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Jamison Olivieri March 11th, 2004 09:52 AM

Vegas 5.0 Wish List
I recently read that NAB was introducing the new version of Vegas 5.0. Does anyone have any special wish list that have for the new version. I for one would like more 3d effects and the ability for nesting tracks.

Peter Koller March 11th, 2004 03:07 PM

-A decent mask tool! Rectangular and oval masks are a bit awkward for rotoscoping...

-Velocity envelopes that modify video PLUS audio. In V4 the envelope affects only the video events and leaves the audio track unchanged.

-Better region managment. I usually capture full tapes at once and create regions. I would like to be able to create folders and put regions of various files into them.

-HD support up to 2K. Realtime of course.

Well, it is a wish list after all:

-everything that After Effects and Combustion offers and Vegas doesn't. Most of all trackers and stabilizers.

Cheers, Peter

Chris Hendrick March 11th, 2004 03:26 PM

I second the Mask tool!!!! :)




Josh Bass March 11th, 2004 06:40 PM

Bin management that doesn't screw up!

Dylan Couper March 11th, 2004 07:37 PM

Mask tool.

Peter Jefferson March 12th, 2004 11:19 AM

a particle generator!!!!

hell, mainconcepts main actor5.1 has it...

for those who dont know, mainacotr are the ones who made the MPG codec for Vegas...

so.. i dont see why it couldnt be a possibility....

Edward Troxel March 12th, 2004 11:30 AM

<<<-- Originally posted by David Ho : What are masks? -->>>

Take a look at chapter 12 of the manual.

Chris Hendrick March 15th, 2004 09:04 AM

A new CG interface please.

Joe Carney March 15th, 2004 01:19 PM

Upgrade plug-in API to support DirectX 9, DirectX7 is way out of date. With DX9, it would be easier to write those particle and other 3d effects and take adavantage of your existing Hardware.

Also capture /edit support support for any DirectShow codec.
10bit color and higher support for all 2d and 3d effects.

Stay away from a proprietary plug-in API.

just my wishes.

Dylan Couper March 15th, 2004 09:08 PM

Oh, and a "Magic Film Look" button. :)

Adrian Douglas March 15th, 2004 09:19 PM

I'd like to see a more customizable interface or at least a way to emulate the look of Premiere. This would make it much easier for people coming from Premiere to get into Vegas. I've been using Premiere since 4.2 and can't get into the Vegas interface. I've got Vegas 4, which was given to me by a mate who bought a Mac, and I've played with it a bit but it feels kinda strange.

Edward Troxel March 15th, 2004 09:52 PM

Adrian, it really is very logical in it's approach. Think of it this way: Every track is identical! Naturally some only contain audio while some only contain video but they all behave exactly the same.

There ARE many differences in HOW they do things as well. For example, the "razor" tool is not needed - Vegas uses "S". The timeline is in a different position (top instead of bottom). The Beginner's Corner section of my newsletters attempt to present the basics to people new to Vegas.

Peter Jefferson March 16th, 2004 04:38 AM

forgot to mention...

you know how vegas track motion tool is pretty much the best there is.. well..

how about an anchorage stabiliser.. bit like pinnacle's???

now THIS would work.. hell i'm doing it now manually.. but it works a treat

Chris Hendrick March 16th, 2004 08:08 AM


I don't get it ... You can mod the Vegas interface quite a bit. They even put in the A/B roll interface of Premiere...

One of the best things I like about Vegas is that it has the Vegas interface... for SONY to waste their efforts on making Vegas more like Preimere is not a new feature that a lot of Vegas users want.

Premiere is Available for your system ... use it. It has the Premiere interface as well! :)



Jerry Norman March 17th, 2004 03:41 AM

I would like to see smarter rendering of stills. When you render 10 seconds of a still that doesn't move and has no FX, Vegas should recognize that and just copy the frame the required number of times rather than rendering each duplicate frame.


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