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Ali Jafri August 15th, 2009 12:37 AM

DVCPRO HD footage - what to do?
I've heard of the Raylight Ultra, but is there any other way of editing DVCPRO HD footage shot on the HVX200 camera using standard P2 cards? I don't really want to use the Adobe CS4 suite for this edit even though I have it. What to do?

Can I transcode the footage to DV AVI and edit in Vegas Pro 9 and then maybe take an EDL or similar file to After Effects or Premiere Pro and replace the DV AVI with the DVCPRO HD MXF files?

To make life a little more difficult for myself I intend to play around with playback rates for varying degrees of slow motion in the edit. Will that information be retained in an EDL?

Please do suggest a workflow for me. Thanks!

- Ali

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