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Bill Thesken September 17th, 2010 12:51 PM

Bunching Time lapse clips
I have hundreds of JPEG clips, and when I pull them onto the timeline they are grouped in pairs with a space in between each pair. Is there a button to push that will get rid of the spaces and bunch the clips together. I've been working on this all morning and have run out of ideas.

Michael Hutson September 17th, 2010 02:18 PM

Post edit ripple affected tracks F
Post edit ripple affected tracks, bus tracks, markers, and regions Ctrl+F
Post edit ripple all tracks, markers, and regions Ctrl+Shift+F

Edward Troxel September 17th, 2010 04:02 PM

If these were time lapse clips and were properly numbered, you might consider bringing them in as an "Image Sequence" instead. Then you'll get ONE event on the timeline that consists of all the separate images and each image will be one frame long.

Otherwise, your easiest solution is to use a script. Scripts can easily eliminate gaps between clips.

Bill Thesken September 17th, 2010 05:57 PM

I found out how I messed up. I renamed the pictures and now they have an extension such as Tombolo (1), Tombolo (2) etc. and now vegas will not recognize them as a still image sequence, and I can't figure out how to rename so they have the extension that will be recognized ie: 0001,0002 etc.

I went out and made some more timelapses, used the file names straight from the camera and all is well now, they load right in a single clip.

Edward Troxel September 18th, 2010 07:38 AM

Glad you got it figured out. There are some renaming programs out there that make it easy to rename the sequences. Perhaps someone can recommend one for you - I haven't ever needed one so I don't remember the names that are out there.

Seth Bloombaum September 18th, 2010 09:36 AM

I use Irfanview as much as possible for all still image batch processing, and yes, it does include renaming as part of its batch capabilities, you don't even have to touch the image if all you want is rename.

Of course there are some things Irfan view won't do, but photoshop will... But for all the common photo-to-video tasks it excels, such as; crop, change format, change size, etc. and it is blindingly fast.

Bruce Phung September 18th, 2010 11:10 AM

Hi Seth

I downloaded Irfanview and am doing testing on batch conversion and remane. But I can't seem to get it to do rename. Can you please post your step by step on how you do it.
Here is my sample. Let say I got a bunch of pictures that is started at #1 to #50 and I have a bunch of other pictures that are not in numbered but rather in names. Now I want to to rename start at #51 to 100.
I go to file > Batch conversion/renames. I clicked on the first picture and press shift and clicked on the last picture. Then I click Add. Under Batch rename settings> Options> start counter 51 and increment is 1. I click Start batch, the program did the batching but when I go back to the folder that contain all the pictures and I don't see any thing changed. What am I doing wrong. I appreciated if you can guide me on how it done in rename file in sequence. Thanks you

Seth Bloombaum September 19th, 2010 12:19 PM

3 Attachment(s)
All right, I will do my best and hope this helps!

Going over what you've written, it all looks good - perhaps a missing step or two, or maybe you did them and didn't write them down.

You do need a hash mark (#) for every digit in the output file name. You'll see that in the name_setup.jpg below in the top field, which reads $Ntest##.

You do need to specify an output folder, you'll see that in output_setup.jpg.

When you click "start batch", it should result in the log display that you'll see in result.jpg.

I just did it, and it worked - I have the 3 new images, with sequenced numbers sitting on my desktop, as noted in the result.jpg.

Is it possible that the new images went to some default output folder? To copy them back to the same folder, you'd select "Use current look-in folder" in the Batch output settings field.

Bruce Phung September 19th, 2010 12:44 PM

Thank you seth.

Yes I got a miss step. I follow your screen shot and am able to renamed all in sequence. I should have clicked the batch rename insteadI clicked the batch conversion/rename thats where I was having problem. Again thank you.

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