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Peter Riding November 20th, 2013 12:33 PM

NTSC from PAL Media
I shot a wedding ceremony, reception etc, entirely using panasonic AVCHD 1080 50p. For UK and Europe delivery of PAL DVDs no problems obviously.

This client is USA based for an indefinite period so I am keen to supply NTSC DVDs. Forum members Chris Hewitt and Chris Harding have reported having no real issues just letting Vegas do its thing so long as you pay attention to the interlacing.

I found two NTSC templates under Main Concept MPEG2:

DVD Architect NTSC Widescreen video stream defaults to 29.970 upper field first.

DVD Architect 24p NTSC Widescreen video stream defaults to 23.976 + 2-3 pulldown and no field order (progessive scan which I think most modern DVD players can read and would probably be a good choice for DVDs played on a PC)

Both have alternative frame rate options in the dropdown box.

Chris H has used the first one successfully but I chose the second option mainly because it has no upper / lower field option to choose for my progressive files; my thinking being it should be better if played on a PC.

I authored the actual disc in DVD Architect Pro 6 using the 720x480 60i option. I had created the video track in Vegas and simply copied over the separate audio track I had also created in Vegas for the PAL version.

Both videos are the exact same length. Audio is properly synced on the NTSC disc.

All looks fine. Can anyone comment on what I should be looking for in the way of faults or compromises with the NTSC disc? Particularly because its 23.976 + 2-3 pulldown? n.b. DVDA did not have to rerender anything.


Rainer Listing November 20th, 2013 06:22 PM

Re: NTSC from PAL Media
I shoot 25fps and if the client needs NTSC just use the Vegas defaults. Don't know how 24 fps would go: I'm thinking you'd have to play it on an NTSC TV rather than a computer to be sure. I understand most DVD players now can tell the difference, not sure if TVs can do it automatically, you probably can switch your TV to NTSC. Then, if it looks OK to you it's sure to look OK to them. Interested to hear how you get on.

Leslie Wand November 20th, 2013 08:20 PM

Re: NTSC from PAL Media
DVD Architect NTSC Widescreen video stream defaults to 29.970 upper field first.

been using this for 10+ years - never a problem.

Peter Riding December 11th, 2013 10:44 AM

Re: NTSC from PAL Media
I've now heard back from the client who has reported "Yes it did work brilliantly".


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