

I've been experimenting with converting the piece to 24p which does seem to make the talking heads portion match the rest of the piece. I don't however know if I'm using the correct/best way of converting 60i to 24p.
- I ediit all my 60i footage in a 60i timeline
- Then I simply use a 24p (2-3 pulldown) template when rendering out to MPG2

Is this correct or do I have to change the project and/or individual event settings to a 24p preset as well.

Also what about a workflow that requires you to render various portions out to DV-AVI first, then assembling the DV-AVI pieces in a complete timeline before going out to MPG2. In this case should the first render (DV-AVI) be rendered to 24p (inserting 2-3) be used. Or should standard 60i DV-AVI be selected...and only 24p setting on output on the second render to MPG2.

Thanks in advance.

Matt Howell February 24th, 2006 11:06 AM

Glen, I think it is a best practice to edit your 60i footage in a 24p timeline in Vegas 6 if you will then render that to a 24p DVDA template to make a 24p DVD.

The reason you want to edit in a 24p timeline is that your transitions, etc will be 24p instead of 60i converted to 24p.

David Jimerson February 24th, 2006 12:21 PM

Well . . .

The method which works for you best is the best method to use, but IN GENERAL, if you're planning 24p output, it's best to do all your editing, effects, etc., in 24p.


Converting 60i footage to 24p will lose the 60i aesthetic, and there could be reasons why you'd want to keep it.

Converting 60i footage to 24p loses up to half the vertical resolution, as you saw -- and correctly surmised that "interpolate fields" is more of a resolution-sucker than "blend fields." However, interpolation is better for footage with a lot of movement.

Glen Elliott February 24th, 2006 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by David Jimerson
Well . . .

The method which works for you best is the best method to use, but IN GENERAL, if you're planning 24p output, it's best to do all your editing, effects, etc., in 24p.


Converting 60i footage to 24p will lose the 60i aesthetic, and there could be reasons why you'd want to keep it.

Converting 60i footage to 24p loses up to half the vertical resolution, as you saw -- and correctly surmised that "interpolate fields" is more of a resolution-sucker than "blend fields." However, interpolation is better for footage with a lot of movement.

Where do you set "blend fields" or "interpolate fields"?

Also when you say "loses the 60i aesthetic" do you mean the inherent sharpness of 60i? TIA

Matt Howell February 24th, 2006 01:01 PM

no good deed goes unpunished. In the same thread where I gave a big compliment I get shot down for trying to be helpful. I will remember that.

David Jimerson February 24th, 2006 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Glen Elliott
Where do you set "blend fields" or "interpolate fields"?

In the project settings under "deinterlace method."


Also when you say "loses the 60i aesthetic" do you mean the inherent sharpness of 60i? TIA
I mean it will no longer look like video; it will look like 24p (minus the resolution, of course). Most of the time, for my money, that's good -- but there could be reasons to keep the video look.

David Jimerson February 24th, 2006 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Matt Howell
no good deed goes unpunished. In the same thread where I gave a big compliment I get shot down for trying to be helpful. I will remember that.

Huh? I wasn't shooting you down -- I was for the most part agreeing with you. Sorry if I gave any other impression.

Just saying not to reinvent the wheel if you found something that works for you.

John Hudson February 24th, 2006 03:43 PM

You've always been a troublemaker Dave.


I shoot 24 and edit 24. Vegas rules.

David Jimerson February 24th, 2006 07:48 PM

Well, I surely meant no offense.

Erick von Schulz March 6th, 2006 03:17 AM

Great Tutorial
I really liked your tutorial on editing 24P... I have paid money for some tutorials and yours was better... Keep up the good work....

David Jimerson March 6th, 2006 11:36 AM

Thanks, Eric . . .

Ken Diewert March 20th, 2006 01:35 AM


Thanks for putting that together. I'm coming back to video after nearly 10 years out (except for playing with consumer DV and MovieMaker etc.) You can imagine the change - I feel like Rip Van Winkle! In '94 I paid big money to rent a NLE offline suite that featured a 20 gig Hard Drive. I just bought a Maxtor 300 gig drive at Costco for $250.

I downloaded the Vegas Trial and have been very pleased with it. But I was worried about the mystique of 24p. Thanks for the clarity.

I always preferred shooting to post but Vegas makes it pretty darn accessible. You can then spent time on editing theory. For the most part I just want a solid, reliable NLE system for crossover dissolves and titles.

Thanks again for taking the time.


David Jimerson March 20th, 2006 09:14 AM

Thanks, Ken --

24p has this mystique or aura around it; people get nervous when they really shouldn't -- especially if they use Vegas.

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