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Rog Mogale March 16th, 2010 09:02 PM

5.1ch DVD creating with Vegas and DVDA

I can’t seem to get this to work. If I render as a DVD architect PAL windscreen video stream then DVDA accepts the file and will create a DVD. The trouble is that you don’t get multi channel options when you render to this type of Mpg. You get stereo, join stereo and mono. No 5.1

I read that a few on here render to uncompressed AVI’s then import into DVDA and create the DVD that way. I found a couple of problems doing this. 1st is that DVDA will not accept multi channel AVI’s. I can import a stereo AVI, but not a 6 ch AVI that I think must be required to make a 5.1ch DVD. The second problem is that the AVI’s are so big that they can’t be written to a single file. I rendered a 2.20 min video to uncompressed AVI and it was 27Gb. When I looked at the file it was in many parts and the largest part was only 3.99Gb. Is there any way of making the AVI all one file, or is there a maximum size of 3.99Gb for an AVI file. I also tried rendering to a CanHQ AVI, which DVDA will accept, but again anything more than a stereo AVI is not accepted by DVDA.

So how do you make a 5.1ch DVD with Vegas 9 and DVDA. My project settings in Vegas are set to 5.1 and I can see and use all 6 channels on the timeline. I’m thinking that maybe only stereo channels are needed for the audio and then the playback decoder in the AV amplifier decodes the 5.1 from 2 channels.

And which way is best to create a DVD in DVDA. I found that rendering a DVD architect PAL windscreen video stream from Vegas into DVDA produces bad looking DVDs. Larger 1980 x 1080 files with less compression and letting DVDA sort it all out looks better. Any input on the best formats for putting into DVDA for the best looking DVD’s.

Mike Kujbida March 17th, 2010 04:15 AM

Answers/suggestions in no particular order.

Your file sizes are 3.99 GB. because the drive you're rendering to is formatted as FAT32 and not NTFS like it should be.

Audio should always be a separate render.
To get a 5.1 render, your project properties must be set to 5.1 first.
At render time, choose AC-3 and then the 5,1 Surround DVD option.

If you're making standard def DVDs, the recommendation used to be a properly encoded MPEG-2 stream for video and an AC-3 stream for audio.
If you think you're getting a better-looking DVD that way you're doing it, then stick with doing it that way.

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