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Federico Perale July 10th, 2011 06:28 AM

basic question: file preview under "Explorer"
sorry if this is really basic, but once I add videos to the project I can see a clear thumbnail under "project media", so I can instantly recognise it.

why isn't this possible under "explorer"? of all the different views I can select, none allows me to see what the first frame of the video looks like


Robin Davies-Rollinson July 10th, 2011 11:39 AM

Re: basic question: file preview under "Explorer"
Probably because with Explorer you are seeing the file location within Windows - nothing to do with Vegas.
If you went direct to the file location without running vegas, you still wouldn't see anything other than the windows icon for the file...

Federico Perale July 10th, 2011 11:55 AM

Re: basic question: file preview under "Explorer"
Mmm thats not correct. If I go into a folder on windows, I can select to see icons that show the first frame of the video, what I cannot seem to replicate in vegas

Robin Davies-Rollinson July 10th, 2011 12:08 PM

Re: basic question: file preview under "Explorer"
In that case, you're lucky, because I can't see any video frames in my folders - only icons or the list/details view...

David Jimerson July 11th, 2011 10:54 AM

Re: basic question: file preview under "Explorer"
It's just the way it works. It's just as easy just to use Windows Explorer, so I never bother with the Vegas Explorer window.

Federico Perale July 11th, 2011 11:00 AM

Re: basic question: file preview under "Explorer"
sure. I was just wondering why such a basic thing like expanding the icons so that you can see exactly the videos you are choosing for the timeline is not implemented

Victor Wilcox July 11th, 2011 12:27 PM

Re: basic question: file preview under "Explorer"
What version of Windows are you using?

Windows 7 will show a thumnail of most video formats: avi, wmv, m2t, m2ts, mpg, mp4 (Not sure about mov files).

Windows XP doesn't do thumnails of m2t and m2t (and mp4 I think).

I don't remember about VISTA, but I think it's closer to Windows 7.

You need to set the view to medium icons or larger.

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