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-   -   New Website dedicated to Vegas Pro editors (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/what-happens-vegas/481132-new-website-dedicated-vegas-pro-editors.html)

Patrick Sean Kennedy June 29th, 2010 11:03 PM

New Website dedicated to Vegas Pro editors
Hey guys, i found this new website for vegas editors. They had some tutorials and free plugins for vegas...


Do you guys know any othesimiliar resources for vegas editors...

Edward Troxel June 30th, 2010 06:33 AM

You mean like these...

Please let's not turn this thread into one like what happened on the Sony forum. If you do, it WILL go away!

Chris Harding June 30th, 2010 05:21 PM

Hi Edward

I agree 100%!! Besides the site is hardly even worth the effort of clicking the link..no real plugins and the tutorials on DVInfo are way, way better anyway!!


Jeff Harper June 30th, 2010 05:25 PM

Not to worry Edward!

The site is primarily a sales platform for a very few fx packages, which is great to know about, but I couldn't find much there for my purposes as a wedding videographer.

Nice to know about it though.

I applaud any effort to create and disseminate tools for Vegas, and while I agree that at this early stage the site is somewhat "light" on goodies, anything positive for Vegas users is a good thing.

The site has been announced, and that should be the end of it. Critiques of it really have no place here, just as I would be resentful of seeing that sort of thing on another site about this one.

I say we should wish them the best, and let it go.

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