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Jason McCormy May 12th, 2009 11:20 AM

Vegas 9 will not render to MPG2

In Vegas 8 I have always rendered from Vegas to MPG2 before bringing it over into Architect. Now, with Vegas 9, I get an unknown error when trying to render to MPG2 but it will render to AVI just fine for DVD Architect. I really prefer to render to MPG2 from Vegas though. Does anyone have an idea what is wrong?

Jeff Harper May 12th, 2009 12:31 PM

Jason, this is a long shot, but try rendering to a different drive and see what happens.

Greg Boston May 13th, 2009 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Jason McCormy (Post 1141934)

In Vegas 8 I have always rendered from Vegas to MPG2 before bringing it over into Architect. Now, with Vegas 9, I get an unknown error when trying to render to MPG2 but it will render to AVI just fine for DVD Architect. I really prefer to render to MPG2 from Vegas though. Does anyone have an idea what is wrong?

If you're using the demo version, I believe MPG2 is disabled due to MPEG licensing restrictions. ISTR that was true of earlier demo versions.


Jason McCormy May 13th, 2009 01:46 PM

Thank you, that turns out to be it. I think. I had been running the demo then bought the upgrade. I had just installed the serial number. Now I unistalled it and reinstalled it with the serial number and it works very well. Merci!

Jeff Harper May 13th, 2009 02:56 PM

I've been rendering with the demo with no issues, how is that for inconsistent!

Gene Gajewski May 13th, 2009 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Jeff Harper (Post 1142598)
I've been rendering with the demo with no issues, how is that for inconsistent!

Is there a licensed version of 8.x still installed perhaps?

Jeff Harper May 14th, 2009 12:51 PM

Yes there is.

David Wayne Groves May 16th, 2009 07:03 AM

Also running Vegas 9 Demo, no problems rendering to Mpeg 2, and yes I do have Vegas 8 installed as well.......

Brian Rhodes May 18th, 2009 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by David Wayne Groves (Post 1143873)
Also running Vegas 9 Demo, no problems rendering to Mpeg 2, and yes I do have Vegas 8 installed as well.......

I am running Vegas 9 Demo, Having problems rendering to Mpeg 2, I do have Vegas 8 installed.

Edward Troxel May 18th, 2009 08:25 AM

Generally speaking, MPEG2 is not available in the demo versions. However, MPEG2 has typically worked if a previous version of Vegas with MPEG2 was already working. Remember that MPEG2 is automatically unlocked when you install and register DVD Architect!

So, is MPEG2 working in Vegas 8? Is DVD Architect installed and registered.

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