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Renton Maclachlan November 29th, 2013 03:37 PM

Select all events on all tracks to end
I'm wondering if there is a way to set the cursor at a point in the timeline and then select all events on all tracks from that point to the end of the timeline. Up to now I've used the select edit tool and drawn a box around everything from the cursor on, but I would like to know if the method I've suggested is available.

Jeff Harper November 29th, 2013 03:55 PM

Re: Select all events on all tracks to end
What I do is hold cntrl key while I select all of the most forward events (first audio clip on a timeline that I want, first video clip on each timeline where I want to start etc. then right click and select "select events to end". I do this often. I am usually deleting so then I just hit delete key and I'm done.

Renton Maclachlan November 29th, 2013 04:11 PM

Re: Select all events on all tracks to end

Originally Posted by Jeff Harper (Post 1822627)
What I do is hold cntrl key while I select all of the most forward events (first audio clip on a timeline that I want, first video clip on each timeline where I want to start etc. then right click and select "select events to end". I do this often. I am usually deleting so then I just hit delete key and I'm done.

Thanks Jeff. I'd thought of that...but also thought that if I just had the cursor line exactly where I want it, it would be easier to just hit [whatever] and everything to the right of it would be selected. Apparently is not possible in Vegas itself but may be in Excalibur...

Jeff Harper November 29th, 2013 04:23 PM

Re: Select all events on all tracks to end
I suppose it would be nice. Selecting the first clips and moving down the timeline takes so liltte time I never thought about it, but if there was a faster way I'd welcome it.

You can also scrub the timeline and hit delete, should do same thing.

Renton Maclachlan November 29th, 2013 04:32 PM

Re: Select all events on all tracks to end

Originally Posted by Jeff Harper (Post 1822631)
I suppose it would be nice. Selecting the first clips and moving down the timeline takes so liltte time I never thought about it, but if there was a faster way I'd welcome it.

You can also scrub the timeline and hit delete, should do same thing.

I'm not wanting to delete but move everything after the cursor to the right to give me a space to insert some content...and then move it all back to a/the new location.

Just been checking to see if I own 'Excalibur'...don't apparently, though I have downloaded it several times over the years... :-)

Jeff Harper November 29th, 2013 04:37 PM

Re: Select all events on all tracks to end
Well, hope you find an easier method, I imagine there is a way. I often have to make room for things. I'm so used to doing it this way I don't even think about it anymore.

Gerald Webb November 29th, 2013 05:26 PM

Re: Select all events on all tracks to end
If I'm understanding right all you need to do is hit control L to turn on auto ripple. I do this all the time. If you want everything in the project to move, set up your ripple to be all tracks and markers.
Great tool, I even have it as a hot key.

Renton Maclachlan November 29th, 2013 05:34 PM

Re: Select all events on all tracks to end
The real problem is that when you have a lot of tracks stacked up, you can't see them all, nor can you see the end of the timeline when you have the zoom on it set large enough so that you can work safely with events. But if you want to select all tracks to the end, then you need to zoom right out, and scroll up and down to be able to select all the tracks...to be sure you have everything selected. But with the zoom level set so low, you could easily go past (or not reach) the point you want to select to.

I would like to not have to zoom out nor scroll up and down, but hit [whatever = 'Select everything right of the cursor'] and know that everything right of the cursor is selected...

Renton Maclachlan November 29th, 2013 05:37 PM

Re: Select all events on all tracks to end

Originally Posted by Gerald Webb (Post 1822643)
If I'm understanding right all you need to do is hit control L to turn on auto ripple. I do this all the time. If you want everything in the project to move, set up your ripple to be all tracks and markers.
Great tool, I even have it as a hot key.

Thanks Gerald...but I'm scared of auto-ripple as I've had things move that I didn't want to move!
And...it is not everything in the project I want to move, only everything right of the cursor...

Gerald Webb November 29th, 2013 06:06 PM

Re: Select all events on all tracks to end
Yep, it does make a mess if you accidently have something selected where you dont want it.
But, after you get used to it, can save heaps of time. My habit is before moving things in ripple mode, click on empty area of timeline just to make sure.
BTW, if you are just shifting one track along to the right, you can move one event to the right and then hit the F key and everything from that event on will shuffle along to the right to match the event you moved.
This combination of using either the,
F key for single track movement,
or Ripple (all tracks and markers),
is perfect for pretty much any scenario.

Seth Bloombaum November 29th, 2013 08:54 PM

Re: Select all events on all tracks to end
Using the F key is rippling! That's a post-edit ripple of "affected tracks".

Here's what you'll find in the keyboard shortcuts:
F = Post-edit ripple affected tracks
Ctrl+F = Post-edit ripple affected tracks, bus tracks, markers, and regions
Ctrl+Shift+F = Post-edit ripple all tracks, markers, and regions

I use these all the time. Basically it comes down to F for the track I'm working on, or ctl-shift-F for everything.

However... in the case of hidden tracks you need to be careful. Usually I'll post-ripple everything, and then scroll down the tracks to see if anything is amiss. Then perhaps a quick undo, followed by more careful work if it was a bad ripple, but more often than not it's all good.


Renton Maclachlan November 29th, 2013 09:34 PM

Re: Select all events on all tracks to end

Originally Posted by Gerald Webb (Post 1822643)
If I'm understanding right all you need to do is hit control L to turn on auto ripple. I do this all the time. If you want everything in the project to move, set up your ripple to be all tracks and markers.
Great tool, I even have it as a hot key.

Thanks Seth. When you say: '...or ctl-shift-F for everything.' what precisely do you mean by 'everything'?

I want to move everything (all content on all tracks) to the right of the cursor, down the timeline. I don't know how much space I need so I want to move it a good distance to give myself space to work. How would 'rippling' work in this case?

Graham Bernard November 30th, 2013 02:27 AM

Re: Select all events on all tracks to end
If you have Events SPANNING the Cursor Position then you will need to SPLIT all your Events at that Cursor Position and then use the Ripple to drag the WHOLE group to the RIGHT. If you do NOT have Events SPANNING that Cursor Position - meaning ALL the Events start at the Cursor Position - and are aligned vertically just apply Ripple for ALL and drag to the RIGHT. We all do this all the time.



Seth Bloombaum November 30th, 2013 02:27 AM

Re: Select all events on all tracks to end
"Everything" in this case means everything to the right of the event you edit/move/trim etc., including events, markers, etc.

The steps look like this.
Oops, I need some room. Find the spot where I need it (usually an existing edit point, if not, split an event).
Make sure I'm zoomed out enough to cover the time range I want to open.
Select event after the "spot", and slide it to the right, 2 seconds, two minutes, whatever, don't worry about dragging it over other events, just drag it and let go.
Hit ctrl-shift-f for post-edit ripple of everything, and review, scrolling down through tracks.

Now the trouble comes where other events on additional tracks are overlapping the edit that I opened. The behaviors are a little uncertain, sometimes. E.g., sometimes a lower-track event moves, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes you wanted it to, sometimes you didn't.

The F11 key (I think, I'm on the tablet here, it's late) is a great asset in this, hit it and the tracks/timeline will fill your screen. A second hit restores your layout to resume editing.

Alternative is to move each of the events you want opened up, one at a time, moving down the tracklist, hit f after each move, this method is pretty bombproof when you need it. (gotta love Vegas' colorcoded snapping, you just snap the leading edge of each event to the first event you moved... or, drop a marker where you want the existing material to resume, and snap everything to the marker)

I do have excalibur, and I love it, would buy it again in a heartbeat (thanks Edward!), but I use these native Vegas keyboard shortcuts all the time.

Renton Maclachlan November 30th, 2013 03:18 AM

Re: Select all events on all tracks to end

Originally Posted by Graham Bernard (Post 1822684)
If you have Events SPANNING the Cursor Position then you will need to SPLIT all your Events at that Cursor Position and then use the Ripple to drag the WHOLE group to the RIGHT. If you do NOT have Events SPANNING that Cursor Position - meaning ALL the Events start at the Cursor Position - and are aligned vertically just apply Ripple for ALL and drag to the RIGHT. We all do this all the time.



In the stuff I'm doing there would seldom be any events spanning the cursor position...but if there were, I would move them out of the way as I would need to adjust them relative to the new content...Thanks.

And thanks also Seth...

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