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Ron Cooper April 26th, 2010 01:51 AM

Learning Simple Titles in Vegas Pro 9
Sorry to be a nuisance, but can anyone point me to a site explaining how to do simple titles without having to spend ages going through heaps of un-related stuff.

All I want to do is place some colored text with fades, over a plain solid color background. I found the "Help" in Vegas quite useless for simply doing this. - Got the text OK, but having trouble with the text color, & then placing it so it shows shows over the background.

"Oh this used to be so simple in good'ole Adobe Prem 6.5" - just worked it out without having to look at anything !


Edward Troxel April 26th, 2010 07:59 AM

Just drop a text generated media on the timeline. You can change the text/font/size/color/position/etc... from the generated media dialog. Pick one with a "checkerboard" background so the lower tracks will show through and make sure you put the title on a separate track ABOVE the video.

Ron Cooper April 26th, 2010 09:17 PM

Thanks very much again Edward. Fixed in a flash ! - Why is it that in about two lines you can explain something as simple as this yet the Vegas help says either nothing or a four page diatribe?

Pity Vegas doesn't use you to write their manuals or even a simple tutorial for non-pros. But of course there are always your excellent newsletters.


Kenneth Anderson April 26th, 2010 09:19 PM

You Tube has a bunch of quick tutorials too . Try typing "sony vegas title tutorial" and you'll be jamming....

Ron Cooper April 30th, 2010 07:57 PM

Thanks to you too, Kenneth I will have a look.

Isn't this a great forum !


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