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Fred Foronda October 16th, 2005 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Laurence Kingston
The Cineform capture utilities split up the captures into scenes just like standard DV captures do. If you capture directly into a program like Vegas, you get one large M2T file.

Don't flame me on this one I'm a newbiee. So if I convert my large m2t file into the proper avi file will that big large file be splited up the captures? like in editing SD? I really don't like the way m2t is one big file and no "capture" detection when it comes to HDV.


Laurence Kingston October 17th, 2005 12:24 AM

That was one of the big reasons I bought the ConnectHD software. I like the smaller scene split files. Without it you get HUGE files that make your PC really sluggish. The only real way to do it without ConnectHD is to manually start and stop the capturing so as to get smaller files.

You can also losslessly divide the M2T files with MPEG Wizard from womble.com, and I've done this recently as well. It works quite well and the divided files work much better.

Fred Foronda October 17th, 2005 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by Edward Troxel
Vegas includes everything needed to edit HDV. A version of the Cineform codec is also included. The full purchase version adds more features but is not required for editing HDV.

CF codec is in V6 but does it still detect scenes/captures on HDV? I guess V6 flex its mucles but still not good enough. I need to pick up CF HD then.

Next concern is with CF on V6 will I be able to print to tape back to fx1 or z1? I read somewhere that it won't.


Steve Crisdale October 17th, 2005 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by Fred Foronda

Next concern is with CF on V6 will I be able to print to tape back to fx1 or z1? I read somewhere that it won't.


Don't know what you're referring to there... Are you saying you heard that you can't write back m2t directly from the Vegas 6 timeline?

If you are - you could be right, but that's why I value ConnectHD, because I can render my project to m2t, then use the HDLink utility that's part of ConnectHD to record the resultant m2t back to the camera!!

Hard to say whether that's a longer process than writing directly from the Vegas 6 timeline, but I'd suspect that writing to tape directly from the timeline - especially HD with edits and fades/crossfades and multiple tracks etc, etc; would be beyond the capabilites of any currently available computing system...

Robert Kirkpatrick October 17th, 2005 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Laurence Kingston
If you capture directly into a program like Vegas, you get one large M2T file.

Well, shoot. That sucks. I was hoping to just buy Gearshift -- since my system is a slow 2.6 Pentium 4 processor. I've tried the Connect HD demo, and although quite nice -- in fact, incredibly nice -- it is also incredibly sluggish on my system. Gearshift just runs better on my system, but I have yet to try it with my FX1 (which is on order). But I need scene file detection...

Fred Foronda October 17th, 2005 01:18 PM

Someone correct me, I'm still trying to figure this out.
Capture HD footage from cam using Cineform HD -> palce on timeline on V6->convert back to oringal file using Cineform HD-> then using Cineform HD to print to tape? or someday blue ray!!!???


Laurence Kingston October 17th, 2005 09:38 PM

As far as I know, nobody's printing HDV back to tape yet. It's been announced as a future Cineform feature though, so some day we should be able to.

Another thing about using the Cineform ConnectHD capture utility is that not only does it split scenes, but it writes files about 30% smaller than Vegas does (not Vegas's fault, but that's the way it is). 30% on files this large is quite a bit of hard disc space!

Douglas Spotted Eagle October 17th, 2005 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Laurence Kingston
As far as I know, nobody's printing HDV back to tape yet. It's been announced as a future Cineform feature though, so some day we should be able to.

Lots of people are printing back to HDV tape, myself included. You can do this via either Vegas or via CineForm. This is what the Export tab is for. It really should be named "Print to tape" rather than export, so that it conforms with industry "speak" but it's the same thing.

Sean Seah October 18th, 2005 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by Laurence Kingston
The Cineform capture utilities split up the captures into scenes just like standard DV captures do. If you capture directly into a program like Vegas, you get one large M2T file.

Thanks lawrence.. I was asking specifically if the scene detection is available in V6.. so the answer is I need ConnectHD or Gearshift.

Laurence Kingston October 18th, 2005 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by Douglas Spotted Eagle
Lots of people are printing back to HDV tape, myself included. You can do this via either Vegas or via CineForm. This is what the Export tab is for. It really should be named "Print to tape" rather than export, so that it conforms with industry "speak" but it's the same thing.

Thanks Spot. I see now. Can I "print to tape" from Vegas with the Cineform codec. I see that the HDLink utility will only print M2T back to tape. I'd rather save a generation and just "export" the cineform codec file if possible.

Fred Foronda October 18th, 2005 02:10 PM

NOTE: Temporarily Connect HD will not export edited material from the Sony Vegas 5 timeline back to the HDR-FX1. An update will be made available from Sony to add this feature in the near future. Anybody who purchases Connect HD is eligible for this update. Please check the Sony Media Software website for updated information about this.

This info was taken from videoguys.com web site. What good will editing HD do when you can't even do the final step in video production..DELIVERY.

Douglas Spotted Eagle October 18th, 2005 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Fred Foronda
NOTE: Temporarily Connect HD will not export edited material from the Sony Vegas 5 timeline back to the HDR-FX1. An update will be made available from Sony to add this feature in the near future. Anybody who purchases Connect HD is eligible for this update. Please check the Sony Media Software website for updated information about this.

This info was taken from videoguys.com web site. What good will editing HD do when you can't even do the final step in video production..DELIVERY.

Vegas 5 not Vegas 6, and not later versions of Connect HD. The first version of Connect HD had issues printing to tape. Those are long, long over.

Yi Fong Yu October 21st, 2005 09:45 AM

hey folx,

was about to start a new thread about this when i read this thread. so i should continue the thought here.

i have a dual amd 2.1ghz CPU, 4GB ram, etc. i recently downloaded some of the footages from XL H1 and wanted to edit them into one file w/Vegas 6c. the m2t files played fine through my media player classic, but after i imported them into vegas 6c timeline, it was so pixelized and sluggish that i can't use them. does this have to do with cineform/gearshift or is this a preference feature that i haven't discovered yet? i can edit regular DVs fine.

if there is no solution in editing the m2t's directly, how do people edit it? i've read through the thread, but i'm still not very clear. it sounds to me like if my system can't handle m2ts directly, i should use either a proxy or convert it to a format that i can edit properly. but wouldn't conversion hurt the image quality? if so, wouldn't one want to use the proxy? how does one setup a m2t->preview image proxy edit?

BTW i have used auto, draft previews and none of it works. it's pixelated and barely plays back at all.

Fred Foronda October 21st, 2005 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Yi Fong Yu
hey folx,

was about to start a new thread about this when i read this thread. so i should continue the thought here.

i have a dual amd 2.1ghz CPU, 4GB ram, etc. i recently downloaded some of the footages from XL H1 and wanted to edit them into one file w/Vegas 6c. the m2t files played fine through my media player classic, but after i imported them into vegas 6c timeline, it was so pixelized and sluggish that i can't use them. does this have to do with cineform/gearshift or is this a preference feature that i haven't discovered yet? i can edit regular DVs fine.

if there is no solution in editing the m2t's directly, how do people edit it? i've read through the thread, but i'm still not very clear. it sounds to me like if my system can't handle m2ts directly, i should use either a proxy or convert it to a format that i can edit properly. but wouldn't conversion hurt the image quality? if so, wouldn't one want to use the proxy? how does one setup a m2t->preview image proxy edit?

BTW i have used auto, draft previews and none of it works. it's pixelated and barely plays back at all.

you got the idea. need to convert that m2t file cause its to large to edit it natively. then when your done you reconvert it back to the original m2t. i read that you won't be able to tell the difference as far as the image quality being compromised. from all the readings and research i gonna try Cineform HD triall version. by the way i visited your state in the summer...very rich in history!

Douglas Spotted Eagle October 21st, 2005 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Yi Fong Yu
hey folx,

was about to start a new thread about this when i read this thread. so i should continue the thought here.

i have a dual amd 2.1ghz CPU, 4GB ram, etc. i recently downloaded some of the footages from XL H1 and wanted to edit them into one file w/Vegas 6c. the m2t files played fine through my media player classic, but after i imported them into vegas 6c timeline, it was so pixelized and sluggish that i can't use them. does this have to do with cineform/gearshift or is this a preference feature that i haven't discovered yet? i can edit regular DVs fine.

if there is no solution in editing the m2t's directly, how do people edit it? i've read through the thread, but i'm still not very clear. it sounds to me like if my system can't handle m2ts directly, i should use either a proxy or convert it to a format that i can edit properly. but wouldn't conversion hurt the image quality? if so, wouldn't one want to use the proxy? how does one setup a m2t->preview image proxy edit?

BTW i have used auto, draft previews and none of it works. it's pixelated and barely plays back at all.

It's either the preview mode you're looking in, or you rendered proxies in GearShift and you're looking at the GearShift Proxies in an HD project.

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