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James Sarte October 10th, 2005 05:40 PM

Vegas Movie Studio + DVD and 24p
I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but a search did not provide me with any useful information.

I just bought a copy of Sony Vegas Movie Studio + DVD Platinum edition to try it out (I'm a FCP guy), and according to the help file I can do 24p conversion by going into the properties and selecting NTSC DV 24p. The only problem is, it's not there. Is this feature only available in the full Sony Vegas 6.0 program? If so, that's kind of a bummer... I was hoping to try converting my Z1U footage to 24p.



Douglas Spotted Eagle October 10th, 2005 05:50 PM

Very easy to do. Put your media on the timeline, then File>Render As> choose format, select Custom, and in the Video Tab, select 24p, with or without pulldown.

James Sarte October 10th, 2005 06:20 PM

Hi Douglas,

Thanks for the reply. I found what you were refering too, although i'm still running into a problem. I haven't imported any video yet, so i can't really test - but I did add a 10 second NTSC SMPTE Bars clip. I went to try and render that (don't know if it's possible) with any of the 24p options listed in the custom menu, but all I get is this error:

"The custom template you have selected is not valid with the current project settings. It has been filtered out of the template list."

Furthermore, under project properties - I do not have any 24p options listed.

Douglas Spotted Eagle October 10th, 2005 06:58 PM

Just to clarify:
Are you using Vegas Movie Studio Platinum? Or just the standard VMS?

Steve Crisdale October 10th, 2005 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by James Sarte
Hi Douglas,

Thanks for the reply. I found what you were refering too, although i'm still running into a problem. I haven't imported any video yet, so i can't really test - but I did add a 10 second NTSC SMPTE Bars clip. I went to try and render that (don't know if it's possible) with any of the 24p options listed in the custom menu, but all I get is this error:

"The custom template you have selected is not valid with the current project settings. It has been filtered out of the template list."

Furthermore, under project properties - I do not have any 24p options listed.

I'm a Vegas user: not Movie Studio, but I'd assume many things are common - including Project Properties and the Render As options.

Have you - without anything being 'in' the timeline or media bin, gone to Properties under menu, and selected a Template of appropriate type from the dropdown list? Have you then set the video perameters for field order, pixel aspect ratio and frame rate?

It might be worth a shot if you haven't already done so... If you do this successfully, then decide to make changes to the template, you can save the changed version to a unique name if you like...

Once that's done then add your media - NTSC SMPTE bars etc and when you Render As - you can refine your output by selecting a different render template from the dropdown list: i.e. 1080i NTSC 60fps 1.3333 PAR to *.MPEG2 720x480 24fps (select 2+3 pulldown in frame rate dropdown list) 16:9 aspect ratio.

Familiarize yourself with ALL of what's available under the Project Properties and Render As commands - the custom options, quality controls, audio/video settings - and anything that looks like it might have a fly-out or dropdown take a look inside!!

Hope it all works for you, because there's nothing like seeing a quality piece of your own edited HD on a decent HD screen!!

James Sarte October 10th, 2005 07:23 PM

Douglas: I am using Vegas Movie Studio + DVD / Platinum version. This is the latest edition; I believe it's version 6. By the way, the software came with your book. I've been reading it today. It's good stuff!

Steve: I initially tried to set the template to NTSC DV 24p by going to the project properties section as documented in the help file. Unfortunately, there was NO template with 24p anywhere at all. The only place I saw the 24p options was where Douglas told me to go, and that was under Render --> Custom options.

James Sarte October 10th, 2005 09:51 PM

Ok, I took the time to import about 20 minutes of HDV footage from my Z1. No problems experienced there, but still no-go on 24p conversion. I made sure the video I was downloading was native 1080/60i and my shutter was set to 1/60. The option to set NTSC DV 24p in the file/properties menu is not available, and when trying to use a custom template in the Render As menu, just gives me the error I mentioned earlier. I think 24p is not possible in this version, and I must upgrade to the full version of Vegas in order to have that capability.

Mark Birkedal November 26th, 2005 10:40 AM

Hi, I hope Vegas Movie Studio Platinum users are welcome here! I just got my HDR-HC1 camera and upgraded to VMS Platinum to handle it. I've been catching up on all the posts and my head is spinning but you guys are GREAT!


Originally Posted by James Sarte
Ok, I took the time to import about 20 minutes of HDV footage from my Z1. No problems experienced there, but still no-go on 24p conversion. I made sure the video I was downloading was native 1080/60i and my shutter was set to 1/60. The option to set NTSC DV 24p in the file/properties menu is not available, and when trying to use a custom template in the Render As menu, just gives me the error I mentioned earlier. I think 24p is not possible in this version, and I must upgrade to the full version of Vegas in order to have that capability.

While reenacting this I think I figured out how to make it work. Starting with the m2t file you go to render as, custom, then the video tab at the bottom, set the template at NTSC DV widescreen 24 P (2-3-3-2 pull down). The key seems to be setting the video format to CineForm HD codec V1.2. I then changed the frame size to HDV 1080 (1440 X 1080) and the pixel aspect ratio to 1.3333. I couldn't tell any difference between leaving the frame rate at 23.976024 (IVTC) film and 24.000 (film). I also have no idea what the interleave or create an OpenDML (AVI version 2.0) compatible file checkboxes did so I left them at default. I checked the stretch video box, hit save and it made an AVI file which I rendered to an MPEG-2 DVD Architect NTSC widescreen video stream. DVD Architect Studio 3 then turned it into a very nice looking 24p DVD movie. Does Anyone See Any Mistakes There? Believe me, it was not my first attempt that succeeded! I just downloaded Gearshift to try. I'm hoping it will work with Vegas Movie Studio for when I actually start editing any of the m2t files. It's comforting to know this forum is here as I start down that road. HDV sure appears to be a different animal than dv! Thanks again for all your help!

Douglas Spotted Eagle November 26th, 2005 11:08 AM

Of course VMS-Platinum users are welcome, and welcome to the forum.
You've got the 24p recipe right, so you're good to go there.
GearShift will not work in Platinum, that's reserved for the professional version of Vegas, sorry!

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