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Jeff Harper April 26th, 2009 10:27 AM

I agree that improved preview performance would be nice. If Vegas could match the preview performance of Edius I would be pretty darn happy.

Ron Evans April 26th, 2009 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Jeff Harper (Post 1133451)
I agree that improved preview performance would be nice. If Vegas could match the preview performance of Edius I would be pretty darn happy.

My work flow is Edius for Video, Vegas for audio and DVDA for authoring. This release has nothing in it for me but I usually skip a year for upgrades anyway since my main use is audio from the days of Vegas audio. Only difference is single track AVCHD which is Vegas.

Ron Evans

John Cline April 26th, 2009 05:40 PM

The cost of upgrades has always been quite reasonable, so I upgrade regardless. There is always some new feature, no matter how seemingly insignificant, that allows me to be more productive.

Ron Evans April 26th, 2009 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by John Cline (Post 1133601)
The cost of upgrades has always been quite reasonable, so I upgrade regardless. There is always some new feature, no matter how seemingly insignificant, that allows me to be more productive.

As I said, my main use of Vegas is as a multitrack audio editor and in this respect it hasn't changed for years. I upgraded to Vegas 8 to get AVCHD and DVDA and the next release will be one I will get so that I am not too far out of sequence.

Ron Evans

Paul Fierlinger April 27th, 2009 06:19 AM

I have bought the upgrade, because I also always find something new and worth the price and update automatically. My question now is, what is the proper way to upgrade so that I won't loose my preference settings -- or is that still not possible?

Edward Troxel April 27th, 2009 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Fierlinger (Post 1133809)
My question now is, what is the proper way to upgrade so that I won't loose my preference settings -- or is that still not possible?

Remember that 9 will be a totally separate installation from any other versions of Vegas you have installed. Therefore you'll need to set your preferences as you desire after installing the new version.

Paul Fierlinger April 27th, 2009 06:38 AM

That new, eh? :)
Will it help if I make screen prints of my current settings or will the new version have preferences laid out in so many different ways to not make the screen prints worth the trouble?

Mike Kujbida April 27th, 2009 07:27 AM

Paul, there's only a few places in Prefs where the settings are important and I make those changes a part of the initial set-up when I install a new version.
You definitely don't want your Temp or Pre-render directories to point to C:\ My Documents.

Paul Fierlinger April 27th, 2009 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by Mike Kujbida (Post 1133830)
You definitely don't want your Temp or Pre-render directories to point to C:\ My Documents.

I'm experienced enough to know that one, but some other settings are items that I discovered in these forums as settings that helped improve my playback performance etc. and since I just emulated something I have little understanding of but proved to be a true improvement, I wouldn't remember what I had ever done.

It won't hurt me to make those screen prints.

On the issue of the darker GUI, I must say I am looking forward to it. If someone has the impression that it is an issue hardly ever mentioned here, I'd like to say that it became hardly worth bringing up anymore since nothing was being done about it; it would be like beating a dead horse. I work with three large, wide angle monitors and I work at least 12 hrs a day, often more, and the glare coming from those monitors does ware me out. My other application is just the opposite; all blacks and I spend equal time on both. Getting back to the black one always comes as a huge relief, even a mood changer.

Mike Kujbida April 27th, 2009 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Fierlinger (Post 1133841)
...but some other settings are items that I discovered in these forums as settings that helped improve my playback performance etc....

Paul, now you have me curious.
What specific settings are you referring to?

Paul Fierlinger April 27th, 2009 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by Mike Kujbida (Post 1133851)
Paul, now you have me curious.
What specific settings are you referring to?

See? If I would remember I wouldn't be worried about loosing these. It's usually some combination of settings someone explains well and I just try out and leave it that way if it helps some. This applies probably more often to rendering selections which improve playback for my clients. Maybe it would help if I told you I'm 73. :)

Jeff Harper April 27th, 2009 08:37 AM

Actually Paul, all you have to do when using 9 is open an instance of Vegas 8 (remember these are separate programs) peek at your old settings and then change them in Vegas 9.

Paul Fierlinger April 27th, 2009 08:41 AM

Thanks, Jeff, and course, I forgot all about that one too!

Edward Troxel April 27th, 2009 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Fierlinger (Post 1133814)
That new, eh? :)
Will it help if I make screen prints of my current settings or will the new version have preferences laid out in so many different ways to not make the screen prints worth the trouble?

Screen prints could be helpful. While some screens have changed, I don't recall any settings changing screens. So just capture the preference tabs you've changed and you should be good to go.

I, personally, don't change over about a half dozen settings and they're easy to remember. So I just pop into File - Properties, set my defaults, and then Options - Preferences and change a few more entries and I'm done.

Mike Kujbida April 27th, 2009 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Fierlinger (Post 1133857)
It's usually some combination of settings someone explains well and I just try out and leave it that way if it helps some. This applies probably more often to rendering selections which improve playback for my clients.

If you're referring to custom render templates, I've got a pile of them myself and would be lost without some of them.
Here's where they're stored on your computer and how to move them around if you need to.

All of the custom rendering templates are in:
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Sony\File Templates
Where <username> is your windows account name.
Just copy them over to your new PC and they should be recognized.


Maybe it would help if I told you I'm 73. :)
I'll be 58 soon so I'm not that far behind you :-O

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