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Fred Goltz September 10th, 2009 10:33 AM

Not a "color pass", but.....
Hey guys,

I know how to do a color pass just fine and I know how to chroma key just fine, but is there any way (that you guys know of) where I can replace one color in my whole clip with another, totally different color?

For example, I shoot a comedy sketch where the character is wearing a black cowboy hat....is there any way to change that black hat to a yellow hat (and make it look real, not all pixilated or have any anomolies on the borders?).

Thanks guys.

Steve Rusk September 10th, 2009 10:51 AM

Have you tried the Color Corrector (secondary) filter? I've used that to color correct some bridal dresses with some success. Some situations worked better than others.

Fred Goltz September 10th, 2009 11:14 AM

Oh, yeah. I've done a color pass, then used the color correction to change the hue/color, but it just doesn't ring true for some reason. I just thought there may be a way I could replace on color, for a totally different color, without changing skin tone or anything else in the picture.

I realize that by "chroma keying" a color, you totally remove it from your timeline, I just wanted to know If I could replace that removed color, with another color of my choosing.

Edward Troxel September 10th, 2009 01:53 PM

That's one of the things the secondary color corrector can do. Have you tried selecting the color and then changing the color in the wheel?

Fred Goltz September 14th, 2009 08:56 AM

No I haven't Edward....I will try. Thanks.

Nicholas de Kock September 14th, 2009 12:18 PM

On a technical note I don't think black if the best colour to go changing, black is integrated into everything. You are going to have a hard time isolating black, maybe if the hat was pink.

Greg Boston September 14th, 2009 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Nicholas de Kock (Post 1352770)
On a technical note I don't think black if the best colour to go changing, black is integrated into everything. You are going to have a hard time isolating black, maybe if the hat was pink.

Good point, perhaps putting a matte around the area of the black hat before applying secondary color correction is the answer.


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