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-   -   Vegas Pro 9 available for pre-order (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/what-happens-vegas/217964-vegas-pro-9-available-pre-order.html)

Mike Kujbida May 5th, 2009 05:44 PM

After bargaining comes depression (when you find out the new release fixed all the old flaws but has lots of new ones) and finally acceptance (hoping Sony will fix the flaws in the next update).


Renton Maclachlan May 6th, 2009 12:06 AM

I've upgraded with each new version since v6 and have sold on my previous version each time, recouping all my upgrade costs. I plan to do the same again.

Paul Kellett May 6th, 2009 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by Renton Maclachlan (Post 1138344)
I've upgraded with each new version since v6 and have sold on my previous version each time, recouping all my upgrade costs. I plan to do the same again.

Renton, how would i go about doing this ?
I currently have pro 8 and i'd like to upgrade to 9 but did'nt realise i could sell 8, if i did sell 8 then i presume it'd get registered to someone else.
So how does the upgrade to 9 process go, (i've never upgraded before) ?
I presume i go to the sony site, hit the upgrade (to pro 9 ) button and somewhere during the purchase i have to supply my pro 8 activation key.
I then get a pro 9 download and a new pro 9 key ? Or do i use my pro 8 key ?
My point is, if i sell pro 8 i presume the key goes with it what happens if my pc with pro 9 on it crashes in the future and i need to reinstall 9 ? What activation key do i use ?


Prech Marton May 6th, 2009 01:59 AM

Hmm, my only wish for Vegas 9 is that the preview to DV firewire has to work with crossfade and 1 title track in full quality, without dropping frames!
I dont know why Vegas cant do this even on my core2duo system,
when Edius for example from version 2 or 3 can do on my older and far slower
Athlon XP system... :(
Don't misunderstand me, i like and use Vegas, but it would be good this function!

Anybody have a system that can make a simple DV to DV dissolve to firewire in full quality at 50/60i speed? If yes, please write your system specs here.


Mike Kujbida May 6th, 2009 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Kellett (Post 1138358)
Renton, how would i go about doing this ?

I'm not Renton but here's my understanding on how this works.
You're on record with Sony as having purchased Vegas 8 Pro.
When you go to buy the upgrade, you use this serial number (it's part of the purchasing process) to get the discount price on the upgrade.
You get a new serial number when you purchase version 9 so you're covered in case of crashes, reinstalls, etc.
When you sell your old version, the purchaser registers it and gets a new serial number from Sony.
If the version you sell was used for an upgrade from a previous version, the purchaser can't use it to get the discounted price to upgrade to the latest version.
Hope this helps.

Paul Kellett May 6th, 2009 03:04 AM

Cheers Mike, that all makes sense.
I get a new number when i buy the upgrade, that was my main concern.


Edward Troxel May 6th, 2009 06:26 AM

Paul, to extend on what Mike said...

YOU must contact customer service. You then tell them what you're doing (i.e. selling Vegas Pro 8 to another party), they'll need your serial number, you confirm who you are, you tell them who the recipient is, and they will send THEM a new serial number. NOTE that the NEW serial number CANNOT be used for any upgrades so the person you sell it to cannot upgrade.

Paul Kellett May 6th, 2009 06:39 AM

I was thinking that it would be something along those lines, thanks Edward.


Mike Kujbida May 6th, 2009 06:53 AM

Edward, thanks for the clairification on this issue.

Renton Maclachlan May 6th, 2009 01:56 PM

Selling on seems to have been covered well enough so I won't repeat.

There are people who are quite willing to buy without the possibility of upgrade, because they are content to have a great program at cheap cost, even though it is not the latest greatest...

Bryan Daugherty May 7th, 2009 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Ian Stark (Post 1138155)
...With v8 things were different - there was the new ProType Titler, for example, which had me giggling with anticipation. And then I saw it . . . ! And then I tried to USE it! This time I'm being cautious.

Ian, I hear you on the pro type titler. I never figured it out and in reality, I was getting professional titling results out of the built-in generators. Most of the "effects" the pro type enabled where hokey in my opinion anyways so I never saw that as a loss. I upgraded to V8 for the blu-ray support and upgraded coding, similar reasons for going to v9. i don't have new blue FX either so that is a nice bonus (i think) and I am hoping to migrate to XDCAM EX within a yr or so and I am always of the opinion that it is better to be ahead of the curve on your editors and system and behind the curve on the cameras. You can learn a new camera on the fly but learning the limitations of your editing software (IMHO) during a mission critical job is bad mojo.

I appreciate your skepticism (and Jeff's) and value your opinion and experience. It helps me keep my optimism in check. But I will be honest, I feel like a kid 3 days before xmas, I am ready for today to be the 11th...

Danny Fye May 7th, 2009 11:47 PM

After reading the information on the Video Guys site and thinking about it for a while I just ordered the updrade.

With my new Sony HDR-XR500V camera, it looks like Vegas 9 will (should) be quite helpful for my needs.

I tried NEO Scene and do not like it at all! Files are way too big and quality is not the same as the originals, not even close and the playback is not that much better.

So I am hoping Vegas 9 will improve the playback of my files.

I love the new camera! Great video even with the lowest quality and bit rate setting. Low light is excellent as well.

The review at the severely biased CCI should be 100% ignored.

Danny Fye
VidMus Video - Music Productions

Bryan Daugherty May 10th, 2009 01:30 PM

So I have a quick question for everyone who preordered. I logged in to my profile at Sony Creative Software, and my pre-order doesn't show up. I also checked my bill, and the charge hasn't posted. I trolled back through my email inbox and don't see an order confirmation email either. Is this because it is a pre-order or should I contact customer support? I am chomping at the bit for tomorrow's install.

For those who already purchased, does your pre-order show in your profile at SCS? Did you receive a confirmation email when you placed your order?


Willard Hill May 10th, 2009 01:59 PM

No. I ordered today and got the message I would not receive the confirming e-mail until it was available for download. It also does not appear in my software listing. It did give one a receipt to print out as proof of purchase.

Bryan Daugherty May 10th, 2009 02:13 PM

Thanks! With the clock counting down to the expected deadline, I guess I was just getting a little paranoid... :) Thanks for easing my mind.

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