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Michael Ojjeh May 10th, 2009 10:35 AM

Can't render large project to an AVI file .
I have 1hour and 50min project and I am trying to render it so I can burn it to a DVD.
When I render the file to an AVI file I get this error:

"The file being renderd has exceeded the maximum size allowed for the selected format."

The Project prroperties is HDV 1080-60i
The render template is NTSC DV Widescreen (Video for Windows (*AVI).

I have not done any long project on Vegas8 all short web projects. and I never had this problem before.
I must be missing somthing here !!!

Any HELP will be appreciated !!!!

Jeff Harper May 10th, 2009 10:47 AM

I'm not sure why you are rendering an .avi file for DVD. Render to a DVD template that will suit your DVD project.

avi will have to be re-rendered in DVDA and DVDA will take forever and be a second render when you don't need it.

Render from Vegas to the appropriate format and you will be done and can take in the finshed render to DVDA and burn without any trouble.

I don't burn blu-ray so I can't give you any specific suggestions on templates.

Michael Ojjeh May 10th, 2009 10:52 AM

Jeff, I did try to use DVDA template but the video came out very interlaced so I am trying to do it in AVI.

Edward Troxel May 10th, 2009 12:30 PM

A few things to check... did you change any settings?

Options - Preferences:
Ignore third party DV codecs - checked
Use Microsoft DV codec - UNchecked
Strictly Conform to AVI2 specification - UNchecked

File - Render As - Video tab
Create an OpenDML (AVI version 2.0) compatible file - checked

Also make sure you're rendering to a drive formatted as NTFS and not FAT32.

Michael Ojjeh May 10th, 2009 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Edward Troxel (Post 1140834)
A few things to check... did you change any settings?

Options - Preferences:
Ignore third party DV codecs - checked
Use Microsoft DV codec - UNchecked
Strictly Conform to AVI2 specification - UNchecked

File - Render As - Video tab
Create an OpenDML (AVI version 2.0) compatible file - checked

Also make sure you're rendering to a drive formatted as NTFS and not FAT32.

Edward, I have all the above in the right place, the only thing I don't about is "creat an openDmL"
I have done it many times in MPEG-2, But now I keep getting nterlaced video and I don't know how to render to MPEG-2 with deinterlacing. I don't see that option anywhere.

What setting do you recommend for DVDA NTSC template, I tried every DVDA Template but still getting interlaced video.

Jeff Harper May 10th, 2009 05:50 PM

I don't understand what is wrong. If you are shooting 60i it should be rendered 60i for DVD shouldn't it? What are you shooting with and what were your settings?

Michael Ojjeh May 10th, 2009 06:14 PM

I am shooting 60i , and that is my project setting (HDV 1080-60i(1440x1080)
I tried upper,lower and scan field order in the project properties and the render template to match it.

I am going out of my mind on this, I must have rendered to MPEG-2 hundred of times with out any problems. but now I keep getting interlaced video on every template I try.

It must be somthing so easy but I can't put my hand on it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dale Guthormsen May 10th, 2009 06:43 PM


I do not know why you are going avi.

Render it to mainconcept mp2, go to the properties, make sure progressive is not checked, or interpolate fields.

the default will be interlaced.

This will render you a dvd compliant file.

1hr 40 min is pretty long for a dvd if you have done any work on it at all. Definitely dual layer needy!!

Standard definiton right?

Jeff Harper May 10th, 2009 06:44 PM

Dale, I already asked him your question and he has answered: his footage is coming out distorted and he was going to try avi as a way to fix it.

Michael, as an experiment try rendering to WMV 8mbps hd 1080-30p and play it back and see how it looks. Do you know how to select a portion of the timeline and just render the section (so you don't have to render the whole thing)?

Michael Ojjeh May 10th, 2009 06:54 PM

I will try that right now, and yes I have benn selecting just 5min on the timeline to experiment.

Jeff Harper May 10th, 2009 06:56 PM

Great, I'll be back in a few minutes and look forward to hearing your results.

Jeff Harper May 10th, 2009 07:00 PM

It just occurred to me, Michael: Did you shoot in HD for sure? What kind of camera are you shooting with? You didn't shoot in 16:9 SD, right?

Don Bloom May 10th, 2009 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Dale Guthormsen (Post 1140961)

1hr 40 min is pretty long for a dvd if you have done any work on it at all. Definitely dual layer needy!!

Standard definiton right?

Long? Hardly. DL. Why?
At 100 minutes with AC3 audio encoding the average bitrate for SD would be 5.829 which is something I do all the time and frankly the quality doesn't suffer at all. No need for DL in this case.

Michael Ojjeh May 10th, 2009 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Jeff Harper (Post 1140969)
It just occurred to me, Michael: Did you shoot in HD for sure? What kind of camera are you shooting with? You didn't shoot in 16:9 SD, right?

I did shoot in HD 60i, I did a three camera shoot for a fashion show, I have 2 A1 and one H1, I did this last year and I came out very good. Untitled Document

I did render in WMV 8mbps HD 1080-30p and it looks much better, but still when there is big motion the picture still shows some intrelacing on the edge. not as sharp !!!

Michael Ojjeh May 10th, 2009 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Don Bloom (Post 1140970)
Long? Hardly. DL. Why?
At 100 minutes with AC3 audio encoding the average bitrate for SD would be 5.829 which is something I do all the time and frankly the quality doesn't suffer at all. No need for DL in this case.

I agree, I had the same project last year and I lower the bitrate and no one will ever know.

Jeff Harper May 10th, 2009 07:57 PM

There is something going on somewhere. I wish I had some ideas for you. Dale recently had a freaky situation where another software program interfered with Vegas, I believe, which he discovered by accident.

You shouldn't be having this problem, but yet you are. Maybe someone will pop in with a solution.

Michael Ojjeh May 10th, 2009 08:14 PM

Thanks Jeff for your help, I am burning 5min of the WMV file to a DVD so I can see what it looks like on TV if it has any interlacing problem that can be seen.
WMV was the best result so far !!!!!

Michael Ojjeh May 11th, 2009 06:01 AM

I burned a 5min DVD of the WMV it looks ok, but not that good, it still has some distortion when there are motion in the footage.
At this point I don't know what other options I have, been up all night trying all different combination and still have no luck, I need to finish this project within few days !!

Bob Grant May 11th, 2009 06:24 AM

Because you are downscaling from HD to SD with interlaced material you need to specify a de-interlace method in your project properties. This will not make the output de-interlaced but I suspect it will prevent the interlace artifacts that you are seeing.
In general best results come from setting the de-interlace method to Blend.

Michael Ojjeh May 11th, 2009 06:35 AM

Bob, I do have the properties setting in the project to "Blend Fields" in the Deinterlace method.
I have done downscaling from HD to SD many times but never have that interlace artifacts before that is so visible.

Jeff Harper May 11th, 2009 07:44 AM

You might take some old HD footage from an old project and render some of that. If that has the same issue where in the past you didn't have the issue, then you might reformat your hard drive and reinstall everything.

If your old footage doensn't have issues, than the footage from your current project may need to be re-captured.

Try to recreate the conditions of the past where things worked. What is difference this time? Are you working off a different hard drive? Capturing to a different HD?

Recreate the past conditions, or at least go through a mental checklist as to what is different now. Do you have new software installed? Decoding software?

Bob Grant May 11th, 2009 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Michael Ojjeh (Post 1141148)
Bob, I do have the properties setting in the project to "Blend Fields" in the Deinterlace method.
I have done downscaling from HD to SD many times but never have that interlace artifacts before that is so visible.

Interesting then. Are these interlacing artifacts only one scan line high or bigger?

Reason I ask if if they are one scan line high then they are just genuine interlace artifacts. If they're bigger then they're the result of some interlace aliasing during scaling.
Can you post a frame grab so we can see exactly what we're trying to deal with?

One other question, are you by any chance doing any nesting?
Final question, what are you viewing this on?

Michael Ojjeh May 11th, 2009 09:17 AM

Jeff, the footage in the past is the same, HD-60i even the cameras are the same.
The only difference I see now is that I went from XP to Vista and no other software installed, when I run Vegas nothing run with it anyway.

Bob, The interlace artiffacts are only with motion, when the person is not moving the picture looks good, only when they move I get the interlace artiffacts in their arms,legs...
the footage is not scaled any biger, no changes has been done to the footage in post.
I do not use any nesting, and I view this on my computer monitor and I burned 10-15 DVDs as a test and view them on LCD TV.

I will post some footage tonight, I am trying to render it with WMV file with a higher bit rate and see if it makes it better, it is taking a LONG time.

Thanks for all your input :)

Edward Troxel May 11th, 2009 10:35 AM

Agreed, you can easily put 2 hours on an SD DVD with no problems.

Michael Ojjeh May 14th, 2009 06:18 PM

Well, I did not have time to play around to fix this problem, the project had to be done within few days of the shoot, so I reformat my drive and reinstall Vegas only and I rendered the project with no problem. It was too many combination and changes that I have made on my computer and restart fom the begining was the fast choice for me.

And here are the highlights of the shoot:Fashion Show 2009 on Vimeo

Thanks for all your help !!!!!

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