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-   -   Vegas Pro 9 available for pre-order (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/what-happens-vegas/217964-vegas-pro-9-available-pre-order.html)

Sean Seah May 11th, 2009 07:24 AM

oops.. the link was down n its ok now.

Bob Thieda May 11th, 2009 07:57 AM

So it's the 11th. Has anyone received their confirming email yet?

Ian Planchon May 11th, 2009 08:05 AM

not me......


just noticed they bumped the date to tomorrow...

Jeff Harper May 11th, 2009 08:06 AM

Delivery date has been changed to 5/12 according to website.

Paul Kellett May 11th, 2009 08:30 AM

It can't be, i've got it right now on my pc, the trial version.


Bob Thieda May 11th, 2009 09:26 AM

Just received:


Vegas Pro is Now Available!!

Thank you for your recent pre-order! Your Vegas Pro, Vegas Seminar Series, or Vegas Pro Production Assistant order is now ready to be processed. To complete your pre-order you will need to confirm your payment information at the link below:


Once you have entered your payment information, your order will be released and you'll be among the first to get your hands on Vegas Pro 9 software!

Danny Fye May 11th, 2009 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Jeff Harper (Post 1141179)
Delivery date has been changed to 5/12 according to website.

I think that applies only to those who order it today?

I just downloaded my copy.

Danny Fye
VidMus Video - Music Productions

Bryan Daugherty May 11th, 2009 10:00 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I got the same email and downloaded mine. I am beginning to install. I was surprised to see that it comes with DVD arch version 5.0b which I already had from my V8 upgrade but here goes...i'll be back after install.

I am back-installed and registered. It will take several weeks to give it a good test run but i am impressed with the options. If I already had NewBlue FX sampler, I would probably already have a lot of the new transitions and FX that came with that but for me this looks like a good investment at ~$185US.

Bryan Daugherty June 1st, 2009 10:58 AM

Updates on opinions?
Hello friends! I am sad to report that I had a mission critical job appear around install time. I duplicated my project folders and eagerly imported into 9.0 and the playback was atrocious. It seems to automatically override your playback setting to what it perceives as "optimal" and in my case, the result was unacceptable. I reverted back to my 8.0 project file and finished the project. I did take all the files back into 9.0 for [b]batch[b] rendering with excellent results. I was disappointed that the chapter markers did not embed but it was nice to start the rendering before heading off to bed and get an 8 hr (okay, really more like 6hrs) head start on the process. I am glad for my investment but very ready for an update.

A quick note on unattended batch rendering. Make sure you disable scheduled virus scans and disconnect your internet. On my first attempt, windows and adobe both downloaded updates in the background and as they tried to extract themselves it froze my render, locked the computer and I had to shut down...worst part? I was rendering with a 2 pass encode from HD source files and the crash happened on the second pass about (estimated) 30 minutes before finishing and the entire render had to be redone...

So what does everyone think of the upgrade thus far?

Edward Troxel June 1st, 2009 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Bryan Daugherty (Post 1151832)
It seems to automatically override your playback setting to what it perceives as "optimal" and in my case, the result was unacceptable.

That can be overridden back to the Vegas 8 method of operation so it won't automatically change.


Originally Posted by Bryan Daugherty (Post 1151832)
I did take all the files back into 9.0 for [b]batch[b] rendering with excellent results. I was disappointed that the chapter markers did not embed but it was nice to start the rendering before heading off to bed and get an 8 hr (okay, really more like 6hrs) head start on the process.

Are you using the built-in batch script? If yes, you can download my updated version from here:

Then look for this line:
args.IncludeMarkers = false;

Change the false to true and the markers will be included.

Jeff Harper June 1st, 2009 12:47 PM

Bryan, disable the automatic adjustment feature of preview (as Edward mentioned) by right-clicking anywhere in the preview window and unchecking "Adjust Size and Quality for Optimal Playback" and you can come back to Vegas 9 if you want to.

We had a thread (that has been closed) where people were discussing Vegas 9, and the reaction of most of the folks that weighed in seemed to be negative, mainly for playback issues.

In my case, AVCHD files playback far worse in Vegas 9 64 bit than 32 bit. And they definitely playback better on version 8.0c than version 9 32bit.

Others are finding it works fine for them. I suspect that the upgrade just isn't as compatible with some configurations as with others.

I have found myself using vegas 8 as the preview performance just isn't the same with 9 for me. Many of us are hoping that upon the first "fix" will remedy this problem.

Bryan Daugherty June 1st, 2009 08:49 PM

Thanks for the thoughts guys, I also found the playback issues even when it was not overriding my settings. It just streams smoother in 8.0...I hope the update correct this and hope to see it soon. I saw your other thread after starting this up again and it looks like it got pretty ugly in there. I hope I am not opening a can of worms posting this here. The thread I saw had been sanitized so hopefully people have cooled off and will keep it civil.

Edward, I will look into your script, thanks! I am generally wary of scripts from msg boards but you come with trust from your status on this board.

I have a DV project coming soon, so i am looking forward to flexing 9.0 again with SD files this time...

Jeff Harper June 1st, 2009 09:00 PM

Bryan there are actually many great scripts floating around for Vegas.

Bryan Daugherty June 3rd, 2009 09:53 PM

yeah I have heard of many and downloaded a few. But I am pretty close to paranoid when it comes to viruses so I am often wary of downloading anything from a stranger. Mostly because (like you) I built my own system so if I screw it up there is no tech support to call. I played around with V9 a little more last night but I am still having playback issues. It seems to either use more processor/ ram then V8 which hurts playback or the code just hasn't been tweaked enough to playback as good as V8. I am still running my core2quad and haven't taken the i7 plunge yet, to many other capital expenses this year. I like the New Blue pkg too but haven't found a good use for it yet. I have been looking pretty intently at the Production Assistant software too. Did you guys order it? What do you think of it, if you did?

Jeff Harper June 3rd, 2009 10:15 PM

I didn't order it, but that doesn't mean anything because I haven't studied it much nor have I heard any glowing reports. You might start a thread with the PA question.

I have Ultimate S, and I don't really need much more, though I am always open to new tools. The list of features for Production Assistant sounded so similar to Ultimate S it seemed to be reduntant to purchase.

If I had an unlimited budget I would have it just to check it out, but I don't so I won't.

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