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Ian Stark April 28th, 2012 11:15 AM

Firestore FS-5 m2t footage in Vegas
I wonder if anyone who uses the FS-5 (I have the v2 version) could let me know whether they have experienced any issues with captured m2t clips in Vegas?

I shot a live performance recently and on dropping the footage on to the Vegas timeline, some of the clips seem to freeze after a few seconds and stay like that until just before the end of the clip when there is (sometimes) a burst back into life. The clip lengths are correct but it's as though the capture was paused a few seconds in and unpaused right at the end. Hope I'm explaining myself clearly. The sound also drops out at the same point and comes back at the end. Note this happens with some of the clips, not all.

What is odd is that the offending clips play fine in VLC Player and Windows Media Player (and they also open OK in After Effects), but it's just in Vegas that I am experiencing the problem.

I suspect the problem might possibly be with retro cache on the FS-5 as I was experimenting with it for the first time recently. Annoyingly I forgot to switch it off. This is only a guess though and it kind of doesn't sit well with the fact that I can see the clips in other apps.

Fortunately I recorded to tape as well but the performance went over an hour so I am missing the last portion.

Anyone got any ideas on what's causing the issue and how I might be able to get the clips to play nice with Vegas? Thanks.

Ian Stark May 6th, 2012 07:01 AM

Re: Firestore FS-5 m2t footage in Vegas
I wonder if the lack of responses is because no one is using the FS-5 or if it's because it works OK for everyone else?!

Maybe I should ask "are there any Firestore FS-5 users who also use Vegas"?

I'll post the original question in the Firestore forum (I didn't do this earlier in case I was called out for cross-posting).

Leslie Wand May 6th, 2012 07:31 AM

Re: Firestore FS-5 m2t footage in Vegas
i use an mrc1k that records m2t. always import with device manager and no problems.

how you ingesting?

what are the capture options on the fs5?

Ian Stark May 6th, 2012 07:35 AM

Re: Firestore FS-5 m2t footage in Vegas
Hi Leslie,

The Firestore to timeline process is a little clunky! Basically you mount the Firestore as a drive then copy via USB (I know, I know). From there I just add the files to the timeline as required, either by dragging and dropping or importingthe media. There's no 'capture' as such.

Leslie Wand May 6th, 2012 05:23 PM

Re: Firestore FS-5 m2t footage in Vegas
have you tried using device manager?

i had some problems when i first got the cf recorder and simply dragged stuff in.

alternatively, did the fs come with any 'software'?

Ian Stark May 7th, 2012 03:34 AM

Re: Firestore FS-5 m2t footage in Vegas
Thanks Leslie, I'll take a look at that. National holiday today in the UK (no idea what it's for) so I've promised Mrs Stark I wouldn't sit in front of a pc all day. So far, an epic fail on my part!

Leslie Wand May 7th, 2012 06:28 AM

Re: Firestore FS-5 m2t footage in Vegas
cowardy, cowardy custard ;-)

my wife tells me i wear the trouser in our family, and on what days i can wear them....

enjoy the break ;-)

Ian Stark May 8th, 2012 12:06 PM

Re: Firestore FS-5 m2t footage in Vegas
Hehehe. You're lucky you're allowed to wear trousers at all!

I have a location shoot tomorrow so I'll dual record and give it a whirl when I return I'll update when it's done.

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