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Clark Peters January 21st, 2009 06:05 PM

Sharpening/Unsharp Mask settings
I posted a question here yesterday, but I think my question was misunderstood and the post was moved to the EX1 forum. My question is about getting the most from my camera in Vegas.

I usually use a combination of Detail On settings with my EX1, but have had a few, rare, occasions when those settings have resulted in unacceptable haloing. For those times I have turned Detail off, but I would still like to give the images a touch of sharpening that removes the "haze" present in the Detail Off images.

I am accustomed to Unsharp Mask in Photoshop, but the setting parameters are different in Vegas 8. I have been unable to find sharpening settings that look as good as the in-camera sharpening.

Which FX do you use? What settings? Should I be using something other than Vegas?



Richard Jones January 22nd, 2009 05:12 AM

Sharpening/Unsharp Mask settings
As I suggested in my reply to your original post, I have found that the Sharpen filter only allows a fairly marginal adjustment before you run into pixilation problems. The Unsharp Mask is rather better but far from a complete all-purpose solution. Ben Johnson wrote a useful article in March 2007 which can be interpreted for application in Vegas: it can be accessed at:-

Behind the Unsharp Mask: The Secret World of Sharpening - Photo Tips @ Earthbound Light

Despite this help I've still found it incredibly difficult to correct out of focus or blurred images and it seems that the only real solution is to get it right at the taking stage. But any practical advice about how to deal with this type of problem would be welcome.



Ian Stark January 22nd, 2009 11:20 AM

I know I mention these products often (I'm a user but not an employee!) but you may also be interested in http://www.newbluefx.com/video-essentials.html - in particular the Detail Enhancer and Sharpen filters.

Clark Peters January 22nd, 2009 09:24 PM

Ian-Thanks for the heads up on New Blue. I downloaded a trial. So far I am very impressed.

I haven't had much success with the Detail Enhancer. There are many combinations of settings to try.

The Sharpen FX, however, seems pretty amazing. It accentuates small details without adding halos. Zero. Zip. Nada. It pulled out wood grain details that I couldn't see in either the Detail Off or Detail On settings.

I'll have to keep working with it. Thanks.


Ian Stark January 23rd, 2009 01:57 AM

Glad to help. I have had some great looking results when using extreme settings with both filters together. Not what you'd want in everyday video, perhaps, but useful for stylised title sequences.

I was delighted to learn why the Unsharp mask is so named (you'll have to read through the links to find out!).

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