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...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old September 6th, 2003, 10:00 AM   #961
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Just in case you haven't checked these items yet:

1. Point your pre-rendered (video) and recorded (audio) files onto the 2nd drive.
FILE menu - PROPERTIES for your project.

2. Try changing your Temporary Files folder.

3. Try increasing your Dynamic RAM Preview max. When previewing your video hit Shift+B (Tools - Build Dynamic RAM Preview) - I sometimes have to wait a little for it to build the preview.

4. Set the preview mode to Preview (Auto) instead of Good or Best. I sometimes get the latency you're talking about when I set the preview to Good or Best. I usually resolve it by using Shift+B and letting it build a Dynamic RAM Preview. I usually let it play a few minutes and then re-start the video preview again.
"Ultimately, the most extraordinary thing, in a frame, is a human being." - Martin Scorsese
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Old September 6th, 2003, 10:35 AM   #962
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Is it actually a second drive or just a partition of a single drive?
Jeff Donald
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Old September 6th, 2003, 12:41 PM   #963
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Stock transitions/effects

How can you slow down or lenghten some of the stock effects in vegas?

Example- 3D in/out- When you choose what text you want to fly/tumble in, the effect is like not even a second long. Can you drag it out to make the effect take like 5 seconds(a slow tumble or fly in) ?

Also, do you use the keyframes to do this, if so how?

One more:

In DVD Arit., If you want to make your own templete, what is the easiest way to do it? Do you take one of there blank ones, import it into illiustrator or photoshop and do the work there?

Or: Do you import the images from photoshop to the arct. platform?

Any help on these would be greatly appreciated.
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Old September 6th, 2003, 02:45 PM   #964
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Thanks for your responses guys,
Jeff said> You have only one item hooked up to the FireWire card? < yes
>Do you have another video card to swap with your present one? If you do, you can test your video card theory.< Unfortunately this Intel 875 MoBo takes a 1.5 V video card and I had to buy one specifically for this MoBo (so no).

Michael said>> Just in case you haven't checked these items yet:

1. Point your pre-rendered (video) and recorded (audio) files onto the 2nd drive.
FILE menu - PROPERTIES for your project.<<
Not sure what you mean but I do capture everything on my 2nd drive (Maxtor 7200 RPM 120 GB)

>>2. Try changing your Temporary Files folder.
OPTIONS - PREFERENCES - General tab.<<
I'm capturing as I write this but I'll definitely do that shortly! It sounds promising

>>3. Try increasing your Dynamic RAM Preview max. When previewing your video hit Shift+B (Tools - Build Dynamic RAM Preview) - I sometimes have to wait a little for it to build the preview.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding you but even if I "selectively pre-render" the video is still delayed.

>>4. Set the preview mode to Preview (Auto) instead of Good or Best. I sometimes get the latency you're talking about when I set the preview to Good or Best. I usually resolve it by using Shift+B and letting it build a Dynamic RAM Preview. I usually let it play a few minutes and then re-start the video preview again.<<
I <i>always</i> use preview, but I heard "full" works better when using an external monitor, no?

Jeff said>> Is it actually a second drive or just a partition of a single drive?
A second IDE 133 Maxtor 7200 RPM 120 GB

Thanks again guys,
G. Randy Brown is offline  
Old September 6th, 2003, 03:25 PM   #965
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I used to get a lot of stuttering when my Pre-rendered video and Recorded audio file paths were pointing at my C: drive.
Look in the FILE menu: PROPERTIES under the Video and Audio tabs you'll see the file paths. I believe these file paths directly affect the Selectively Pre-render command.

>> 1. Point your pre-rendered (video) and recorded (audio) files onto the 2nd drive.
FILE menu - PROPERTIES for your project.<<
Not sure what you mean but I do capture everything on my 2nd drive (Maxtor 7200 RPM 120 GB)
"Ultimately, the most extraordinary thing, in a frame, is a human being." - Martin Scorsese
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Old September 6th, 2003, 05:20 PM   #966
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You've got it right, drag them out and make them longer or shorter. There are also some other settings that are really fun to play with when you open up those transition boxes. Some, if not all are keyframable for different fx. Get your fingers in there and play around. You are missing out on a lot if you aren't experimenting.
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Old September 6th, 2003, 09:37 PM   #967
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For the transition, the LONGER you make it, the LONGER it will last.

For new DVDA themes, download the pdf file explaining how new themes are created. You may also want the theme editor as indicated in this link:
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Old September 7th, 2003, 08:13 AM   #968
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Motion Blur effect

Hi all,

Does anyone know how to create the effect of equal to the FCP's Motion Blur or Ghosting in Premiere??

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Old September 7th, 2003, 08:23 AM   #969
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In case anyone is intersted I believe my problem is solved. Below is the copied/pasted post I made at another forum. Thanks very much for all of your help!

>>>>Well my problem appears to be resolved unless I jump around on the timeline several times during playback; I can certainly live with that and if I pause/start, it gets back in sync again. The solution was twofold I think; someone at another forum (that would be you Michael) suggested putting my temp files on my 2nd HD (I thought they already were) which makes since. The other was Yoyodyne's suggestion (thanks to DSE); when using a pro sound card like Yoyodyne's Gina or my Delta 1010 (where you can get a buffer size as fast as 64) you need to set it around 2048 or it will be too fast. What confuses me though is on my older, slower machine I never had this problem and I never changed the default C: drive storage of the temp files nor the Delta's buffer settings of 128 samples...hmmm.
A big thanks to everyone for your help!<<<<

Contented (for now),
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Old September 7th, 2003, 12:23 PM   #970
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for motion blur go to the bottom of the timeline and you'll see a track named "video" right click and there is a menu that has 3 different things, one of which is "motion blur amount". It's like a velocity envelope but for blur, you can set points and adjust levels.

As for ghosting, you can copy and paste the clip to another track and pull it off by a few frames and adjust the opacity level to achieve the desired effect OR get the plugin TSUNAMI and it will do the work for you.

Hope this helps,
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Old September 7th, 2003, 07:06 PM   #971
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Transitions in the timeline

I am playing around with the demo of vegas .. and got a quick question

when I have two clips, and wish to create a transition between them, I need to overlay them in the same track

can't you have a trasition/fx track in vegas? that sits between two tracks .. like some other NLE's ? :p
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Old September 7th, 2003, 07:48 PM   #972
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Yes you can. But the biggest question is "Why would you want to?" It takes LOTS of extra space on the screen and is really not needed.

However, if you are more comfortable seeing it that way, on the left side of the track header, click on the bottom-most icon ("Expand Tracks").
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Old September 7th, 2003, 10:14 PM   #973
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i've also grown accustomed to premiere's A/B timeline view where you see the transition between the two tracks. But you easily get used to having almost everything on one track with the transitions being where the clips overlap -- i like it better that way now ;)
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Old September 7th, 2003, 10:16 PM   #974
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where can i purchase/download plugins (effects,transitions, titles etc) for vegas 4?
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Old September 8th, 2003, 07:30 AM   #975
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There are a few available now and a few coming "soon". Today, you can get SpiceMaster from Pixelan. Plus, there are a few free things at and

Coming soon is Boris Red ( and the Film FX tools available throug

Those are strictly plugins and effects. For OTHER add-ons, several scripts are available as well. Many can be found at the Sundance Media Group site. I also have two scripts available at and which add some powerful features to Vegas.
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