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Ian Mooney October 8th, 2010 08:09 AM

Add Game Time to Video
I record rugby football games and produce DVDs for coaches and referees. I use Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 9. I wish to add to the video a text overlay showing the game time, in mm:ss (minute:second) form, since the commencement of each half. Just like they have on TV broadcasts! This would be useful for viewers to quickly skip to points of interested in the game. Vegas has the Time Code effect but the formats are not simple mm:ss form.

Is anyone aware of an add-in or some other means I can achieve the desired result?

Gerald Webb October 8th, 2010 06:17 PM

hey Ian, this is one i did for a friend a couple of weeks ago, if this is what you are after let me know and i'll try to talk you through it.

Ian Mooney October 8th, 2010 09:07 PM

that is exactly what I'm looking for. You've gone the next step too with the team names & scores which would be fantastic to have. How did you do this?


Gerald Webb October 8th, 2010 10:22 PM

its not that hard, takes a little bit of playing around to set up, but once you have your set up done you can overlay your teams, scores and icons on a week to week basis.
I'll try to explain here, it may get a little bit long winded though, (might do a youtube tutorial in the next few days, I'll get at least 1 view, lol )
Start a small project 300x200 Progressive is fine, render quality=good, pixel aspect =1
add timecode to an empty event, make your event as long as your game.
add a black solid to the track above and apply a mask to remove the parts of the timer that you dont want, millisec etc.
Render it out, mpeg2 is good, fast and easy read for Vegas. You could save it as a Veg, but for stability reasons I reckon its better to render.
Now you build your timer box,
Start a new project, same size or maybe a bit larger,
have a bright green solid as the bottom track.
If you want one like the NRL, you just make the black bits out of one solid, and the grey/white bits out of a Gradient solid
Then have a track or two with your logos that you found on the net,
Then two tracks with your text media of the teams,
and finally your timecode that you made earlier.
Now render it out, with your bright green background.
When you bring it back into vegas you just apply a chroma key and remove the green.

If you have a basic knowledge of Vegas that should be enough to get you going, if its not clear or you have any questions, just ask.

Ian Mooney October 8th, 2010 11:25 PM

Many thanks Gerald.
A smart but simple solution!
I'll give it a run now.


Ian Mooney October 9th, 2010 03:03 AM

Unfortunately Vegas Movie Studio 9 Platinum does not have a MASK facility.

Gerald Webb October 9th, 2010 03:18 AM

the cookie cutter fx can be your friend.
It does have cookie cutter doesnt it?

Ian Mooney October 9th, 2010 07:23 PM

I now realise how basic Movie Studio is compared with Pro!
Cookie Cutter is very basic and won't do it. I've recorded the entire TIMECODE image as 1 big AVI (1GB). I'm now using VirtualDub to cut it out as a small rectangle and store as an MPG that i can import into a new project. I think i'll be right to keep going from here. Thanks for your help!

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